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引用本文:胡明勇,杨少红,王安稳,程海军. 考虑剪切变形的自由阻尼悬臂梁瞬态响应近似解析解[J]. 船舶力学, 2012, 16(7): 812-819
作者姓名:胡明勇  杨少红  王安稳  程海军
摘    要:考虑了阻尼层的剪切变形,利用Hamilton原理推导出了自由阻尼悬臂梁的控制方程,计算了自由振动的频率;然后根据模态叠加的方法构造悬臂梁的挠度函数,再利用虚功原理推导出集中力突然撤去的情况下的自由阻尼悬臂梁瞬态响应近似解析解,并和不考虑阻尼层剪切变形的计算结果进行了比较。分析发现,计算自由阻尼悬臂梁的瞬态响应时要考虑阻尼层的剪切变形。

关 键 词:自由阻尼  瞬态响应  Hamilton原理  剪切变形

Approximate analytical solutions for transient response of unconstrained damped cantilever beam considering shear deformation
HU Ming-yong , YANG Shao-hong , WANG An-wen , CHENG Hai-jun. Approximate analytical solutions for transient response of unconstrained damped cantilever beam considering shear deformation[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2012, 16(7): 812-819
Authors:HU Ming-yong    YANG Shao-hong    WANG An-wen    CHENG Hai-jun
Affiliation:b (a.Dept.of Basic Courses;b.Administration Office,Naval Univ.of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China)
Abstract:Shear deformation is considered.Based on Hamilton’s principle,the vibration equations for unconstrained damped cantilever beam is derived,and the frequencies of vibration is obtained.And then deflection of cantilever beam is established.Approximate analytical solutions for transient response of unconstrained damped cantilever beam is obtained used the method of mode superposition when concentrated force is withdrew suddenly,that is compared with the result of calculation without regard to shear deformation.The analysis shows that the shear deformation of damping layer should be considered when transient response of unconstrained damped cantilever beam is calculated.
Keywords:unconstrained damped  transient response  Hamilton’s principle  shear deformation
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