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<正>第一章总则第一条为加强道路运输车辆动态监督管理,预防和减少道路交通事故,依据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》、《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》等有关法律法规,制定本办法。第二条道路运输车辆安装、使用具有行驶记录功能的卫星定位装置(以下简称卫星定位装置)以及相关安全监督管理活动,适用本办法。第三条本办法所称道路运输车辆,包括用于公路营运的载客汽车、危险货物运输车辆、半挂牵引车以及重型载货汽车(总质量为12吨及以上的普通货运车辆)。  相似文献   

目前,自动驾驶技术在乘用车领域已获得突破性发展;为提高通行效率和出行安全起到了极大的作用。自动驾驶技术在商用车领域的应用,有望较好解决高昂的人力成本和难以提高的效率等问题。然而,目前自动驾驶技术在货车的应用大多采用跟乘用车同样的标准进行规范,这在实际应用中存在着诸多的问题;例如,在FCW和AEB功能中货车在相同车速的制动距离要远大于乘用车,而其所采用标准规定的碰撞预警时间却并无多大不同,这在实际场景中存在着较大的安全隐患[1,2]。此外,货车质量和体积较大,且较多应用于长途运输,运输过程中会经历包括高温、严寒、山区等多种复杂气候场景,这些都将对货车自动驾驶技术在车辆制动效能、能耗以及多场景应用等方面提出更有针对性规范的要求。本文针对货车的应用场景特点,为其自动驾驶技术应用标准化提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文以货运车辆车联网数据中的车辆碰撞预警、疲劳预警和超速预警数据为研究对象,针对G4高速公路北京和河北境内道路上的三种预警热点路段进行识别。运用全局空间自相关性分析方法得出三种预警数据在道路空间中不是随机分布,而是集中在某一个或几个路段上;进一步采用局部空间相关性分析方法识别出三种不同预警类型下对应的热点路段。交通管理部门可根据识别出的预警热点路段提出针对性的管控措施,有助于缓解交通事故的发生,提高货运安全水平。  相似文献   

<正>0控制日前,交通运输部安委会发布《交通运输安全生产事故报告(2013年)》(简称《报告》)。《报告》显示,2013年,全国道路、水路运输以及交通运输工程建设领域发生一次死亡3人及以上的安全生产事故280.5起(件)水路运输领域运输船舶与非运输船舶碰撞事故记为0.5件,死亡失踪1336人,同比分别下降25%和28.4%,安全生产形势稳中趋好。《报告》指出,2013年,交通运输安全生产事故防控取得初步成效,道路客运重特大事故降幅明显,实现了特别重大道路客运事故的"零控制";发生在国省干线公路的道路运输事故大幅下降,水上客运船舶事故多发态势得到有效遏制;道路运输车辆碰撞、追尾,水上交通商渔船碰撞等重点事故类型造成的人员伤亡显著减少。  相似文献   

文章围绕前向碰撞预警系统FCW、车道偏离预警系统LDW、主动紧急制动系统AEB、车道保持系统LKA、自适应巡航系统ACC等5种辅助功能,研究各种功能的场景布置,结合国内外现状及实际测试经验,提出场景案例设计建议。  相似文献   

汽车与路侧安全设施碰撞的单车事故数量逐年攀升,造成了大量的人员伤亡和财产损失。本文阐述了欧盟EN1317.2法规的技术要求和试验方法,涉及护栏防护等级与试验类型的规定,护栏自身特性、车辆及乘员安全性等性能评估指标。在此基础上,以N1型普通防护试验为例,选取某型乘用车与半刚性两波梁护栏实车碰撞,对护栏自身特性、试验车辆及车内乘员安全性进行了评估。研究成果对某型乘用车与半刚性两波梁护栏相关研究及研发具有指导意义。  相似文献   

为对高速公路隧道群安全风险进行研究,文章利用某山区隧道群在2018—2020年的交通事故数据,采用层次分析法进行高速公路隧道群交通安全风险因素识别,得到如下主要结论:(1)风险识别是后期风险分析以及风险应对的重要基础,风险识别主要包括准备阶段和专家调查阶段,主要包括天气条件、道路表面条件、光线条件、碰撞类型、事故原因、司机性别、司机年龄、碰撞前车辆状态八个方面共27个风险因素;(2)通过层次分析法对识别的风险因素进行风险评估,确定每个风险因素的综合权重,综合权重超过3%的重点风险因素有11项;(3)通过对风险因素进行了关联规则挖掘,发现天气条件和未按交通规定驾驶是导致隧道群发生交通事故的最重要的因素;(4)汽车在发生碰撞前为直行状态时产生车辆追尾事故是隧道群交通事故的主要类型。  相似文献   

车辆信号灯对行车安全有重要的警示作用,现有的载货汽车不具备完善的信号灯故障动态监测预警功能。为在车辆行驶过程中对信号灯故障进行实时动态监测预警,设计了一种基于单片机控制、多传感器输入的车辆信号灯故障监测预警装置,基于信号灯工作原理的差异分别提出了信号灯故障0-1监测法、积分判别法和最小值判别法。以解放赛龙CA1169PK2L2EA80重型载货汽车为试验车,Freescale MC9S12XEP100单片机为车载终端构建了车辆信号灯故障监测试验系统平台。利用TES-1339R照度计分析了不同光照强度的外界光源对系统监测结果的影响,并采用故障预设的试验方法针对制动和转向信号灯分别采用不同的故障判别方法进行实车试验。试验结果表明:0-1监测法可以准确监测制动灯故障信号;积分判别法和最小值判别法适用于转向灯故障监测,最小值判别法较积分判别法监测转向灯故障分辨率高。该系统实现了车辆信号灯故障实时动态监测及声光预警,为预防由信号灯故障引发的道路交通事故提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

为实现桥梁的健康监测和自动预警,依托实际工程,结合桥梁监测系统,通过分析温度与挠度之间的关系,将实际监测的竖向位移数据和竖向位移-温度的回归方程进行比较,得到桥梁在车辆荷载作用下的挠度值。结合桥梁结构特性以及有限元计算结果,设定多级桥梁竖向位移预警阈值,为桥梁结构长期安全运营提供准确、可靠的预警信息。  相似文献   

2016年底,环境保护部和国家质检总局联合发布《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段)》(GB18352.6-2016)。该标准中,Ⅰ型试验采用全球轻型车统一测试程序,全面加严了试验要求。本文通过研究试验循环、试验加载、车辆性能和驾驶方式,简要介绍国六阶段Ⅰ型试验与目前现行的第五阶段Ⅰ型试验存在的不同之处。针对各种变化,采用试验验证的方法,提出国六Ⅰ型试验对车辆动力性及转鼓驾驶性的新要求。  相似文献   

Traffic safety of highway vehicles under strong crosswind gust and other hazardous driving conditions has become a pressing issue for modern highway transportation and economy. It is known that the actual wind environment at the typical height of a moving vehicle varies considerably from one segment to another even on the same highway, because of influence of the specific terrain and surroundings. Therefore, accurate crosswind velocity data in both time and spatial domains are needed, for a rational assessment of traffic safety risks for various moving vehicles on highways in windy conditions. In addition to site-specific wind data which can be used for most vehicles, vehicle-specific crosswind velocity is often required for an accurate safety assessment of high-sided vehicles with unique shapes. A mobile mapping technology aiming at collecting site-specific as well as vehicle-specific wind velocity data for traffic safety evaluations was developed. Such technology integrates a 3D sonic anemometer and geospatial video mapping system, mounted on a vehicle driven along highways at a normal (cruising) speed. As a result, both vehicle-specific and general site-specific crosswind velocity can be directly “sensed” and collected by using a high-sided vehicle or a streamlined car as the test vehicle. A field test of the developed technology with a high-sided truck driven on mountainous sections of the interstate I-70 (in Colorado) was conducted. The crosswind data at six selected feature locations along I-70, representing different roadside environments, was analyzed. Wind-tunnel investigations employing the scaled models of the truck used in the field test as well as a common streamlined sedan car were conducted to evaluate the accuracy and the feasibility of the developed technology.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the behavior of driver models, either individually or entangled in stochastic traffic simulation, is affected by the accuracy of empirical vehicle trajectories. To this aim, a “traffic-informed” methodology is proposed to restore physical and platoon integrity of trajectories in a finite time–space domain, and it is applied to one NGSIM I80 dataset. However, as the actual trajectories are unknown, it is not possible to verify directly whether the reconstructed trajectories are really “nearer” to the actual unknowns than the original measurements. Therefore, a simulation-based validation framework is proposed, that is also able to verify indirectly the efficacy of the reconstruction methodology. The framework exploits the main feature of NGSIM-like data that is the concurrent view of individual driving behaviors and emerging macroscopic traffic patterns. It allows showing that, at the scale of individual models, the accuracy of trajectories affects the distribution and the correlation structure of lane-changing model parameters (i.e. drivers heterogeneity), while it has very little impact on car-following calibration. At the scale of traffic simulation, when models interact in trace-driven simulation of the I80 scenario (multi-lane heterogeneous traffic), their ability to reproduce the observed macroscopic congested patterns is sensibly higher when model parameters from reconstructed trajectories are applied. These results are mainly due to lane changing, and are also the sought indirect validation of the proposed data reconstruction methodology.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between field‐measured conflicts and simulated conflicts estimated from microsimulation model (PARAMICS) using the surrogate safety assessment model. An urban signalized intersection was selected for analysis. Automated video‐based computer vision techniques were used to identify field conflicts. The applicability of a two‐step model calibration procedure applied to VISSIM in a recent study was investigated using PARAMICS. In the first calibration step, the PARAMICS model was calibrated to ensure that the simulation gives reasonable results of average delay times. The second calibration step used a genetic algorithm procedure to calibrate PARAMICS parameters to enhance the correlation between simulated and field‐measured conflicts. Finally, the results obtained from PARAMICS were compared with results obtained from VISSIM. The comparison included three aspects: (i) the car‐following model and safety‐related parameters; (ii) the correlation between simulated and field‐measured conflicts; and (iii) the conflict spatial distributions. The results show that the default simulation model parameters give poor correlation with the field‐measured data, and therefore, using simulation models without a proper calibration should be avoided. Overall, good correlation between field‐measured and simulated conflicts was obtained after calibration for both models, especially at higher time‐to‐collision (TTC) values. At TTC threshold of 1.5 s, PARAMICS overestimates the number of conflicts and VISSIM underestimates it. Both models overestimated the number of conflicts at TTC threshold of 3.00 s. There were major differences between field‐measured and simulated conflicts spatial distributions for both simulation models. This indicates that despite the good correlation obtained from the calibration process, both PARAMICS and VISSIM do not capture the actual conflict occurrence mechanism. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

国内清障车主要使用的是载货汽车的二类汽车底盘,这种底盘在整车的结构布置和承力方式上有许多不满足清障车专用作业装置的布置需求。本文以重型清障车的操纵稳定性为研究目标,基于TruckSim软件建立某款重型清障车工程样车的整车模型,参照《GB/T 6323-2014汽车操纵稳定性试验方法》对汽车进行稳定性仿真试验,选取不同质心高度和质心纵向位移进行开环评价和闭环评价对比分析。结果表明在原设计参数的基础上降低车辆的质心高度和前移质心纵向位移,对车辆的操纵稳定性具有一定的提高。  相似文献   


Vehicle positioning is a key requirement for many safety applications. Active safety systems require precise vehicle positioning in order to assess the safety threats accurately, especially for those systems which are developed for warning/intervention in safety critical situations. When warning drivers of a local hazard (e.g. an accident site), accurate vehicle location information is important for warning the right driver groups at the right time. Global positioning system and digital maps have become major tools for vehicle positioning providing not only vehicle location information but also geometry preview of the road being used. Advances in wireless communication have made it possible for a vehicle to share its location information with other vehicles and traffic operation centres which greatly increases the opportunities to apply vehicle positioning technologies for improving road safety. This paper presents a state‐of‐the‐art review of vehicle positioning requirements for safety applications and vehicle positioning technologies. The paper also examines key issues relating to current and potential future applications of vehicle positioning technologies for improving road safety.  相似文献   

Crash warning systems have been deployed in the high-end vehicle market segment for some time and are trickling down to additional motor vehicle industry segments each year. The motorcycle segment, however, has no deployed crash warning system to date. With the active development of next generation crash warning systems based on connected vehicle technologies, this study explored possible interface designs for motorcycle crash warning systems and evaluated their rider acceptance and effectiveness in a connected vehicle context. Four prototype warning interface displays covering three warning mode alternatives (auditory, visual, and haptic) were designed and developed for motorcycles. They were tested on-road with three connected vehicle safety applications - intersection movement assist, forward collision warning, and lane departure warning - which were selected according to the most impactful crash types identified for motorcycles. Combined auditory and haptic displays showed considerable promise for implementation. Auditory display is easily implemented given the adoption rate of in-helmet auditory systems. Its weakness of presenting directional information in this study may be remedied by using simple speech or with the help of haptic design, which performed well at providing such information and was also found to be attractive to riders. The findings revealed both opportunities and challenges of visual displays for motorcycle crash warning systems. More importantly, differences among riders of three major motorcycle types (cruiser, sport, and touring) in terms of rider acceptance of a motorcycle crash warning system were revealed. Based on the results, recommendations were provided for an appropriate crash warning interface design for motorcycles and riders in a connected vehicle environment.  相似文献   

The issue considered is whether the biases that result from assuming a single value of waiting time in variable-demand headway optimizations (and the demand models on which they are based) can have a significant impact on the results of the optimization. Marginal benefit functions based on binary probit demand models, and incorporating the alternative assumptions of either a single value of time, a discrete distribution of time values, or a continuous distribution of time values, are derived and compared for several cases. These comparisons indicate the possibility of significant errors in several cases, the most realistic of which is that of a highly heterogeneous market composed of a large segment of “choice riders” and a smaller segment of “transit captives”.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a standardized verification process for network traffic simulation models. After the general introduction of philosophy of verification, we explain detailed processes of the verification and its application to several well‐known simulation models. “Verification” here means several examination tests of simulation models using virtual data on a simple network so as to confirm their fundamental functions. In the course of model development, the developers have to examine whether the model performance is consistent with the specifications that they intend and also with the well‐authorized traffic engineering theory. Because of several constraints in putting the model specifications into the computer programming such as discretizing of time and space and simplifying vehicle behaviors to some degree, the intended model specifications may not be fully achieved in a computer. Therefore, we strongly recommend the verification before applying the models to a real network.  相似文献   

Intersection accidents represent a significant proportion of overall motor vehicle accidents. More accurate estimates of the actual effectiveness of intersection safety improvements are required. This study develops an improved methodology for post-implementation evaluation of safety countermeasures at intersections. Accidents are random, rarely occurring events. For a given time period, this leads to random fluctuations in accident frequencies, which suggests that statistical analysis employing confidence intervals, rather than point estimates, is required. Two technical problems complicate this treatment of accident occurrence as a random variable. The first problem is that identifying of hazardous locations is generally based on above-average accident frequency during the most recent period(s) for which data is available. The second problem arises from changes in external factors such as traffic volume, motor vehicle safety standards, etc., during the period of analysis, which may also affect traffic safety. A “combined” approach which addresses these technical issues is developed. Empirical Bayesian methodology is combined with regression techniques to derive a more accurate measure of the effect of safety treatments. An important consideration is the derivation of the variance of this measure, so that appropriate confidence intervals may be constructed. The approach is then applied to a sample of locations that underwent treatment by the Massachusetts Department of Public Works (MDPW). We compare our results to those which might be obtained using alternative methodologies that correct for neither or only one of the technical problems. We also illustrate how preliminary conclusions may be drawn regarding the effectiveness of broad categories of treatments, and how individual sites requiring further investigation may be identified.  相似文献   

This work examines the possibility of splitting an uncontrolled “X” intersection into two adjacent uncontrolled “T” intersections. This splitting aims to improve both the movement and safety of traffic. The problem addressed in this work is how to determine the optimal distance between the two adjacent T intersections. The best type of split, based on previous studies, is the one in which vehicles approach first the right turn and then the left turn in both directions of travel. The main conclusions drawn in this work refer to this preferred type. The optimal distance is arrived at on the basis of an objective function of minimal delay subject to blocking queues, passing (another vehicle) probabilities, budget limitations and safety threshold. The input data consist of 12 traffic volumes associated with all the traffic movements of an X intersection. The main findings are: (a) under a medium level of traffic volume, the blocking queue lengths are of the order of hundreds of meters and are very sensitive to the increase of volume toward and beyond saturation flow; (b) the passing probability function along the road segment between the two adjacent T intersections increases with the length of the segment and stabilizes at a length of a few hundred meters; (c) there is a relationship between accident frequency (accident rate and density) and the distance between the split intersections. An example of this relationship is introduced; and (d) the optimal distance between the two adjacent T intersections is found not only theoretically, but also practically for possible implementations.  相似文献   

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