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引用本文:菲力敦. 浅议加强公路预防性养护的对策[J]. 辽宁交通科技, 2014, 0(8): 112-114
摘    要:目前公路建设和使用管理中最突出的问题是公路的养护管理问题,尤其是农村公路因为等级较低,抵御自然灾害的能力弱,公路的养护尤为重要.介绍了国内路面养护新技术,研究探索适合新疆公路特点的预防性养护方法,对提高公路养护效能具有重要意义.

关 键 词:公路养护  预防性养护技术  路面养护

Brief Discussion on the Countermeasure of Strengthen the Highway Preventive Maintenance
FEI Li-dun. Brief Discussion on the Countermeasure of Strengthen the Highway Preventive Maintenance[J]. Liaoning Communication Science and Technology, 2014, 0(8): 112-114
Authors:FEI Li-dun
Abstract:Currently, highway maintenance is the most prominent problem in the construction and management of highway. Specially, the rural highway duo to low grade and poor ability to withstand natural disasters, the highway maintenance is particularly important. Introducing new technology of pavement maintenance in domestic, and researching and exploring preventive maintenance method for fitting the characteristics of Xinjiang highway, and it has a great importance on the effectiveness of highway maintenance.
Keywords:Highway maintenance  Preventive maintenance technology  Pavement maintenance
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