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Automatic guidance control of an articulated all-wheel-steered vehicle
This paper presents automatic guidance control of a single-articulated all-wheel-steered vehicle being developed by the Korea Railroad Research Institute. The vehicle has an independent drive motor on each wheel except for the front axle. The guidance controller is designed so that the vehicle follows the given reference path within permissible lateral deviations. We use a three-input/three-output linearised model derived from the nonlinear dynamic model of the vehicle. For the purpose of simplifying the controller and making it tunable, we consider a decentralised control configuration. We first design a second-order decoupling compensator for the two-input/two-output system that is strongly coupled and then design a first-order controller for each decoupled feedback loop by using the characteristic ratio assignment method. The simulation results for the nonlinear dynamic model indicate that the proposed control configuration successfully achieves the design objectives.
Keywords:automatic guidance control  articulated/ all-wheel-steered vehicle  characteristic ratio assignment  relative gain array
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