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引用本文:蒙晓莲,陈勇书,施仲衡. 软弱混合岩粉砂质粘性土层中暗挖隧道施工技术[J]. 铁道科学与工程学报, 2006, 3(4): 68-73
作者姓名:蒙晓莲  陈勇书  施仲衡
作者单位:1. 北京交通大学,土木建筑工程学院,北京100044
2. 中铁十三局,吉林长春130031
摘    要:在软弱混合岩粉砂质粘性土层中暗挖施工地铁隧道,由于该土层的工程性质较差,呈软塑状,含水丰富,含砂率高,粘性很差,孔隙比达到0.9,自稳能力差,暴露后马上坍塌,自稳时间短,承载能力差,遇水后几分钟便软化崩解,触变性强,施工扰动易液化,导致隧道施工困难。在此,结合工程实践,开发了在此种土层中施工的经济合理方法,且能满足工期要求。施工前,进行地面加固、超前降水等措施;施工中,进行超前支护,提高每循环作业的施工速度和效率,每循环完毕,及时封闭掌子面。为类似地层的隧道施工提供参考。

关 键 词:旋喷桩  搅拌桩  袖阀管高压注浆  复合地基  隧道

Construction techniques of tunnels in soft silt sandy clay
MENG Xiao-lian,CHEN Yong-shu,SHI Zhong-heng. Construction techniques of tunnels in soft silt sandy clay[J]. Journal of Railway Science and Engineering, 2006, 3(4): 68-73
Authors:MENG Xiao-lian  CHEN Yong-shu  SHI Zhong-heng
Abstract:It is the first time to build tunnel of the Guangzhou subway in the stratum of soft silt sandy clay.The stratum is in state of soft plastic with high water content,high sand content,high void ratio(as high as 0.9),low self-stability and lower bearing capacity.It is easy to disintegrate in minutes when exposed to water.Therefore,it is very difficult to construct the tunnel in this stratum.To deal with this problem,a series of technical measures have been developed.In this paper,the main tunneling techniques in this stratum are presented.
Keywords:chemical churning pile  mixed-in-place pile  high pressure grouting  composed foundation  tunnel
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