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The development of taiwan arterial traffic‐adaptive signal control system and its field test: A taiwan experience
Authors:Yueh‐Tzu Wu  Chi‐Hong Ho
Affiliation:1. Yueh‐Tzu Wu, Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science, National Cheng Kong University, Taiwan, R.O.C.;2. Chi‐Hong Ho, Department of Real Estate Management, Kun Shan University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Abstract:This Taiwan traffic‐adaptive arterial signal control model borrowed its traffic flow framework mainly from a British traffic‐adaptive control model with a cyclic traffic progression function, i.e. SCOOT (Split Cycle Office Optimisation Technique). The new arterial control model can take into account delays of both major and minor streets and make real‐time signal timing decisions with optimal two‐way signal offsets, so as to create the best arterial signal operation performance. It has been developed to be an online real‐time software for both simulation testing and field validation. Through simulation, it was found that the performance when operating this newly developed real‐time arterial traffic‐adaptive model was significantly better than when using the optimal fixed‐time arterial timing plan. On the aspect of field testing, three signalized intersections located in East District, Tainan City, Taiwan were selected to be the test sites. Fairly good traffic control performance has been demonstrated in that it can effectively reduce travel delays of the control arterial as a whole. Additional discussions about how to combine travel delay and the total number of vehicle stops into a new control performance index have also been included to make the new traffic‐adaptive model more flexible and reasonable to meet the expectations of different driver groups in the arterial system.
Keywords:Traffic‐adaptive Signal Control  Coordinated Arterial Signal System  Simulation Study, Field Test
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