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引用本文:陈鑫阳,陈海泉,孙玉清,刘转照,谭超. 回转式液压吊舱结构有限元分析[J]. 船舶工程, 2016, 38(5): 20-23
作者姓名:陈鑫阳  陈海泉  孙玉清  刘转照  谭超
作者单位:大连海事大学轮机工程学院,辽宁大连,116026;山东交通学院航海学院 山东威海250023
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(3132014332,3132015025); 辽宁省自然科学基金资助项目(2015020132)
摘    要:本文介绍了船舶回转式液压吊舱推进器的工作原理及其性能优点,针对一艘600马力的渔船,设计了一套回转式液压吊舱推进器结构模型,分析吊舱体的受力情况,并采用有限元分析方法,对设计的液压吊舱进行结构上的改进;通过对比分析,提出一种适用于小功率船舶的回转式液压吊舱结构,同时首次提出对回转式液压吊舱推进系统进行模块化设计的思想,并对该系统进行模块化划分,以满足其在维修、检测、安装等方面的要求,对促进模块化设计在液压吊舱推进领域的应用有着实际的意义。

关 键 词:液压吊舱  有限元方法  结构优化

Structural finite element enalysis and Modular design of the Rotary hydraulic POD
CHEN Xin-yang,Chen Hai-quan,SUN Yu-qing,LIU zhuan-zhao and TAN Chao. Structural finite element enalysis and Modular design of the Rotary hydraulic POD[J]. Ship Engineering, 2016, 38(5): 20-23
Authors:CHEN Xin-yang  Chen Hai-quan  SUN Yu-qing  LIU zhuan-zhao  TAN Chao
Affiliation:Dalian Maritime University,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian Maritime University,ShanDong JiaoTong University,Weihai,Dalian Maritime University
Abstract:This article describes the working principle and the property advantage of the rotary hydraulic POD propeller; According to a 600 horsepower fishing vessel, this article designs the structure model of Rotary hydraulic POD propeller to analysis the force condition of the POD propeller, and improve the rotary hydraulic POD propeller structure by means of Finite Element Analysis; Through comparing, this article proposes a rotary hydraulic POD propeller structure that is suitable for low power ships; Meanwhile, this article first proposes modular design method of the rotary hydraulic pod propeller system, and make modular division of the system to meet the needs of its maintenance, testing, and installation and so on, which has great practical significance in promoting the application of the modular design in the field of hydraulic pod propulsion.
Keywords:rotary hydraulic POD propeller   Finite Element Analysis   Structural optimization   modular design
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