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引用本文:覃频频,牙韩高,黄大明. 基于Logit模型的城市道路交通事件检测仿真[J]. 公路交通科技, 2006, 23(12): 137-141
作者姓名:覃频频  牙韩高  黄大明
作者单位:1. 西南交通大学,交通运输学院,四川,成都,610031;广西大学,广西,南宁,530005
2. 西南交通大学,经济与管理学院,四川,成都,610031;广西大学,广西,南宁,530005
3. 广西大学,广西,南宁,530005
摘    要:以Logit模型为基础,利用效用函数与概率的概念,建立分时段的城市道路交通事件检测算法。由PARAMICS软件产生模拟交通流数据,将数据输入LIMDEP软件并标定效用函数的系数,同时还输出最大概率预测表。仿真试验结果表明:(1)基于Logit模型的检测算法不仅能够用于城市道路的事件检测,还可判断事件发生所在的车道。(2)在路段长度、车道数、流量相等的模拟条件下,交叉口信号超过仿真所设定的1 min时段长度时,检测效果降低。若将模型时段长度由1 min提高至超过最大信号周期,即可解决检测效果降低的问题。

关 键 词:Logit模型  事件检测  城市道路  仿真

Simulation of Logit-based Traffic Incident Detection for Urban Road
QIN Pin-pin,YA Han-gao,HUANG Da-ming. Simulation of Logit-based Traffic Incident Detection for Urban Road[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2006, 23(12): 137-141
Authors:QIN Pin-pin  YA Han-gao  HUANG Da-ming
Abstract:Based on logit model and concepts of utility and probability,a traffic incident detection algorithm was established for urban road with time slot.The PARAMICS simulated traffic stream parameter,LIMDEP demarcated utility function and output maximum(probability) forecast results.The simulation showed that incident detection algorithm based logit model can not only be used for incident(detection) but also identify at which lane the incident happened.Under the same simulation environment in terms of road section length,lane number and traffic flow,if the time slot of the signal phase exceeded one minute at the intersection,the effectiveness of the(detection) would be lowered,and the effectiveness can be improved,if the time slot exceeding over the maximum signal cycle.
Keywords:logit model  incident detection  urban road  simulation
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