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引用本文:王炜,王建,华雪东,于维杰,陈思远,魏雪延. 基于网络交通分配方法族谱的交通分配一体化技术与工程应用[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2021, 21(5): 30-39. DOI: 10.16097/j.cnki.1009-6744.2021.05.004
作者姓名:王炜  王建  华雪东  于维杰  陈思远  魏雪延
作者单位:东南大学,a. 城市智能交通江苏省重点实验室;b. 现代城市交通技术协同创新中心,南京210096
摘    要:为满足交通规划、建设与管理等应用场景对交通分配多样化的需求,结合目前交通分配方法族谱中的众多模型与方法,本文构建能够满足族谱中所有交通分配特征的一体化交通分配技术框架,提出交通网络交通分配一体化技术体系,并将该体系嵌入交通分析平台软件“交运之星-TranStar”中。该技术体系包括:“模型关键参数”“交通阻抗函数”“交通网络交通分配基础模型与快速算法”3部分模块组合的分析模型一体化;面向步行、自行车、机动车及公共交通等多模式交通网络的分析对象一体化;针对城市土地开发,交通网络建设,交通管理控制,公共交通系统,以及交通政策制定等应用场景一体化。选取南京市道路网络和公交网络进行实证分析。结果表明,本文提出的交通分配一体化技术具有处理超万节点多模式交通网络的能力,对各类交通模式、典型业务场景的分析结果可为城市交通系统规划、建设与管理提供决策支持。

关 键 词:城市交通  交通分配一体化  交通系统分析  多模式网络  并行计算  交运之星  

A Unified Traffic Assignment Method and Application Based on Network Assignment Genealogy
WANG Wei,WANG Jian,HUA Xue-dong,YU Wei-jie,CHEN Si-yuan,WEI Xue-yan. A Unified Traffic Assignment Method and Application Based on Network Assignment Genealogy[J]. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2021, 21(5): 30-39. DOI: 10.16097/j.cnki.1009-6744.2021.05.004
Authors:WANG Wei  WANG Jian  HUA Xue-dong  YU Wei-jie  CHEN Si-yuan  WEI Xue-yan
Affiliation:a. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban ITS; b. Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Urban Traffic Technologies,Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Abstract:Considering the diverse needs of traffic assignment method applications in transportation planning,construction, and management, this study developed a unified traffic assignment method and framework that incoproatemost of the commonly- used traffic assignment methods in traffic system analysis. This technique framework isembedded into the traffic analysis software "TranStar". The framework systematically integrates three modules,including "key model parameters", "traffic impedance function", and "basic traffic network traffic assignment modelsand corresponding algorithms". The proposed method can be used in a unified multi- modal transportation networkwhich includes walking, biking, automous vehicles, and public transit. The proposed method also supports a unifiedapplication for urban planning, transportation infrastructure construction, traffic management and control, public transitsystem, and traffic policy design. The numerical application of the proposed methods in the road network and thetransit network of Nanjing city shows that the unified traffic assignment method performs well when analyzing themultimodal transportation networks with over 10000 nodes, and the predicted multi- modal network flow underdifferent scenarios provide valuable references for urban transportation system planning, construction and management.
Keywords:urban traffic  unified traffic assignment method  traffic system analysis  multi-modal network  parallelcomputing  TranStar  
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