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引用本文:章定文, 刘涉川, 蔺文峰, 时洪斌, 毛忠良. 旋喷搅拌桩加固含易液化粉土夹层软基的现场试验[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2022, 22(1): 103-111. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.01.008
作者姓名:章定文  刘涉川  蔺文峰  时洪斌  毛忠良
作者单位:1.东南大学 交通学院, 江苏 南京 211189;;2.中国水利水电第四工程局有限公司, 青海 西宁 810007;;3.中铁第五勘察设计院集团有限公司, 北京 102600
摘    要:依托含易液化粉土夹层软基加固实体工程,采用现场试验的方法研究了旋喷搅拌桩加固含易液化粉土夹层软基的适用性和加固效果;通过钻孔取芯和静载试验测量分析了旋喷搅拌桩在含易液化粉土夹层软基中的成桩质量和桩芯强度;监测了路堤荷载下旋喷搅拌桩加固含易液化粉土夹层软基典型断面的施工期间及工后的地表沉降、深层水平位移、桩体荷载分担比、桩土应力比和超静孔隙水压力等数据,分析了旋喷搅拌桩加固含易液化粉土夹层软基的实际加固效果和工程受力特性。研究结果表明:旋喷搅拌桩在含易液化粉土夹层软基中可完整成桩,桩芯28 d无侧限抗压强度可达2.5 MPa,相对于常规搅拌桩强度提升了约一倍;在路堤荷载下,旋喷搅拌桩能有效地减小地基沉降和坡脚深层水平位移,并提高路堤的稳定性;旋喷搅拌桩加固地基桩土差异沉降较小,桩土应力比介于5~10,桩体荷载分担比小于50%,具有复合地基特性,复合地基分为柔性桩复合地基和刚性桩复合地基,两者设计方法差异很大,本文研究的旋喷搅拌桩建议按照柔性桩复合地基设计。可见,旋喷搅拌桩加固含易液化粉土夹层软基效果良好,可适用于实际工程。

关 键 词:岩土工程   地基处理   旋喷搅拌桩   现场试验   成桩质量   桩土应力比   复合地基

Field test on soft ground with liquefiable silt interlayer reinforced by jet-grouted mixing piles
ZHANG Ding-wen, LIU She-chuan, LIN Wen-feng, SHI Hong-bin, MAO Zhong-liang. Field test on soft ground with liquefiable silt interlayer reinforced by jet-grouted mixing piles[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2022, 22(1): 103-111. doi: 10.19818/j.cnki.1671-1637.2022.01.008
Authors:ZHANG Ding-wen  LIU She-chuan  LIN Wen-feng  SHI Hong-bin  MAO Zhong-liang
Affiliation:1. School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, China;;2. Sinohydro Engineering Bureau 4 Co., Ltd., Xining 810007, Qinghai, China;;3. China Railway Fifth Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 102600, China
Abstract:For the engineering projects involving the reinforcement of soft ground with liquefiable silt interlayer, the applicability and effect of reinforcement using jet-grouted mixing piles were investigated on-site. The pile-forming quality and core strength of jet-grouted mixing pile were measured and analyzed by investigating the core samples obtained by drilling and static loading test. The data pertaining to ground surface settlement, deep horizontal displacement, pile load sharing ratio, pile-soil stress ratio, and excess pore water pressure were monitored under embankment load at a typical section of the soft ground during and after reinforcement. The reinforcement effect and stress characteristic on soft ground with liquefiable silt interlayer reinforced by the jet-grouted mixing piles were analyzed. Analysis results show that jet-grouted mixing piles can be successfully driven into the soft ground with liquefiable silt interlayer. The unconfined compressive strength of the pile core reaches 2.5 MPa at 28 d, which is nearly twice as high as the value of the core of conventional mixing pile. Under the embankment load, the jet-grouted mixing piles can effectively reduce the foundation settlement and the deep horizontal displacement at the toe of the slope, and improve the embankment stability. The pile-soil differential settlement is relatively small, the pile-soil stress ratio is 5-10, and the pile load sharing ratio is less than 50% in the jet-grouted mixing pile reinforced foundation, demonstrating the advantageous characteristic of the composite foundation. Composite foundation is divided into flexible pile composite foundation and rigid pile composite foundation. The design methods of the two are very different. The jet-grouted mixing piles studied in this paper is suggested to be designed as flexible pile composite foundation. Therefore, the soft ground with liquefiable silt interlayer reinforced by the jet-grouted mixing piles demonstrates satisfactory effect and can be used in practical engineering. 2 tabs, 12 figs, 30 refs. 
Keywords:geotechnical engineering  ground improvement  jet-grouted mixing pile  field test  pile-forming quality  pile-soil stress ratio  composite foundation
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