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引用本文:任英伟,陆键,吴守荣,项乔君. 高速公路可变收费货车出行者出行时间选择模型研究[J]. 公路交通科技, 2008, 25(10)
作者姓名:任英伟  陆键  吴守荣  项乔君
作者单位:1. 山东科技大学,土木建筑学院,山东,青岛,266510
2. 东南大学,交通学院,江苏,南京,210096
摘    要:以效用理论为基础,通过意向调查研究了高速公路货车出行者出行选择模型。针对许多高速公路在高峰时段交通量较大,而其他时段交通量较小的现状,在不同时段采用不同的收费标准,分析可变收费实施后不同属性货车出行者出行选择行为,确定影响出行者出行时间选择的模型变量,得到货车出行者在各水平收费标准时的出行时间选择模型。以京沪高速为实例,设计调查问卷,进行意向调查,通过对调查结果进行分析,选择货车所载货物类型、车货重量作为属性变量,建立了该高速公路货车出行者在两种不同方案下的出行时间选择模型并进行了标定。利用模型标定结果可对可变收费方案进行评价,从而优化可变收费方案,提高高速公路的运行效率。

关 键 词:交通工程  出行时间选择模型  可变收费  意向调查  Logit模型

Study on Truck Traveler Time Choice Model of Variable Pricing on Freeways
REN Ying-wei,LU Jian,WU Shou-rong,XIANG Qiao-jun. Study on Truck Traveler Time Choice Model of Variable Pricing on Freeways[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2008, 25(10)
Authors:REN Ying-wei  LU Jian  WU Shou-rong  XIANG Qiao-jun
Abstract:Based on utility theory,truck traveler's choice models were studied through stated preference survey.Freeway traffic demand is very high during rush hours and it is very low during non rush hours,so variable pricing schemes at different periods were designed.Based on the current situation and the market characteristics of highway cargo transportation,the choice characteristics of truck travelers were analyzed and variables of attribute were defined.Discrete model for different variable pricing schemes was made.A survey on Beijing-Shanghai freeway was conducted as an example.Taking sort of freight,weight of vehicle and vehicle as variables of defined attributes,variable pricing models with Logit model formats were developed and calibrated at two different variable pricing schemes.According to the calibration result of model,variable pricing schemes can be optimal designed and evaluated to improve freeway's transport efficiency.
Keywords:traffic engineering  travel time choice model  variable pricing  stated preference survey  Logit model
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