高速铁路接触网风致振动与风偏的动态计算方法 |
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作者单位: | ;1.中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司电化处 |
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摘 要: | 利用ANSYS软件建立接触网弹链、简链风致响应有限元模型,从导线弛度、张力及弹性角度,验证有限元模型的准确性;采用谐波合成法(WAWS)模拟针对接触网结构特点的脉动风场;计算系统在风荷载作用下的动态响应,利用空气动力学理论计算接触网平均位移,采用时程分析方法计算接触网动态位移,并将二者叠加得到接触网风致响应总位移。通过开展接触网气动弹性风洞试验,结果表明:提出的基于有限元的风致振动与风偏的动态计算方法与风洞试验结果基本吻合;该方法计算结果准确,具有较好的工程应用价值。
关 键 词: | 接触网 风致响应 风致振动 风偏 风洞试验 高速铁路 |
Dynamic Calculation of Wind-induced Vibration and Deviation of High-speed Railway OCS |
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Affiliation: | ,Electrification Design Department,China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd. |
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Abstract: | Based on the finite element model of wind-induced response established with ANSYS software for catenery of elastic and simple types,the accuracy of the finite element model is validated through the comparison between theoretical values and the calculated values of the model in terms of tension and sag,stress and elasticity of the contact wire. Weighted amplitude wave superposition( WAWS) method is used so simulate fluctuating wind field according to the characteristics of catenary structure. Furthermore,dynamic displacement response simulation under the simulated wind load is calculated. The average displacement of OCS is calculated based on air dynamic theory,and the dynamic displacement of OCS is calculated by using time history analysis. And the combination of the two displacements results in the total wind-induced displacement of OCS. The wind tunnel test results of aeroelasticity show that the result of wind-induced vibration and deviation basically matches that of wind tunnel. This method is proved accurate and applicable. |
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Keywords: | Overhead line systems(OCS) Wind-induced response Wind-induced vibration Wind tunnel test High-speed railway |