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引用本文:付品森. 船舶推进轴系的一般布置和校中计算[J]. 船舶, 2014, 0(5): 66-73
作者单位:博格普迅推进器国际贸易 上海 有限公司 上海200050
摘    要:船舶推进轴系校中质量的好坏直接关系到船舶的航行安全,而影响轴系校中质量的因素很多,如船轴的加工精度、轴系的安装弯曲、船体变形、操作人员素质等。文中介绍了船舶推进轴系一般布置和校中计算的一些原理和方法,重点介绍合理负荷法的原理、计算步骤和计算方法等,并以某海洋工程船为例,详述了顶举试验的方法、程序和步骤与分析。

关 键 词:推进轴系  平轴法  合理负荷法  顶举试验

General arrangement and alignment calculation for ship propulsion shaft
FU Pin-sen. General arrangement and alignment calculation for ship propulsion shaft[J]. Ship & Boat, 2014, 0(5): 66-73
Authors:FU Pin-sen
Affiliation:FU Pin-sen (BergPropulsion International Trading(Shanghai) Ltd., Co., Shanghai 200050, China)
Abstract:Sailing safety of a ship is directly concerned with the quality of the alignment of propulsion shafting, which is influenced by many factors, such as process precision of ship shaft, installation bending of shafting, hull distortion, quality of operation personnel and so on. This paper introduces the principles and methods for the calculation of general arrangement and alignment of propulsion shafting, and especially presents principle, calculation procedure and algorithm of rational load method. Taking an ocean engineering vessel as an example, it describes method, program, procedure and analysis of jack-up test in detail.
Keywords:propulsion shafting  direct connection  rational load  jack-up test
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