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摘    要:结合我国现行铁路标准、运营和在建电气化铁路的现状,对200km/h及以下客货共线电气化铁路区间路基常用接触网支柱进行分析归纳,提出电气化铁路区间直线地段标准路基面宽度建议值;对区间路基电缆槽设置的4种方案,进行系统优缺点对比分析;给出路肩设置电缆槽时路基面宽度及加宽值的计算公式,指出了最佳设置方案,并计算出最佳组合设置方案的路基面宽度值,给出I级重型200 km/h及160 km/h铁路路基面设计图式,以期为相关规范标准的修编提供参考。

关 键 词:铁路路基  电缆槽  设置方法

Analysis of cable ditch setting method of running subgrade of railway
Affiliation:,China Railway First Survey & Design Institute Group LTD
Abstract:With reference to China's current railway standards,the current situation of operational and under-construction electrified railway,the recommended value of standard width of subgrade surface on tangent electrified railway line is proposed with analysis and induction of the common catenary mast for the electrified line section where passenger train and freight train travel on the same line at the speed less than 200 km /h. The system advantages and disadvantages of the four settings of cable channel in subgrade are contrasted and analyzed,the formula to calculate the width of subgrade and the value of widening is provided with the optimized setting method,where cable channel is located on the shoulder,and the width of the subgrade surface of the best combination setting is calculated. Meanwhile,the design drawing of the subgrade surface of Class I heavy haul railway is presented to serve as a reference for revision of relevant standards.
Keywords:Subgrade of railway  Cable channel  Setting method
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