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作者姓名:薛振东  林奇
摘    要:本文用210例(成人137,儿童73)尸体对腹腔动脉进行解剖和测量,结果表明: 1.起始高度:在T_(12)椎体下1/2—L_1椎体上1/2之间,儿童比成人高半个椎体。 2.长度:成人平均值为1.01±0.03厘米,儿童为0.72±0.03厘米。 3.口径:成人平均值为0.82±0.02厘米,儿童为0.44±0.02厘米. 4.腹腔动脉与肠系膜上动脉之间的距离:平均为0.35±0.03厘米。 5.其主支起始的顺序:胃左动脉为第一支者占80.48±2.73%,其次为脾动脉和肝动脉。 6.有膈下动脉者占35.23±3.29%,未发膈下动脉者,占64.77±3.29%。 7.类型:Ⅰ型(胃、肝、脾动脉干)占91.43±1.93%为常见型,其余为少见或罕见型。

An Observation on the Coeliac Artery in 210 Chinese
Abstract:The coeliac arteries of 210 Chinese cadavers(137 adults and 73 children) were observed. The results are as follows: 1 Height of the origin of the coeliac artery: The coeliac arteries are found between the inferior half of intervertebral disc T_(12)-L_2 and the superior half of vertebral body L_1 in 126 adults(91.20±2.42%)and between the inferior half of vertebral body T_(12) and intervertebral disc T_(12)-L_1 in 73 children(79.45±4.72%). Thus, the height of the origin of the coeliac artery is 1/2 vertebral body greater in the child than in the adult.
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