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高压共轨燃油喷射系统采用电控方式来准确的控制喷油量以保证空燃比。其中快速电磁阀的开、闭时间、电磁吸力等参数要求严格,这里以高速电磁开关阀为基础,对高速电磁阀的结构,开关特性等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Compressed natural gas (CNG) is regarded as one of the most promising alternative fuels. In the spark-ignition (SI) engine, direct injection (DI) technology can significantly increase the engine volumetric efficiency and reduce “pumping losses” in engines without a throttle valve. DI allows engine operation with the stratified charge which enables relatively higher combustion efficiency. In this study, a combustion chamber with a visualization system is designed. The spray development and combustion propagation process of spark-ignition direct injection (SIDI) CNG were digital recorded and analyzed. The ignition probability was also examined. The results of this study can contribute important data for the design and optimization of the SIDI CNG engine.  相似文献   

汽油/CNG双燃料发动机的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将HH368Q汽油机改装成汽油/CNG双燃料发动机,在相同试验条件下,分别对燃用汽油和CNG时的动力性和排放性能进行对比试验,结果表明,改装后的发动机燃用CNG时比燃用汽油时的动力性下降13%;在怠速和中、小负荷工况时排放却比燃用汽油时有明显下降。同时,还对三元催化反应器对燃用CNG时的催化效率和CNG作为代用燃料时发动机存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

随着燃气商用车在市场上保有量增大,人们对燃气车的认识不足导致很多简单的问题复杂化,造成不必要的损失,就车辆本身而言,燃气商用车与传统商用车的最显著区别在于使用了不同的燃料供给系统。本文就CNG汽车燃气供给系统与普通柴油车燃油供给系统的区别以及CNG燃气供给系统一般故障的检测与排除方法做了简单的介绍,可以使人们对这种高压而安全的新型供给系统有一个初步的了解,消除认识误区,提高对CNG燃气供给系统故障的判断和解决能力。  相似文献   

张海辉 《城市车辆》2007,(10):45-46
1 国家燃气汽车工程技术研究中心简介 2003年,国家燃气汽车工程技术研究中心经国家科技部批准组建,是我国燃气汽车研究开发、推广应用的核心单位.该工程中心位于重庆市北部新区汽车工业园区,其任务是对国内外先进、实用的燃气汽车技术、成果进行移植、推广,提高国内产品的市场竞争力,促进我国燃气汽车产业群体的发展.目标是成为我国燃气汽车领域的技术创新、成果转化、信息交流和人才培训中心.  相似文献   

增压天然气发动机电子点火系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着对汽车排放的要求越来严格,发展代用燃料汽车及采用电子控制系统成为世界发展的潮流。目前天然气发动机的研究与开发正成为我国汽车发动机行业的一个热点,而增压天然气单燃料发动机由于其自身的特点需要高能点火系统,本文介绍了实现高能电控点火的关键技术以及具体方案。  相似文献   

电控可调涡轮增压天然气发动机开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将一台CA488汽油机改造为电控可调涡轮增压天然气发动机。该发动机采用了电控多点燃气顺序喷射技术、电控高能点火技术、可调喷嘴涡轮增压技术及中冷技术。试验研究表明,采用可调喷嘴涡轮增压技术可提高发动机的进气量,优化增压器在全工况范围内与发动机的匹配,大幅度提高发动机的动力性与经济性:增压后天然气发动机的最大功率与原汽油机相当,低速转矩特性明显改善,同时发动机使用经济性也得到提高。  相似文献   

车用稀燃增压单一燃料CNG发动机电控系统的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为深入研究 CNG发动机稀薄燃烧特性 ,进一步降低天然气发动机的有害排放 ,设计了车用增压天然气发动机电控系统。该系统采用高能点火模块来获得天然气着火所需的点火能量 ,电控喷射单元采用模糊控制器来获得比较精确的空燃比控制 ,实现对天然气发动机的顺序多点喷射。运用该系统对增压单一燃料 CNG发动机的燃烧和排放性能进行了试验研究 ,结果表明了该系统的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, an experimental study on the wall-impinging spray of the slit-type GDI injector is presented. To examine the effects of various factors on the development of a spray impinging on the wall, experiments were conducted at various injection pressures, ambient pressures, wall distances from the injector tip, wall temperatures, and wall inclination angles. Behavior of the impinging spray was visualized using a planar laser scattering method. It is shown that the spray path penetration of the wall-impinging spray increases with increases in injection pressure, wall distance, wall temperature, or wall angle. On the other hand, the spray path penetration of the wall-impinging spray decreases with increases in ambient pressure. The predicted spray path penetration calculated by the empirical equation estimates the spray path penetration in all cases, and the empirical equation is optimized for the total injection pressure.  相似文献   

彭婕 《城市车辆》2008,(9):11-11
近日,无锡九龙公共交通股份有限公司从安凯客车定制了50辆CNG公交车,合同总额超过1000万。此举在为无锡市民出行带来极大便利的同时,无疑也会为保障无锡“绿色出行”和逐步减少公交系统对石油的依赖作出贡献。  相似文献   

CNG/柴油双燃料的出现解决了由于经济高速发展带来的汽车保有量迅速增加对燃料的需求,以及所造成的环境问题,它是石油的理想替代品。文章首先研究了CNG/柴油双燃料汽车发动机供给系统的组成和控制原理,并对目前所使用的双燃料发动机的油气切换系统进行了可行的优化控制。  相似文献   

针对稀燃天然气发动机正常燃烧所需点火能量高、低转速循环波动大的问题,设计开发了基于单片机控制的多脉冲电子点火系统,试验研究了采用多次点火与原单次点火对稀燃发动机怠速稳定性和燃烧过程的影响.结果表明,增加点火次数可提高点火能量,有利于促进火核的快速形成和发展,对减少失火和循环波动现象有利.  相似文献   

段缨 《天津汽车》2007,(1):45-45
韩国NGV经过6a(1992-1997年)的发展,开始试运行CNG客车。为了降低空气污染,政府于2000年1月开始向世界杯主办城市汉城投放CNG客车。  相似文献   

In a conventional MPI engine, a pulsation damper is usually mounted on the fuel rail to diminish undesirable noise in the vehicle cabin room; however, pulsation dampers are quite expensive. Therefore, several studies have focused on reducing fuel pressure pulsation by increasing the self-damping characteristics of the fuel rail. This paper details the development of a fuel rail that reduces pulsation using a self-damping effect. Using an oil hammer simulation technique, pressure pulsation characteristics were investigated with respect to the aspect ratio of the cross-section, wall thickness, and fuel rail material. Increasing the aspect ratio and decreasing the wall thickness efficiently reduced the pressure pulsation. In addition, the pressure pulsation characteristics were investigated with respect to the resonant engine speed and injection period. These simulated data can be used to reduce the pressure pulsation peak and to avoid the resonant point in the design stage during the development of a fuel rail.  相似文献   

CNG系统在客车上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍客车压缩天然气CNG系统的特点、工作原理及其在不同细分市场客车上的布置方案应用以及各布置的特点。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了喷油器套压装过程,对整个气缸盖铜套装配机进行了详细的分析,分析了整个压装过程的每一个关键环节,对气缸盖铜套装配机的说明书进行了深入的解读,并描述了现在压装机的发展现状和以后压装机行业的发展趋势,最后对论文进行总结。本论文对以后气缸盖铜套装配机的改进和应用都起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, the bond graph model of common rail injector was proposed in consideration of the effects of variable liquid capacitance and fuel physical property on the injection characteristics of the injector. State equations were derived based on the model, which were numerically solved by programming in Matlab. Comparisons between the simulation results and the experimental data show that the numerical model can effectively predict the injection quantity of the system. Effect of variation of delivery chamber diameter, needle seat semi-angle, needle cone semi-angle, ball valve seat semi-angle, nozzle hole diameter, inlet orifice diameter and outlet orifice diameter on fuel injection quantity had been analyzed. The influence rules of various parameters on the fuel injection quantity had been established. The experiments were conducted using face centered central composite design. A second order polynomial response surface model had been developed for predicting fuel injection quantity, as a function of the independent variables. Analysis of variation was used to determine the significance interactions which primarily affect the fuel injection quantity. It had been concluded that six interaction factors including delivery chamber diameter with nozzle hole diameter, needle seat semi-angle with needle cone semi-angle, needle seat semi-angle with nozzle hole diameter, needle cone semi-angle with nozzle hole diameter, nozzle hole diameter with inlet orifice diameter, and nozzle hole diameter with outlet orifice diameter have significant effect on the fuel injection quantity of the system.  相似文献   

The diesel combustion process is highly dependent on fuel injection parameters, and understanding fuel spray development is essential for proper control of the process. One of the critical factors for controlling the rate of mixing of fuel and air is the number of injector holes in a diesel engine. This study was intended to explore the behavior of the formation of spray mixtures, combustion, and emissions as a function of the number of injector hole changes; from this work, we propose an optimal number of holes for superior emissions and engine performance in diesel engine applications. The results show that increasing the number of holes significantly influences evaporation, atomization, and combustion. However, when the number of holes exceeds a certain threshold, there is an adverse effect on combustion and emissions due to a lack of the air entrainment required for the achievement of a stoichiometric mixture.  相似文献   

从甲烷的物理化学性质和稀燃发动机本身特点出发,阐述了天然气稀燃发动机需要高能点火的机理。从等离子体产生的角度详细描述了空气和甲烷(CH4)等离子体化的过程;结合CH4点火与燃烧过程,分析了点火过程中产生大量等离子体的可能性,利用所产生的等离子体,提高点火的效能。提出将电容多次放电点火技术与等离子体强化点火技术相结合,以实现大量等离子体的产生,并初步讨论了实现的途径和方法。  相似文献   

废气再循环对天然气发动机性能影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用1台增压中冷天然气发动机,在2 840 r/min,75%和50%负荷、过量空气系数a为1.1~1.3稀混合气条件下研究了EGR对天然气发动机性能影响。结果表明:不同负荷和a下,随着EGR增加,NOx排放迅速降低,与单纯采用空气稀释相比,稀混合气加EGR联合稀释的方式更具降低NOx排放的潜力,75%负荷、a=1.3发动机达到稳定运行界限时(循环变动系数为10%)NOx排放降低到0.3 g/(kW.h),而单纯采用空气稀释时只能降低到1.92 g/(kW.h);当EGR率小于10%时,随着EGR增加,HC和CO排放缓慢增加,有效热效率缓慢下降,当EGR率超过10%后,HC,CO排放增加和有效热效率下降的速度都加快。小负荷时产生的NOx排放较少,且达到相同NOx排放目标值时所需的EGR量也较少,但是会产生较高的HC和CO排放及较低的热效率。  相似文献   

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