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Dynamic analysis of a pantograph-catenary system using absolute nodal coordinates
Authors:Jong-Hwi Seo   Seok-Won Kim  Il-Ho Jung  Tae-Won Park  Jin-Yong Mok  Young-Guk Kim  Jang-Bom Chai
Affiliation: a Division of Mechanical Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Gyeoungg-do, Koreab Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI), Gyeonggi-do, Korea
The dynamic interaction between the catenary and the pantographs of high-speed trains is a very important factor that affects the stable electric power supply. In order to design a reliable current collection system, a multibody simulation model can provide an efficient and economical method to analyze the dynamic behavior of the catenary and pantograph. In this article, a dynamic analysis method for a pantograph-catenary system for a high-speed train is presented, employing absolute nodal coordinates and rigid body reference coordinates. The highly flexible catenary is modeled using a nonlinear continuous beam element, which is based on an absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The pantograph is modeled as a rigid multibody system. The analysis results are compared with experimental data obtained from a running high-speed train. In addition, using a derived system equation of motion, the calculation method for the dynamic stress in the catenary conductor is presented. This study may have significance in providing an example that a structural and multibody dynamics model can be unified into one numerical system.
Keywords:Flexible multibody dynamics  Absolute nodal coordinates  Sliding joint  Dynamic stress  High-speed train  Catenary  Pantograph  Overhead line
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