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引用本文:杨波,王学林,胡于进,李成刚. 基于柔性模型的多轴汽车平顺性的仿真研究[J]. 汽车工程, 2003, 25(5): 481-486
作者姓名:杨波  王学林  胡于进  李成刚
摘    要:基于弹性梁弯曲振动理论和模态分析法建立了多轴汽车平顺性分析的柔性模型。按照汽车行驶平顺性评价方法,运用建立的柔性模型,分析了车速、路面等级、悬挂质量的分布、车架刚度以及悬架系统的刚度和阻尼对多轴汽车平顺性的影响。分析结果表明:悬挂质量的弯曲振动是影响多轴汽车行驶平顺性的一个不可忽略的重要因素;常用的刚体模型不能准确地描述多轴汽车的平顺性,不适合用于多轴汽车平顺性的分析。

关 键 词:多轴汽车  悬挂质量  柔性模型  平顺性

A Simulation Study on Ride Comfort of Multi-Axle Vehicle Based on Flexible Model
Yang Bo,Wang Xuelin,Hu Yujin & Li Chenggang Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan. A Simulation Study on Ride Comfort of Multi-Axle Vehicle Based on Flexible Model[J]. Automotive Engineering, 2003, 25(5): 481-486
Authors:Yang Bo  Wang Xuelin  Hu Yujin & Li Chenggang Huazhong University of Science  Technology  Wuhan
Affiliation:Yang Bo,Wang Xuelin,Hu Yujin & Li Chenggang Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074
Abstract:A flexible model for m ulti axle vehicle ride comfort is presented based on the combination of the elastic beam vibration theo ry and modal analysis method Accor ding to appraisal method of vehicl e ride comfort and using flexible analytical model,the effects of ve hicle speed,road grade,distributio n of sprung mass,stiffness of veh icle frame and the stiffness and d amping of suspension on vehicle ri de comfort are analyzed The result s show that the bending vibration of sprung mass is an important inf luencing factor to ride comfort Th e common rigid model is unsuitable for the analysis on ride comfort o f multi axle vehicle due to its in accurate representation
Keywords:Multi axle vehicle  Spru ng mass  Flexible model  Ride comfort
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