基于模式预测法的城市轨道噪声影响研究 |
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作者单位: | ;1.中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司 |
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摘 要: | 为研究城市轨道交通高架线两侧噪声传播特点与规律,探索声环境敏感点的降噪防治措施,以拟建成都地铁5号线工程为研究对象,选取适合的预测模式,确定出各个技术参数并模拟计算出噪声预测结果,通过类似既有上海轨道5号线工程的大量实测数据有效验证了预测结果的正确性和可靠性。在此基础上的研究结果表明:水平方向上桥梁两侧声影区内,噪声级随着距离增加而增强;而在声照区内,噪声级则随距离的增加而减弱。垂直方向上高架线噪声影响最严重区域为周边建筑物5层楼附近,因此要特别关注并加强该区域的降噪治理工作。
关 键 词: | 轨道交通 高架线 噪声 模式预测法 传播规律 |
Study on the Influence of Urban Rail Noise Based on Model Prediction Method |
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Affiliation: | ,China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd. |
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Abstract: | In order to study the characteristics and laws of the noise on both sides of the elevated line of urban rail transit and explore prevention and control measures,the proposed urban rail project—Cheng Du Metro Line 5 is chosen as research object. Appropriate forecasting model is selected, various forecasting parameters are determined and the noise prediction results are simulated. A large number of data similar to Shang Hai Metro Line 5 effectively verify the accuracy and reliability of the simulated results. The research results show that in the horizontal direction and within the noise affected area,the noise level rises with the increase of the distance on both sides of the bridge. But in insonified zone,the noise level lowers with the increase of distance. In the vertical direction,the most serious noise area affected by the overhead line is located near 5th floor of adjacent buildings,where the noise prevention should to be reinforced. |
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Keywords: | Rail transit Viaduct Noise Model prediction method Propagation law |