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引用本文:甘元佳,易思蓉. 现代有轨电车合理站间距研究[J]. 铁道标准设计通讯, 2018, 0(2): 81-88
作者姓名:甘元佳  易思蓉
摘    要:现代有轨电车在组团式城市有着良好的区域适用性。通过分析现代有轨电车车站分布对吸引客流、乘客出行时间、工程造价和项目运营的影响,为站点布设提供理论基础。以运营效率最优兼顾乘客节约出行时间效益为目标,从车站工程费用、运营费用(车辆购置费)、运营收入(车费收入)和乘客节约出行时间效益4个部分建立有轨电车站间距优化模型;并用Matlab编程求解,结合成都市IT大道现代有轨电车工程的相关资料,对模型进行实证分析。结果表明:现代有轨电车能实现70 km/h速度的最小站间距为0.631 km,一般现代有轨电车的合理站间距为0.5~0.9 km;该优化模型计算结果与工程实际吻合度较高,可以为现代有轨电车车站分布提供借鉴和参考。

关 键 词:现代有轨电车  车站  站间距  车站分布优化  牵引计算

Research on Rational Distance between Modern Tram Stations
Affiliation:,School of Civil Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong,University,MOE Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University
Abstract:Modern tram has good regional applicability in cluster cities. To provide theoretical basis for station distribution,this paper analyzes the effects of modern tram station distribution on attracting passenger flow,passenger travel time,engineering cost and project operation. With a view to optimizing operation efficiency and saving passengers travel time,a station distance optimization model is established with respect to station engineering cost,operation cost( purchase cost of modern tram),operation revenue( fare revenue) and cutting travel time. Empirical analysis of model is conducted with Matlab programming and related data of Chengdu IT avenue modern tram engineering. The results show that the minimum distance between modern tram stations is 0. 631 km for speed up to 70 km/h,and the rational distance for normal modern tram is usually 0. 5 ~ 0. 9 km; and the results of station distribution optimization model are consistent with engineering practices and may provide references for distribution of modern tram stations.
Keywords:Modern tram  Station  Distance between stations  Station distribution optimization  Traction calculation
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