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引用本文:王军辉. 自航绞吸挖泥船全船结构强度和总振动特性评估[J]. 船舶工程, 2013, 35(4): 11-14
摘    要:绞吸挖泥船有着不同于常规船型的结构特点,其首尾均有很大的开槽来设置桥架和台车。主甲板上的大开口以及放置在船体上的复杂工程设备会使其在结构强度、变形和振动特性等方面不同于常规船舶。通过建立一艘自航绞吸挖泥船的全船结构和桥架结构的有限元模型,对全船结构在航行及工作状态下的总强度以及总振动特性进行了分析和研究,以期对该类型船舶的设计提供参考和依据。

关 键 词:自航绞吸挖泥船;有限元;结构强度;总振动;载荷;桥架

The Analysis of the Structural Strength and the Characteristic of Overall Vibration for the Self-propulsion Cutter Suction Dredger
Abstract:The structural features of cutter suction dredgers are different from other conventional ships as there are slots in both the bow and the stern to put the bridge and spud. The structural strength, deformation and the characteristic of vibration will be different from the conventional ships because of the big opening on the deck and the equipment on the ship. By establishing the FEM model of the self-propulsion cutter suction dredger(including the superstructure) to complete the analysis and the research of the structural strength and the characteristic of overall vibration under service and working conditions in order to provide reference and basis for the design of this ship type.
Keywords:Self-propulsion cutter suction dredger   FEM   Structural strength   Overall vibration   Loads   Bridge
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