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Network Decomposition and Maximum Independent Set Part Ⅰ:Theoretic Basis
引用本文:朱松年,朱嫱. Network Decomposition and Maximum Independent Set Part Ⅰ:Theoretic Basis[J]. 西南交通大学学报(英文版), 2003, 11(2)
作者姓名:朱松年  朱嫱
作者单位:School of Traffic and Transportation,Southwest Jiaotong University,Geac Computers Corporation Chengdu 610031,China,Vienna,Virginia 22182,USA
摘    要:IntroductionItisofsignificanttheoreticalmeaningtofindthemaximumindependentsetwithinanetwork .Thisisnotonlyrelatedtoclique ,nodecovering ,coloringandmatchingissues ,butalsoassociatedwithmanycombinatorialoptimization problems .In practicalapplications ,find…

Network Decomposition and Maximum Independent Set Part Ⅰ: Theoretic Basis
Zhu Songnian Zhu Qiang. Network Decomposition and Maximum Independent Set Part Ⅰ: Theoretic Basis[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2003, 11(2)
Authors:Zhu Songnian Zhu Qiang
Abstract:The structure and characteristics of a connected network are analyzed, and a special kind of sub-network, which can optimize the iteration processes, is discovered. Then, the sufficient and necessary conditions for obtaining the maximum independent set are deduced. It is found that the neighborhood of this sub-network possesses the similar characters, but both can never be allowed incorporated together. Particularly, it is identified that the network can be divided into two parts by a certain style, and then both of them can be transformed into a pair sets network, where the special sub-networks and their neighborhoods appear alternately distributed throughout the entire pair sets network. By use of this characteristic, the network decomposed enough without losing any solutions is obtained. All of these above will be able to make well ready for developing a much better algorithm with polynomial time bound for an odd network in the the application research part of this subject.
Keywords:odd network   network transformation and decomposition   negative envelope graph and pseudo-negative envelope graph   the sufficient and necessary conditions   polynomial time.
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