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锌合金用储油罐的避雷防静电接地极,不仅可以更好地改善接地条件,而且可使储油罐底板外侧仅需很小的外加电流就能得到完全保护而避免腐蚀。锌合金接地极也可以兼作牺牲阳极,提供低电阻接地和阴极保护的双重功能。  相似文献   

为了合理确定油气管道工程交流干扰保护所用接地极接地电阻的计算公式,以及确定接地极的工频接地电阻和冲击接地电阻的合理取值范围,参照了相关标准规范及文献,以实际工程中常用的裸铜线接地极为例,分析了实际工程接地极选择的不合理性。提出了接地电阻的计算公式和接地电阻的合理取值范围,与实际工程进行了理论对比分析,证明了该方法的合理性,为实际工程中经济合理确定接地极的参数具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

由于实际管道中阴极保护电流较小以及现场环境干扰严重,现有的方法难以测得真实的管中电流。文中结合现场案例,通过与电位差法作对比,介绍了电流环法在测量埋地管道管中电流方面的应用。结果表明:电流环法可以测量管道中电流的大小及方向;电流环法与电位差法测得的电流数值基本相同,但电流环法的测量值更稳定;由于地磁场对电流环的影响范围在±100 mA之内,当管中电流小于100 mA时,测试数值正负跳动,无法取值,也不能判断电流方向,电流环法不适用。  相似文献   

输油气站场管道及接地系统较多,采用电流环或者钳型电流表等电流测量设备,可以精确测量管道或者接地扁钢的电流大小及方向,结合开挖验证,从而查找出站场阴极保护的绝缘故障位置。应用实例表明:采用电流环或钳型电流表等电流测量设备可以查找出站场阴极保护绝缘故障的位置;某输气站场的阴极保护绝缘故障的原因是站场内的干线管道1101截断阀底部的吊耳与接地扁钢搭接,导致电流导通。  相似文献   

新大线管道杂散电流干扰的分析与防护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以新大线输油管线杂散电流干扰腐蚀问题为研究对象,进行干扰调查,并现场测试管地电位、土壤电位梯度、土壤电阻率和管线的杂散电流等参数.测试结果分析充分说明干扰来源于与新大线管道近距离平行的大连快轨3号线列车的运行,其特点是双向动态干扰,没有固定的阴极区和阳极区.提出采取增加阴极保护装置和极性接地排流方式共同防护来抑制杂散电流干扰,并客观分析排流效果.分析表明排流效果良好.  相似文献   

检查片是评价埋地管道阴极保护有效性的传统工具。近年有新的发展,如:2004年ANSI和NACE颁布改进的阴极保护检查片实施标准,增加检查片和管道间电偶电流、试片断电电位等现场测试,以提高试验的信息量。为此,开发了新的测量仪器,并在上海至银川的西气东输管道2000km沿线检查片埋设现场,进行了新仪器的测试,检测了管道和试片的直流及交流电位、试片断电电位和管道与检查片间电偶电流等大量参数。针对现场发现的电偶电流周期波动现象,经验证是环境交流干扰造成的,并讨论了交流干扰对管地电位和电偶电流的影响规律,为现场测量数据提供分析依据。  相似文献   

李政 《工程科技》1999,(2):70-73
本文定性地分析了影响接地电阻的几个因素,全面地阐述了降阻剂的机理及施工方法;科学地论述了降低接地电阻的途径,对降低接地电阻,特别是岩石地质的接地电阻提供了理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

对深圳宝安国际机场航油输送管道及加油系统牺牲阳极保护电位的测试 ,土壤环境对阳极工作性能的影响 ,阳极静电体的接地及阳极的更换等维护管理问题进行了讨论 ,并提出了解决办法  相似文献   

PCM检测技术在埋地钢制管道上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国雷迪公司生产的管道电流测绘仪已经在管道检测中得到了广泛应用,成为目前管道防腐层检测的主要工具。文中结合现场的实践经验,分别介绍了PCM在管道防腐层质量评定、绝缘接头性能测试、管道泄漏点定位、牺牲阳极查找等方面的应用。同时,根据现场经验,给出了PCM使用过程中的建议与注意事项,以便更好地发挥PCM在管道检测中的作用。  相似文献   

文中利用杂散电流测试仪器,在城市管道受到杂散电流干扰区域进行了杂散电流的详细测试。选取同一条管线的4个点进行了测试,通过测试结果分析杂散电流的大小和方向,判断交流杂散电流对燃气管道直流电位的影响,确定电流流入与流出位置,确定出管线最容易遭受到腐蚀的位置。利用测试结果的分析结论确定施加排流措施方案,并测试排流后的效果。测试结果表明:排流措施施加得当,排流效果良好,能够使阴极保护系统保持正常运行状态。  相似文献   

外防腐层与阴极保护是油田集输管线最经济有效的防腐蚀措施,但是管线的阴极保护往往与油田地面设施的防雷/静电技术不匹配,管线的阴极保护效果受影响。文中介绍了采用联合阴极保护油田集输管线的极化水平不均的问题。从绝缘接头绝缘性、管线阻性以及站内地面设施接地等方面进行了阴极保护系统调查,指出绝缘接头失效、现有接地系统是导致电流漏失的因素。对集输管线原有阴极保护系统提出了在恒电位仪输出阴极串联具有强制分流的阴极接线箱、绝缘接头保护、接地改造等改进措施。  相似文献   

Oversaturated intersection control is a long-standing problem in traffic science and engineering. The problem becomes even harder when we consider a system of oversaturated intersections. Most of the research works in this area are off-line studies that require fully knowledge of origin–destination demand, which would be difficult to obtain in reality. Although several on-line feedback control methods are proposed, they only aim at preventing queue spillover, not able to minimize vehicular delay time. Moreover, these on-line control strategies are not theoretically evaluated how optimal (or sub-optimal) they are. We propose in this paper a quasi-optimal decentralized QUEUE-based feedback (abbreviated as QUEUE) control strategy for a system of oversaturated intersections. The QUEUE strategy is applied cycle-by-cycle based on measurement of current queue sizes, but its overall result is able to approximate the optimal one derived from off-line studies. Details of the feedback control laws for upstream and downstream intersections, in the queueing period and the queue dissipation period, are discussed. Superior to the existing feedback control strategies, the upper bounds of sub-optimality of the QUEUE strategy generating from demand fluctuation and coupling of intersections are specified quantitatively. It is also theoretically proved that the queue measurement error or demand estimation error would not be amplified by the QUEUE strategy. Numerical examples show that the QUEUE strategy performs very well and is robust to errors.  相似文献   

An essential element of demand modeling in the airline industry is the representation of time of day demand—the demand for a given itinerary as a function of its departure or arrival times. It is an important datum that drives successful scheduling and fleet decisions. There are two key components to this problem: the distribution of the time of day demand and how preferred travel time influences itinerary choice. This paper focuses on estimating the time of day distribution. Our objective is to estimate it in a manner that is not confounded with air travel supply; is a function of the characteristics of the traveler, the trip, and the market; and accounts for potential measurement errors in self-reported travel time preferences. We employ a stated preference dataset collected by intercepting people who were booking continental US trips via an internet booking service. Respondents reported preferred travel times as well as choices from a hypothetical set of itineraries. We parameterize the time of day distribution as a mixture of normal distributions (due to the strong peaking nature of travel time preferences) and allow the mixing function to vary by individual characteristics and trip attributes. We estimate the time of day distribution and the itinerary choice model jointly in a manner that accounts for measurement error in the self-reported travel time preferences. We find that the mixture of normal distributions fits the time of day distribution well and is behaviorally intuitive. The strongest covariates of travel time preferences are party size and time zone change. The methodology employed to treat self-reported travel time preferences as potentially having error contributes to the broader transportation time of day demand literature, which either assumes that the desired travel times are known with certainty or that they are unknown. We find that the error in self-reported travel time preferences is statistically significant and impacts the inferred time of day demand distribution.  相似文献   

为了验证数值模拟软件研究埋地管道阴极保护及其干扰相关规律的可行性和准确性,建立了室内土壤模拟溶液模型和室外埋地环道模型,开展阴极保护实验。其中,室内模型实验通过改变阳极位置获得了2组显著不同的电位分布,而室外环道模型通过电缆连接改变管道和接地系统的电连续性。采用数值模拟软件进行电位分布计算和验证,其结果与电位测量数据基本一致。进一步通过软件对室外环道接地极排负实验的3种施工方案进行了数值模拟计算,优选出最佳方案。  相似文献   

基于广泛应用的深井阳极技术,指出了研究阴极保护电位分布规律的重要性。针对以往深井阳极对储罐底板阴极保护数值模拟存在的影响(金属构件极化曲线试验限定条件不同导致电位计算系统误差;没有考虑计算区域环境介质的不连续性),提出一种根据典型电流密度分布假设求解保护电位的方法,选取2个典型的深井阳极对储罐底板阴极保护工程示例,验证了数值方法的可靠性。针对新建储罐底板阴极保护工程,该方法对于合理设计深井阳极具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

道路交通是造成气候变化的主要碳排放来源之一。目前针对道路交通碳排放量测量和减排效果的定量评估方面仍然存在较大挑战。综述了道路交通碳排放测量方法,将道路交通碳减排措施分为经济、技术和行政三类,根据角色定位总结了影响交通碳排放的需求、供应和环境三方面的主要因素。发现不同测量方法得出的碳排放量差异较大,且各种方法的准确性和适用范围也存在较大差异。目前的碳减排措施目标针对性不够强,且缺乏对政策效果的定量研究。亟需在未来研究中规范道路交通碳排放量的统计口径和误差标准,明确各交通主体的减排责任,将更多研究工作集中在减排措施效果的量化上。  相似文献   

文中研究用钢制电极测量土壤中杂散电流形成的电位梯度的可行性。设计了室内模拟装置:在水池内放置排列的钢电极和可控制干扰电场。实验研究干扰电场方向、强度和钢电极间距等对测量电位梯度的影响。此外,还验证了电位梯度计算公式,并讨论钢电极电位波动造成误差的影响。  相似文献   

天然气输差是控制输气成本的一个关键指标,可分为计量输差和漏失输差两大类。在实际生产中,由于产生输差的原因非常复杂多变,往往导致天然气计量交接不能满足精度要求。因此,找出影响其计量误差和提出改进措施有着重要的意义。以塔河油田集气总站为例,从旋进旋涡流量计和超声流量计的原理特点、现场应用情况、用户负荷、外部干扰等4个主要方面对引起计量输差的因素进行了探讨,并提出了6项控制措施。其中包括通过现场流程改造,有效解决了FT301超声流量计反向计量不准确的问题,使该站的站输差从5.26%降低到了0.68%,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Currently, the shipping industry is facing a great challenge of reducing emissions. Reducing ship speeds will reduce the emissions in the immediate future with no additional infrastructure. However, a detailed investigation is required to verify the claim that a 10% speed reduction would lead to 19% fuel savings (Faber et al., 2012).This paper investigates fuel savings due to speed reduction using detailed modeling of ship performance. Three container ships, two bulk carriers, and one tanker, representative of the shipping fleet, have been designed. Voyages have been simulated by modeling calm water resistance, wave resistance, propulsion efficiency, and engine limits. Six ships have been simulated in various weather conditions at different speeds. Potential fuel savings have been estimated for a range of speed reductions in realistic weather.It is concluded that the common assumption of cubic speed-power relation can cause a significant error in the estimation of bunker consumption. Simulations in different seasons have revealed that fuel savings due to speed reduction are highly weather dependent. Therefore, a simple way to include the effect of weather in shipping transport models has been proposed.Speed reduction can lead to an increase in the number of ships to fulfill the transport demand. Therefore, the emission reduction potential of speed reduction strategy, after accounting for the additional ships, has been studied. Surprisingly, when the speed is reduced by 30%, fuel savings vary from 2% to 45% depending on ship type, size and weather conditions. Fuel savings further reduce when the auxiliary engines are considered.  相似文献   

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