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摘    要:2012年8月26日凌晨2时许,陕西省延安市境内的包茂高速公路化子坪服务区南出口200 m处发生一起特大交通事故,1辆双层卧铺客车和1辆罐车(装有甲醇)追尾,引发甲醇泄漏起火,并致2车起火.事故造成36人死亡,仅3人逃生.发生事故的客车核载39人,实载39人.据中央电视台消息,因事故发生时乘客均在熟睡,大量甲醇泄漏迅速燃烧,因而车上逃生机会相当少.截至发稿前,该事故原因仍在调查之中.不过,按照相关事故的处理情况来看,长途公路客车特别是卧铺客车,未来势必面对更加苛刻的监管,在极为不利的条件中,卧铺客车,长途公路客车退出市场的前兆愈发明显.

关 键 词:公路客运  卧铺客车  长途客车  高速公路  安全管理  公路客车  特大交通事故  停车  服务区  驾驶员

Domestic Long-distance Coach Business Is Facing a Great Challenge
Abstract:Aug. 26, 2012, a double-deck sleeper-bus crashed into a truck inside Yan’an city, Shaanxi province claiming 36 lives. in fact, the government administrative departments had frequently expressed their concerns over the safety of sleeper-bus and long-distance coach service, which had delivered a clear message to the industry that the sleeper-bus business would sooner or later be withdrawn from the market, while long-distance coach service will be under strict supervision and management.
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