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引用本文:肖云川. 海南岛西南海域泥沙特征及地形演变[J]. 水运工程, 2018, 0(5): 49-53
摘    要:基于水文泥沙测验及遥感影像资料分析海南岛西南海域泥沙特征,采用不同沿岸输沙公式对比计算海域的波浪沿岸输沙量,采用多年实测地形数据研究岸滩的演变规律。结果表明:海域内含沙量大潮大于小潮,但总体上悬沙含量较低;研究海域内径流对输沙影响较为有限,但受沿岸波流输沙的影响相对较大;而海区的悬移质颗粒比较均匀,颗粒较细;沿岸段波浪沿岸输沙能力净输沙方向均为自南向北,年净输沙能力在6.72万~13.31万m~3;岸滩演变的主要动力是波浪、波生沿岸流和潮流共同作用导致东方市所辖岸线的变化总体以自然冲淤变化为主,但冲淤强度有限,变化幅度不大。

关 键 词:海南岛;泥沙;沿岸输沙;地形演变

Sediment characteristics and terrain evolution in southwest of Hainan Island
XIAO Yun-chuan. Sediment characteristics and terrain evolution in southwest of Hainan Island[J]. Port & Waterway Engineering, 2018, 0(5): 49-53
Authors:XIAO Yun-chuan
Affiliation:Chongqing Water Resources and Electric Engineering College,Chongqing 402160,China
Abstract:Based on the hydrological sediment test and remote sensing image data,this paper analyzes the characteristics of sediment in the southwest of Hainan Island,calculates the amount of sediment in the sea by using different coastal sediment transport formulas,and studies the evolution of the beach by using the measured terrain data for many years.The results show that the tidal volume in the sea area is greater than that in the small tide,but the total suspended sediment content is low.The influence of the sediment transport in the study area is limited,but the influence of the coastal sediment transport is relatively large.The sediment transport capacity is in the range from 67.2 thousand m3to 133.1 thousand m3;the main driving force of the shore beach evolution is the wave,the change of coastline and tidal current caused by the interaction between the coastal flow and the tidal current led to the change of the coastline under the jurisdiction of the city,but the scouring and silting intensity is limited.
Keywords:Hainan Island  sediment  coastal sediment transport  terrain evolution
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