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摘    要:速度目标值是高速铁路最为重要的主要技术标准,速度目标值确定后,相应其他主要技术标准基本随之明确,其研究对于高速铁路主要技术标准选择具有决定性的意义。结合郑州至济南高速铁路,从项目功能定位、路网规划及意义、客流特点、时间目标值、建设标准、工程投资等多方面对速度目标值进行系统分析和研究,综合确定速度目标值,推荐350 km/h。根据所推荐的速度目标值,进一步确定最终主要技术标准的选择,避免主要以工程投资确定铁路主要技术标准。

关 键 词:高速铁路  速度目标值  技术标准  综合比选

Research on Target Speed of Zhengzhou-Ji'nan High Speed Railway
Affiliation:,China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd.
Abstract:The target speed is the most important technical standard of high speed railway. After the target speed value is determined,other main technical standards are then defined. Thus,the research of target speed is decisive for the selection of other main technical standards. The selection of the target speed in the planning of Zhengzhou-Jinan high speed railway involves the analysis and research of project foundation,road network planning and functions, characteristics of passenger flow, target time,construction standard and project investment. Finally,the target speed of 350 km / h is selected. The main technical standards are selected according to the recommended target speed so as to prevent technical standards from being determined merely by project investment.
Keywords:High speed railway  Target speed  Technical standard  Comprehensive comparison and selection
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