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引用本文:王益良. 松花江三姓浅滩航道整治研究[J]. 水道港口, 1999, 0(1): 1-9
摘    要:<正> 1 前言 松花江是黑龙江的最大支流,通航里程928km,河道水量充沛,含沙很少,是一条自然条件较为优越的平原冲积性河流。地处松花江中游的三姓浅滩是松花江水深最小、航行最困难并闻名于国内外的碍航浅滩群。 三姓浅滩的治理始于1899年,长达百年的整治均因受种种条件所限未能达到预期效果。1983—1985年航道整治工程是一次比较全面、系统的治理,浅滩航道有明显改善。然而整治标准尚低,且一些整治技术亟需研究与深化。为适应国民经济发展的需要,满足千吨级驳船船队的通航要求,三姓浅滩航道整治工程被列入“八五”国家重点建设项目,交通部天津水运工程科学研究所进行了航道整治关键技术的试验研究。

关 键 词:航道整治 松花江 三姓浅滩

Study on Channel Regulation of Sanxing Bank of Songhuajiang River
Abstract:Based on the analysis of bed development, special hydraulics tests on ice, groin system and confluence and complex river model (fixed bed and movable bed), the channel regulation techniques of Sanxing Bank on Songhuajiang River was studied. The bed - building process and cause of bank formation, the law of regulating structure affecting the river bed and the mechanism of ice affecting the structure have been found out through the study. And finally, the optimum programming of channel regulation of Sanxing Bank is proposed.
Keywords:Sanxing Bank channel regulation research
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