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引用本文:王培祥. 沃尔沃新FH卡车详解[J]. 商用汽车, 2012, 0(19): 82-87
摘    要:作为新FH卡车发布系列活动之一,记者此次参观的沃尔沃卡车展示中心(Demo Center)并非很多朋友之前参观的老展示中心,由于发布了新FH卡车,沃尔沃卡车的展示中心也因此大变样.展示中心均以新FH系列卡车为主题,从外观、内饰、性能等方面对新FH进行详细解读,即便是从来没有接触过新FH的参观者,经此一行,也能对新FH了然于心.

关 键 词:沃尔沃  驾驶员  卡车  车辆  驾驶室  变速器  燃油消耗  发动机  显示屏  转向盘

A Brief Introduction of Volvo New FH Series
Abstract:As one part of series launch activities of Volvo new FH series, reporter of magazine conducted a media tour of Volvo Truck Demo Center. This Demo Center has been renovated for purpose of new series launch campaign. From exterior design and interior decoration, plus various function facilities, it clearly and distinctively illustrates the themes of new FH series, which make every new comer,even knowing little about the new FH,will have full under standing and confidence in new FH series.
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