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摘    要:借鉴欧洲铁路列车运行控制系统(ETCS)技术和经验,根据中国铁路特点和运营需求,形成了中国铁路列车运行控制系统(CTCS)技术规范体系,经过多年发展,目前已进入补充完善阶段。对ETCS及CTCS技术规范体系构成、现状及发展情况进行对比分析,指出两个规范体系在纲领性文件、规范内容和版本管理机制等方面的差别,提出CTCS技术规范体系结构化,提高CTCS技术规范体系的系统性、完整性等方面的建议,对完善CTCS技术规范体系有十分重要的参考意义。

关 键 词:CTCS  ETCS  技术标准  技术规范体系  控制命令自系统互联互通技术规范(CCS TSI)

Perfecting CTCS Technical Specifications with Reference to ETCS
Affiliation:,Signal and Communication Research Institute,China Academy of Railway Sciences
Abstract:CTCS specification system has been established after research and development nearly twenty years with reference to ETCS of Europe Train Control System. The system is now being improved and perfected. The detailed comparison and analysis of the constitution,current status and development of ETCS and CTCS specifications reveal the differences of the two systems in terms of programmatic document, contents, version management mechanism, and recommend systematic and integrated improvement and development of CTCS.
Keywords:CTCS  ETCS  Technical standards  Technical specification system  CCS TSI
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