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The dynamic response of rail support
Abstract:This research reviews principles behind the dynamic response of rail supports, and introduces a method of analysis to find the maximum response in a realistic setting. Assuming a time-dependent, moving mass with massive wheels is essential, because the ratio of the moving mass to the rail mass is significant. However, the dynamic response of the track is not affected by dynamic properties of the train other than its unsprung mass, because the natural frequencies of the train suspension and track are significantly different. A numerical method is developed to model the dynamic response based on these principles, and applied to the Korean urban transit. The dynamic response includes multiple peaks with a large amplitude range, creating noise while the wheel passes the support. The dynamic impact factor (DIF) for the rail support depends mainly on the stiffness and damping of the rail support. The DIF for the rail moment is below the code value, whether this value is based on numerical analysis or on-site measurements. However, our numerical analysis results in a DIF for support settlement that is greater than the code value, if the damping is less than 3%.
Keywords:rail support stiffness  railroad dynamic  rail vibration  track dynamic impact force  time-dependent mass  step-by-step direct integration
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