三轴压缩条件下气泡轻质土应力-应变特性及破坏机制研究 |
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引用本文: | 赵运会,刘华强,樊晓一,张玲玲,杨琪. 三轴压缩条件下气泡轻质土应力-应变特性及破坏机制研究[J]. 路基工程, 2016, 0(4): 74. DOI: 10.13379/j.issn.1003-8825.2016.04.16 |
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作者姓名: | 赵运会 刘华强 樊晓一 张玲玲 杨琪 |
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作者单位: | 西南科技大学土木工程与建筑学院, 四川绵阳 621010 |
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基金项目: | 四川省交通运输科技项目(2015B1-6) |
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摘 要: | 为了研究粉砂土(雅安过湿土)含量对气泡轻质土抗剪强度的影响,通过大量的不固结不排水常规三轴试验,对气泡轻质土的力学特性及破坏机制进行了研究。结果表明:在气泡轻质土容重一定的前提下,随着粉砂土含量的增高,气泡轻质土的黏聚力c值逐渐减小,内摩擦角φ呈现先减小后增大的趋势。气泡轻质土的变形破坏特征与其粉砂土含量及试验围压等因素密切相关,具有不同的变形破坏效应,变形方式决定了试件的破坏形态。
关 键 词: | 气泡轻质土 三轴压缩试验 粉砂土含量 抗剪强度 应力-应变 |
收稿时间: | 2019-11-08 |
Study on Stress-strain Characteristics and Failure Mechanism of Foamed Cement Banking under Triaxial Compression |
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Abstract: | In order to study the influence of silty soil (overdamp soil in Ya’an area) content on the shear strength of foamed cement banking, the paper studied the mechanical properties and failure mechanism thereof through a large amount of unconsolidated-undrained triaxial tests. The results show that, in the premise of certain unit weight of foamed cement banking, the cohesion (c value) thereof decreases gradually with the increase of the silty soil content, and the internal friction angle φ presents a trend of decrease first and then increase. The deformation failure charateristics of foamed cement banking closely relates to the silty soil content and the confining pressure in the test, demonstrating different failure effects; and the deformation mode determines the failure mode of specimen. |
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