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作者姓名:王伟  吕洋洋
摘    要:随着我国经济改革的进一步深化、市场经济的快速发展和交通运输业的蓬勃发展,公安部交通管理局发布,截至2021年12月底,中国机动车保有量已达3.95亿辆。汽车改变了传统的出行方式,给人们的生活带来了极大的便利,但是交通事故呈上升趋势,事故处理的数量和难度也在增加。特别是在一些司机肇事后,为了逃避刑事和民事责任,置伤者于不顾,驾车逃逸的情况时有发生,给交通事故的认定带来了困难。因此,必须充分利用交通事故现场的痕迹物证,为处理交通事故案件提供依据;随着科学技术的发展,司法鉴定中的痕迹物证应运而生。笔者将结合多年来道路交通事故痕迹物证司法鉴定的经验和相关鉴定案例进行分析,通过司法鉴定多学科的联合,探讨道路交通事故逃逸案件中痕迹物证的作用。

关 键 词:司法鉴定  逃逸  事故痕迹物证  整体分离  痕迹比对  微量物交换

The Role of Trace Material Evidence in Road Traffic Accident Escape Cases
Authors:Wang Wei  Lv Yangyang
Abstract:With the further deepening of China’s economic reform,the rapid development of market economy and the vigorous development of transportation industry,the transportation administration bureau of the Ministry of public security released that by the end of 2021,the number of motor vehicles in China had reached 395 million.Cars have changed the traditional way of travel and brought great convenience to people’s life,but traffic accidents are on the rise,and the number and difficulty of accident handling are also increasing.Especially after some drivers hit and run,in order to avoid criminal and civil liability,they ignore the injured and drive away from time to time,which brings difficulties to the identification of traffic accidents.Therefore,we must make full use of the trace material evidence at the scene of traffic accident to provide basis for dealing with traffic accident cases.With the development of science and technology,the trace material evidence in judicial expertise came into being.The article will analyze the experience of judicial identification of trace material evidence of road traffic accidents and relevant identification cases for many years,and explore the role of trace material evidence in road traffic accident escape cases through the combination of multiple disciplines of judicial identification.
Keywords:judicial expertise  escape  accident trace  physical evidence  overall separation  trace comparison  trace exchange
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