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引用本文:申磊,胡锋,崔文涛. 某大跨径双塔单索面矮塔斜拉桥动载试验研究[J]. 公路, 2021, 0(2): 124-128
作者姓名:申磊  胡锋  崔文涛
摘    要:以某大跨径双塔单索面矮塔斜拉桥为依托工程开展数值仿真分析、动载试验和相关比较分析.分析结果表明:实测主梁前四阶竖向弯曲自振频率均比理论计算值大,结构有一定的刚度储备;实测主梁前四阶振型与计算振型基本吻合,未见明显变异区段;该桥梁的动力特性符合设计要求.在无障碍行车工况下,该桥测试部位的冲击系数均大于计算冲击系数,基本随...

关 键 词:矮塔斜拉桥  双塔单索面  动载试验  动力特性  动力响应  研究

Tests and Research on Dynamic Load of a Long-span Extradosed Bridge with Double Low-pylons and Single Cable Plane
SHEN Lei,HU Feng,CUI Wen-Tao. Tests and Research on Dynamic Load of a Long-span Extradosed Bridge with Double Low-pylons and Single Cable Plane[J]. Highway, 2021, 0(2): 124-128
Authors:SHEN Lei  HU Feng  CUI Wen-Tao
Affiliation:(Henan Provincial Academy of Building Research,Zhengzhou 450053,China;Henan Transportation Research Institute Co.Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450006,China)
Abstract:Based on a long-span extradosed bridge with double-pylons and single cable plane,the numerical simulation analysis,dynamic load test,and comparative analysis are carried out.The analysis results show that the test value of natural frequency for first fourth-order about vertical bending of the main beam is larger than the calculated value,and the structure has reservation of the stiffness;the measured fourth mode shape of the main beam is basically consistent with the calculated,no obvious difference is observed.The dynamic characteristics of the bridge meet the design requirements.Under accessible traffic conditions,the impact coefficient of the bridge in the test location is greater than the calculated,which basically increases with the increasing of vehicle speed;under the braking test and obstacle driving condition,the impact coefficient of the bridge test site is relatively large,which indicates that when the bridge deck is uneven,the impact effect of the bridge structure will increase significantly with the traffic.For long-span extradosed bridges with low fundamental frequency,the value of the bridge impact coefficient calculated by General Specifications for Design of Highway Bridges and Culverts(JTG D60-2015)is unsafe or the security capacity is insufficient,which needs further study and discussion.
Keywords:extradosed bridge  twin pylons and single cable plane  dynamic load test  dynamic characteristics  dynamic response  study
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