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引用本文:邵吉林. 罕台川特大桥优化设计[J]. 桥梁建设, 2011, 0(3)
摘    要:
罕台川特大桥跨越罕台川,同时上跨包神和包西2条电气化铁路。为了解决该桥原设计(三跨连续梁)存在的分段悬浇施工周期长、对铁路的运营干扰大,大直径长桩成孔困难、工期长且桩质量不易得到保证,实体墩自重大、不利于抗震、承载力要求高等问题,对原设计做了如下优化:将中跨跨中35 m梁段改为钢-混结合梁,采用工厂化制作、现场吊装法施工;将实心墩改为矩形空心墩(主桥)及双方柱框架墩(引桥)。对优化后的桥梁结构进行地震作用下墩底内力计算及地震作用动力弹塑性验算,结果表明,按照承载能力极限状态基本组合计算的桥墩承载力和稳定性均满足要求,桥梁结构满足抗震规范要求。

关 键 词:预应力混凝土桥  连续梁  优化设计  结合梁  抗震分析  

Optimal Design of Hantaichuan River Bridge
SHAO Ji-lin. Optimal Design of Hantaichuan River Bridge[J]. Bridge Construction, 2011, 0(3)
Authors:SHAO Ji-lin
Affiliation:SHAO Ji-lin(Zhejiang Transport Survey and Design Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310014,China)
The Hantaichuan River Bridge spans the Hantaichuan River and also two electrified railways from Baotou to Shenmu and from Baotou to Xi'an.To resolve the problems in the original design(a 3-span continuous girder) of the bridge,such as the long construction cycle of cantilever segmental concreting of the girder and the considerable interference of the construction with operation of the railways;the difficult boring of large diameter and long piles for the foundations,the long construction time schedule and t...
Keywords:prestressed concrete bridge  continuous girder  optimal design  composite girder  seismic analysis  
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