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引用本文:李长宏,付壮,秦建法. 铁路特种箱空箱调度模型及求解算法[J]. 铁道货运, 2011, 29(3): 35-38,5
作者姓名:李长宏  付壮  秦建法
作者单位:1. 大连海事大学,交通运输管理学院,辽宁,大连,116026
2. 宝山钢铁股份有限公司,运输部,上海,200070
摘    要:从4个方面分析铁路特种集装箱空箱调度进行优化设计的必要性,在特种箱资源供不应求的情况下,考虑运输能力、定点维修和时间限制等约束条件,构建特种箱空箱调度模型,运用遗传算法求解模型,并通过算例验证该模型的可行性,为实现物流网络内总体效益的最大化、减少排空费用的支出提供参考。

关 键 词:铁路  特种集装箱  空箱调度  遗传算法

Dispatching Model and Solution Algorithm of Empty Railway Special Containers
LI Chang-hong,FU Zhuang,QIN Jian-fa. Dispatching Model and Solution Algorithm of Empty Railway Special Containers[J]. Railway Freight Transport, 2011, 29(3): 35-38,5
Authors:LI Chang-hong  FU Zhuang  QIN Jian-fa
Affiliation:LI Chang-hong1,FU Zhuang2,QIN Jian-fa1(1.School of Traffic and Transportation,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,Liaoning,China,2.Trans-port Department,Baoshan lron & Steel Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 200070,China)
Abstract:This paper analyzes the necessity of implementing optimization design for empty special con-tainers from 4 aspects,under the condition of special container resource supply falls short of demand,considers the restriction condition of transport capacity,appointed maintenance and time limit,establishesdispatching model of empty special containers,applies the genetic algorithm solution model and validatesthe model feasibility through examples,all of which could realizes maximum general benefit of logistic net-w...
Keywords:Railway  Special Container  Empty Container Dispatching  Genetic Algorithm  
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