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引用本文:竺维彬,刘健美,郑翔,钟小春,朱能文. 基于坍落度的砂卵石地层土压平衡盾构渣土改良配方研究[J]. 隧道建设, 2022, 42(2): 208-214. DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2022.02.004
作者姓名:竺维彬  刘健美  郑翔  钟小春  朱能文
作者单位:(1. 广州地铁集团有限公司, 广东 广州 510330; 2. 广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司,广东 广州 510010;3.河海大学土木与交通学院,江苏 南京 210098)
摘    要:针对成都轨道交通17号线一期工程土压平衡盾构法施工在砂卵石地层中遇到的难题,如螺旋输送机喷涌导致开挖面压力失控、卵石堆积于压力舱底部滞排等,采用膨润土和泡沫剂等对现场砂卵石进行室内渣土改良试验。结果表明: 1)改良剂的优化配比膨润土掺入质量比为5%,泡沫掺入体积比为10%~30%,即可使渣土的坍落度、和易性、抗渗性均保持良好,达到塑性流动状态。2)以渣土的坍落度在150~200 mm且无离析为改良的前提条件,以最小膨润土使用量为优化目的,建立砂卵石渣土坍落度与改良剂膨润土和水掺入量之间的三维曲面图,根据离析与非离析区域边界确定膨润土泥浆最经济的膨水比为1∶6。将试验结果应用于该工程的砂卵石地层土压盾构工程实践,掘进效率以及盾构工作的安全性得到显著提高。

关 键 词:砂卵石地层   土压平衡盾构   渣土改良   坍落度试验   渗透试验  

Soil Conditioning Scheme for Earth Pressure BalanceShield Tunneling inSandyCobble Strata Based on Slump Test
ZHU Weibin,LIU Jianmei,ZHENG Xiang,ZHONG Xiaochun,ZHU Nengwen. Soil Conditioning Scheme for Earth Pressure BalanceShield Tunneling inSandyCobble Strata Based on Slump Test[J]. Tunnel Construction, 2022, 42(2): 208-214. DOI: 10.3973/j.issn.2096-4498.2022.02.004
Authors:ZHU Weibin  LIU Jianmei  ZHENG Xiang  ZHONG Xiaochun  ZHU Nengwen
Affiliation:(1. Guangzhou Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou510330, Guangdong, China; 2. Guangzhou Metro Design & Research InstituteCo., Ltd., Guangzhou 510010, Guangdong, China; 3.College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing210098, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract:When earth pressure balance (EPB) shield tunneling inthe sandy cobble strata of Phase 1 project of the Chengdu rail transit line 17,it encounters difficulties, such as unstable pressure on the excavation facecaused by water and mud gushing from screw conveyor and the cobblesaccumulating at the bottom of the pressure chamber. As a result, the bentoniteslurry and foaming agents are used in a laboratory test to condition the sandycobble strata. The results are as follows: (1)Theoptimal modifier mixing proportions of bentonite is observed with a mass ratioof 5% and foam with a volume ratio of 10%~30%. On the basis of this, the soil′s fluidity, workability, and impermeability can be maintained in anoptimal state. (2)With theobjective of using the minimum quantity of bentonite using a 150~200 mm soilslump with no segregation, a three dimensional curvedsurface is established for the interaction between soil slump, bentoniteamount, and water volume. Moreover, a mass ratio of bentonite to water of 1∶6 is determined to provide the most economic benefit based on theboundary between segregation and anti segregationareas. Furthermore, these results have been applied to the test results for thePhase 1 project of Chengdu rail transit line 17, resulting in a safe and highlyefficient shield tunnel.
Keywords:sandy cobble strata   earth pressure balance shield  soil conditioning   slump test   permeability test  
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