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引用本文:陈洪凯,王蓉,唐红梅,王凯,袁建议. 沟埋式砼箱涵裂缝成因研究[J]. 重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 21(2): 87-89,93
作者姓名:陈洪凯  王蓉  唐红梅  王凯  袁建议
摘    要:通过对重庆沙滨路砼箱涵试验段工程地质环境、裂缝分布及发展情况的分析 ,基于现场连续监测、结构计算及有限元数值计算 ,对砼箱涵内部出现的横向裂缝和纵向裂缝进行机理分析 .研究认为 ,箱涵顶部填土荷载、地基纵向及横向不均匀沉降以及箱涵两侧回填土压实度不足是形成裂缝的主要动力原因 .

关 键 词:工程地质环境  裂缝  成因  机理

Research on mechanism for fissures to cause in concrete tunnel box
Abstract:Based on the analysis of the geological environment for an experimental concrete tunnel box under Shabin road and the circumstance of the distribution and development of cracks in the box,this paper divides these fissures into 3 types,i.e.fissure caused by the settlement of the base,fissure caused by overloads and fissure caused by material.Furthermore,the authors approach the mechanism for fissures to cause in the project.
Keywords:geological environment  fissures  formation  mechanism
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