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Optimization for Vehicle Suspension II: Frequency Domain
Authors:J.M. Del Castillo Research Assistant  P. Pintado Assistant Professor  F.G. Benitez Professor
Affiliation: a Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Seville, Reina Mercedes, Sevilla, Spain
Abstract:The objective of this study is optimizing the components design of a vehicle suspension system under excitation due to road roughness. The vehicle is modelled as a dynamic system made of masses interconnected by, linear, springs and dampers. The optimizing code provides values corresponding to the caracteristics of masses, dampers and springs which, within a range, minimize the objective function for a defined excitation. This objective function auantifies the vehicle comfort level.

The optimization method used is the sequential linear programming by iteratively applying the Simplex algorithm. The model response is obtained in frequency domain and the vehicle excitation can be either random or deterministic.

The exact nature of the optimization problem, objective function and restrictions, depend on the type of excitation considered.

In succeeding paragraphs, the problem formulation together with a comparison with other authors is presented.
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