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引用本文:李岳林,刘志强,黄竹青,袁翔. 符号时间序列方法在汽油机燃烧循环变动特征分析中的应用[J]. 中国公路学报, 2004, 17(3): 122-126
作者姓名:李岳林  刘志强  黄竹青  袁翔
摘    要:
应用一种新的分析方法———符号时间序列方法对汽油机燃烧循环变动进行了研究。测量得到了某汽油机16种不同工况下的示功图,从提高精度与有利于数据的符号化观点出发,确定以缸内峰值压力作为汽油机燃烧循环变动的表征参数,把符号时间序列分析的具体技术和实施途径应用于试验数据,获得了汽油机燃烧循环变动随转速与负荷的变化规律,提出了利用改进的SHAN NON熵作为汽油机燃烧循环变动的评价指标的新观点。研究结果表明:该方法能较好地应用于汽油机燃烧循环变动特征分析。

关 键 词:汽车工程  燃烧循环变动  符号时间序列分析  汽油机  直方图  SHANNON熵

Applications on method of symbolic time series to characteristics analysis of cyclic combustion variations in gasoline engine
LI Yue-lin,LIU Zhi-qiang,HUANG Zhu-qing,YUAN Xiang. Applications on method of symbolic time series to characteristics analysis of cyclic combustion variations in gasoline engine[J]. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2004, 17(3): 122-126
Authors:LI Yue-lin  LIU Zhi-qiang  HUANG Zhu-qing  YUAN Xiang
In this paper, the cyclic combustion variations(CCV) in a gasoline engine are investigated by a new method-symbolic time series analysis(STSA). The pressure indicator diagrams under different operating conditions are tested. In order to symbolizing the data and improving the precise, in-cylinder peak pressure is chosen to be the characteristic parameter of CCV. Then,the specific technologies and approaches of STSA are applied to the test data,and the trends of characteristics of CCV with the change of rotary speed and load in a gasoline engine are obtained. As an attempt,the modified SHANNON entropy is proposed to assess the CCV in a gasoline engine for the first time. The results show that this method can be applied in STSA.
Keywords:automobile engineering  cyclic combustion variation  symbolic time series analysis  gasoline engine  symbol sequence histogram  SHANNON entropy
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