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摘    要:2012年8月22日下午,随着黑白格子旗的挥舞,零公里润滑油队最终获得了陕汽杯2012全国超级卡车越野大赛中国金都招远站的冠军.为了达到较好的比赛效果,增加技术难度,卡车大赛招远站出现了卡赛史上首条"立交桥"赛道.精彩的比赛吸引了众多观众到此,"加油"声、喝彩声不绝于耳,热闹非凡.全国卡车大赛这项由国家体育总局批准、中国汽车运动联合会主办的国家级赛事已经经历了10年的风风雨雨,向世人展示了卡车越野独特的魅力和风采.

关 键 词:卡车  比赛  润滑油  越野赛  赛车  国家体育总局  观众  汽车运动  立交桥  精彩

Shanqi Cup 2012 Super Truck Racing Kick Off in Shandong
Abstract:Shanqi cup 2012 super Truck racing was kicked off at Zhaoyuan, shandong province on Aug. 22, 2012. To make the event competitive attraction and increase the degree of competition, the organizing committee built a "cross-roads" on the racing track which was the first kind of it in the history of truck racing. The competition was so splendid and exciting, that attracted so many audiences who were shouting at top of their lungs, for cheering and applauses.
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