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引用本文:石刚, 王晋国, 支喜兰, 刘怡林, 张建林, 徐世强. 黄土地区公路工程地基承载力分区计算方法[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2005, 5(4): 48-52.
作者姓名:石刚  王晋国  支喜兰  刘怡林  张建林  徐世强
作者单位:1.长安大学 理学院, 陕西 西安 710064;;2.长安大学 公路学院, 陕西 西安 710064;;3.交通部公路科学研究所, 北京 100088;;4.长安大学 基建处, 陕西 西安 710064
摘    要:公路黄土地基承载力的评价主要借鉴建筑、铁路等行业的评价经验, 以整个黄土地区为单元, 给出一个推荐公式或承载力表, 已不能满足公路工程的要求。以大量黄土地区实测载荷试验为基础, 按照承载力把黄土地区分为四个区, 每个区都建立了承载力与含水量、液限、孔隙比之间的非线性回归关系式。用这一套回归关系式确定的黄土承载力相对误差小于10%, 与规范方法相比较, 精度显著提高。同时对承载力分别按路基的宽度、相对变形以及刚柔荷载进行修正, 给出了承载力设计值的修正公式。

关 键 词:路基工程   地基承载力   黄土分区   载荷试验   回归分析

Calculation method of foundation bearing capacity based on division in loess area for highway engineering
SHI Gang, WANG Jin-guo, ZHI Xi-lan, LIU Yi-lin, ZHANG Jian-lin, XU Shi-qiang. Calculation method of foundation bearing capacity based on division in loess area for highway engineering[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2005, 5(4): 48-52.
Authors:Shi Gang  Wang Jin-guo  Zhi Xi-lan  Liu Yi-lin  Zhang Jian-lin  Xu Shi-qiang
Affiliation:1. School of Science, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China;;2. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China;;3. Research Institute of Highway of Ministry of Communications, Beijing 100088, China;;4. Department of Construction Management, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China
Abstract:The foundation bearing capacity evaluation of highway engineering in loess area mainly relies on the evaluation standards of architecture, railway and other similar fields, they only provide a formula or bearing capacity table based on whole loess area, which can not meet the needs of highway engineering. Based on analyzing the data of actual plate loading test, the loess areas were divided into four sections according to their bearing capacities, the nonlinear regression relationship formulas were established between loess foundation bearing capacities and water content, liquid limit, void ratio. Applied result shows that the relative errors of the bearing capacities computed by the formulas are less than 10 ~, compared with other standard methods, the formulas are feasible. Meanwhile, the formulas are revised according to the width, relative distortion, rigidity and flexibility of subgrade. 8 tabs, 4 figs, 8 refs.
Keywords:subgrade engineering    foundation bearing capacity    loess division   plate loading test  regressing analysis
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