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This study analyzes the potential benefits and drawbacks of taxi sharing using agent-based modeling. New York City (NYC) taxis are examined as a case study to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ride sharing using both traditional taxis (with shifts) and shared autonomous taxis. Compared to existing studies analyzing ride sharing using NYC taxi data, our contributions are that (1) we proposed a model that incorporates individual heterogeneous preferences; (2) we compared traditional taxis to autonomous taxis; and (3) we examined the spatial change of service coverage due to ride sharing. Our results show that switching from traditional taxis to shared autonomous taxis can potentially reduce the fleet size by 59% while maintaining the service level and without significant increase in wait time for the riders. The benefit of ride sharing is significant with increased occupancy rate (from 1.2 to 3), decreased total travel distance (up to 55%), and reduced carbon emissions (up to 866 metric tonnes per day). Dynamic ride sharing, wich allows shared trips to be formed among many groups of riders, up to the taxi capacity, increases system flexibility. Constraining the sharing to be only between two groups limits the sharing participation to be at the 50–75% level. However, the reduced fleet from ride sharing and autonomous driving may cause taxis to focus on areas of higher demands and lower the service levels in the suburban regions of the city.  相似文献   

Charging infrastructure is critical to the development of electric vehicle (EV) system. While many countries have implemented great policy efforts to promote EVs, how to build charging infrastructure to maximize overall travel electrification given how people travel has not been well studied. Mismatch of demand and infrastructure can lead to under-utilized charging stations, wasting public resources. Estimating charging demand has been challenging due to lack of realistic vehicle travel data. Public charging is different from refueling from two aspects: required time and home-charging possibility. As a result, traditional approaches for refueling demand estimation (e.g. traffic flow and vehicle ownership density) do not necessarily represent public charging demand. This research uses large-scale trajectory data of 11,880 taxis in Beijing as a case study to evaluate how travel patterns mined from big-data can inform public charging infrastructure development. Although this study assumes charging stations to be dedicated to a fleet of PHEV taxis which may not fully represent the real-world situation, the methodological framework can be used to analyze private vehicle trajectory data as well to improve our understanding of charging demand for electrified private fleet. Our results show that (1) collective vehicle parking “hotspots” are good indicators for charging demand; (2) charging stations sited using travel patterns can improve electrification rate and reduce gasoline consumption; (3) with current grid mix, emissions of CO2, PM, SO2, and NOx will increase with taxi electrification; and (4) power demand for public taxi charging has peak load around noon, overlapping with Beijing’s summer peak power.  相似文献   

This paper studies the heterogeneous energy cost and charging demand impact of autonomous electric vehicle (EV) fleet under different ambient temperature. A data-driven method is introduced to formulate a two-dimensional grid stochastic energy consumption model for electric vehicles. The energy consumption model aids in analyzing EV energy cost and describing uncertainties under variable average vehicle trip speed and ambient temperature conditions. An integrated eco-routing and optimal charging decision making framework is designed to improve the capability of autonomous EV’s trip level energy management in a shared fleet. The decision making process helps to find minimum energy cost routes with consideration of charging strategies and travel time requirements. By taking advantage of derived models and technologies, comprehensive case studies are performed on a data-driven simulated transportation network in New York City. Detailed results show us the heterogeneous energy impact and charging demand under different ambient temperature. By giving the same travel demand and charging station information, under the low and high ambient temperature within each month, there exist more than 20% difference of overall energy cost and 60% difference of charging demand. All studies will help to construct sustainable infrastructure for autonomous EV fleet trip level energy management in real world applications.  相似文献   

Shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) are the next major evolution in urban mobility. This technology has attracted much interest of car manufacturers aiming at playing a role as transportation network companies (TNCs) and carsharing agencies in order to gain benefits per kilometer and per ride. It is predicted that the majority of future SAVs would most probably be electric. It is therefore important to understand how limited vehicle range and the configuration of charging infrastructure will affect the performance of shared autonomous electric vehicle (SAEV) services. In this study, we aim to explore the impacts of charging station placement, charging types (including normal and rapid charging, and battery swapping), and vehicle battery capacities on service efficiency. We perform an agent-based simulation of SAEVs across the Rouen Normandie metropolitan area in France. The simulation process features impact assessment by considering dynamic demand responsive to the network and traffic.Research results suggest that the performance of SAEVs is strongly correlated with the charging infrastructure. Importantly, faster charging infrastructure and placement of charging locations according to minimized distances between demand hubs and charging stations result in a higher performance. Further analysis indicates the importance of dispersing charging stations across the service area and its impacts on service effectiveness. The results also underline that SAEV battery capacity has to be selected carefully such that to avoid the overlaps between demand and charging peak times. Finally, the simulation results show that the performance indicators of SAEV service are significantly improved by providing battery swapping infrastructure.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the market potential and environmental benefits of replacing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in the taxi fleet in Nanjing, China. Vehicle trajectory data collected by onboard global positioning system (GPS) units are used to study the travel patterns of taxis. The impacts of charger power, charging infrastructure coverage, and taxi apps on the feasibility of electric taxis are quantified, considering taxi drivers’ recharging behavior and operating activities. It is found that (1) depending on the charger power and coverage, 19% (with AC Level 2 chargers and 20% charger network coverage) to 56% (with DC chargers and 100% charger network coverage) of the ICE vehicles can be replaced by electric taxis without driving pattern changes; (2) by using taxi apps to find nearby passengers and charging stations, drivers could utilize the empty cruising time to charge the battery, which may increase the acceptance of BEVs by up to 82.6% compared to the scenario without taxi apps; and (3) tailpipe emissions in urban areas could be significantly reduced with taxi electrification: a mixed taxi fleet with 46% compressed-natural-gas-powered (CNG) and 54% electricity-powered vehicles can reduce the tailpipe emissions by 48% in comparison with the fleet of 100% CNG taxis.  相似文献   

Ride-hailing is a clear initial market for autonomous electric vehicles (AEVs) because it features high vehicle utilization levels and strong incentive to cut down labor costs. An extensive and reliable network of recharging infrastructure is the prerequisite to launch a lucrative AEV ride-hailing fleet. Hence, it is necessary to estimate the charging infrastructure demands for an AEV fleet in advance. This study proposes a charging system planning framework for a shared-use AEV fleet providing ride-hailing services in urban area. We first adopt an agent-based simulation model, called BEAM, to describe the complex behaviors of both passengers and transportation systems in urban cities. BEAM simulates the driving, parking and charging behaviors of the AEV fleet with range constraints and identifies times and locations of their charging demands. Then, based on BEAM simulation outputs, we adopt a hybrid algorithm to site and size charging stations to satisfy the charging demands subject to quality of service requirements. Based on the proposed framework, we estimate the charging infrastructure demands and calculate the corresponding economics and carbon emission impacts of electrifying a ride-hailing AEV fleet in the San Francisco Bay Area. We also investigate the impacts of various AEV and charging system parameters, e.g., fleet size, vehicle battery capacity and rated power of chargers, on the ride-hailing system’s overall costs.  相似文献   

Shared autonomous vehicles, or SAVs, have attracted significant public and private interest because of their opportunity to simplify vehicle access, avoid parking costs, reduce fleet size, and, ultimately, save many travelers time and money. One way to extend these benefits is through an electric vehicle (EV) fleet. EVs are especially suited for this heavy usage due to their lower energy costs and reduced maintenance needs. As the price of EV batteries continues to fall, charging facilities become more convenient, and renewable energy sources grow in market share, EVs will become more economically and environmentally competitive with conventionally fueled vehicles. EVs are limited by their distance range and charge times, so these are important factors when considering operations of a large, electric SAV (SAEV) fleet.This study simulated performance characteristics of SAEV fleets serving travelers across the Austin, Texas 6-county region. The simulation works in sync with the agent-based simulator MATSim, with SAEV modeling as a new mode. Charging stations are placed, as needed, to serve all trips requested (under 75 km or 47 miles in length) over 30 days of initial model runs. Simulation of distinctive fleet sizes requiring different charge times and exhibiting different ranges, suggests that the number of station locations depends almost wholly on vehicle range. Reducing charge times does lower fleet response times (to trip requests), but increasing fleet size improves response times the most. Increasing range above 175 km (109 miles) does not appear to improve response times for this region and trips originating in the urban core are served the quickest. Unoccupied travel accounted for 19.6% of SAEV mileage on average, with driving to charging stations accounting for 31.5% of this empty-vehicle mileage. This study found that there appears to be a limit on how much response time can be improved through decreasing charge times or increasing vehicle range.  相似文献   

In suburban areas, combining the use of electric vehicles (EV) and transit systems in an EV Park-Charge-Ride (PCR) approach can potentially help improve transit accessibility, facilitate EV charging and adoption, and reduce the need for long-distance driving and ensuing impacts. Despite the anticipated growth of EV adoption and charging demand, PCR programs are limited. With a focus on multi-modal trips, this study proposes a generic planning process that integrates EV infrastructure development with transit systems, develops a systematic assessment approach to fostering the PCR adoption, and illustrates a case implementation in Chicago. Specifically, this study develops a Suitability Index (SI) for EV charging locations at parking spots that are suitable for both EV charging and transit connections. SI can be customized for short-term and long-term planning scenarios. SI values are derived in Chicago as an example for (1) commuter rail stations (for work trips), and (2) shopping centers near transit stops as potential opportunities for additional weekday parking and EV charging (for multi-purpose trips/MPT). Furthermore, carbon emissions and vehicle miles travelled (VMT) across various travel modes and trip scenarios (i.e., work trips and MPT) are calculated. Compared to the baseline of driving a conventional vehicle, this study found that an EV PCR commuter can reduce up to 87% of personal VMT and 52% of carbon emissions. A more active role of the public sector in the PCR program development is recommended.  相似文献   

Recently, electric vehicles are gaining importance which helps to reduce dependency on oil, increases energy efficiency of transportation, reduces carbon emissions and noise, and avoids tail pipe emissions. Because of short daily driving distances, high mileage, and intermediate waiting time, fossil-fuelled taxi vehicles are ideal candidates for being replaced by battery electric vehicles (BEVs). Moreover, taxi BEVs would increase visibility of electric mobility and therefore encourage others to purchase an electric vehicle. Prior to replacing conventional taxis with BEVs, a suitable charging infrastructure has to be established. This infrastructure consists of a sufficiently dense network of charging stations taking into account the lower driving ranges of BEVs.In this case study we propose a decision support system for placing charging stations in order to satisfy the charging demand of electric taxi vehicles. Operational taxi data from about 800 vehicles is used to identify and estimate the charging demand for electric taxis based on frequent origins and destinations of trips. Next, a variant of the maximal covering location problem is formulated and solved to satisfy as much charging demand as possible with a limited number of charging stations. Already existing fast charging locations are considered in the optimization problem. In this work, we focus on finding regions in which charging stations should be placed rather than exact locations. The exact location within an area is identified in a post-optimization phase (e.g., by authorities), where environmental conditions are considered, e.g., the capacity of the power network, availability of space, and legal issues.Our approach is implemented in the city of Vienna, Austria, in the course of an applied research project that has been conducted in 2014. Local authorities, power network operators, representatives of taxi driver guilds as well as a radio taxi provider participated in the project and identified exact locations for charging stations based on our decision support system.  相似文献   

Policy makers are looking for effective ways to promote the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Among the options is the roll-out and management of charging infrastructure to meet the EV drivers’ refuelling needs. However, policies in this area do not only have a long-term effect on the adoption of EVs among prospective owners, they also have short-term impacts on the usage of public charging infrastructure among current EV owners and vice versa. Presently, studies focusing on both effects simultaneously are lacking, missing out on possible cross-pollination between these areas. This study uniquely combines stated and revealed preference data to estimate the effect of particular policy measures aimed at EV adoption, on the one hand, and charging behaviour, on the other. Using a large dataset (1.7 million charging sessions) related to charging behaviour using public charging infrastructure in the Netherlands we quantify the effects of (i) daytime-parking (to manage parking pressure) and (ii) free parking (to promote purchase of EVs) policies on charging behaviour. To estimate the effects of these particular policies on EV purchase intentions, a stated choice experiment was conducted among potential EV-buyers. Results show that cross-pollinations between EV charging and adaptation policies exist and should be taken into account when designing policies for EV adoption.  相似文献   

We propose an optimization model based on vehicle travel patterns to capture public charging demand and select the locations of public charging stations to maximize the amount of vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT) being electrified. The formulated model is applied to Beijing, China as a case study using vehicle trajectory data of 11,880 taxis over a period of three weeks. The mathematical problem is formulated in GAMS modeling environment and Cplex optimizer is used to find the optimal solutions. Formulating mathematical model properly, input data transformation, and Cplex option adjustment are considered for accommodating large-scale data. We show that, compared to the 40 existing public charging stations, the 40 optimal ones selected by the model can increase electrified fleet VMT by 59% and 88% for slow and fast charging, respectively. Charging demand for the taxi fleet concentrates in the inner city. When the total number of charging stations increase, the locations of the optimal stations expand outward from the inner city. While more charging stations increase the electrified fleet VMT, the marginal gain diminishes quickly regardless of charging speed.  相似文献   

Take-up rates of electric vehicles (EV) are increasing and are predicted to accelerate rapidly. Public EV charging networks will be required to support future EV fleets. If unplanned, public charging networks are highly likely to be suboptimal. Planners need to understand and plan for future EV charging infrastructure requirements, particularly public DC fast charging networks, as both the upfront investment costs and the consequences of misallocation are high. However, the task of determining the optimal locations and allocations (types and numbers) of public EV charging infrastructure is complicated as it requires knowledge of many variables. These include EV driver behaviors, driving patterns, predicting evolutionary changes in EV and EV charging technologies, future EV take-up rates, and what investment may or may not occur in the absence of government funding support.  相似文献   

The spread of electric vehicles (EVs) and their increasing demand for electricity has placed a greater burden on electricity generation and the power grid. In particular, the problem of whether to expand the electricity power stations and distribution facilities due to the construction of EV charging stations is emerging as an immediate issue. To effectively meet the demand for additional electricity while ensuring the stability of the power grid, there is a need to accurately predict the charging demands for EVs. Therefore, this study estimates the changes in electricity charging demand based on consumer preferences for EVs, charging time of day, and types of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) and elucidates the matters to be considered for constructing EV infrastructure. The results show that consumers mainly preferred charging during the evening. However, when we considered different types of EVSEs (public and private) in the analysis, people preferred to charge at public EVSEs during the day. During peak load time, people tended to prefer charging using fast public EVSEs, which shows that consumers considered the tradeoffs between the full charge time and the price for charging. Based on these findings, this study provides key political implications for policy makers to consider in taking preemptive measures to adjust the electricity supply infrastructure.  相似文献   

Increasingly, experts are forecasting the future of transportation to be shared, autonomous and electric. As shared autonomous electric vehicle (SAEV) fleets roll out to the market, the electricity consumed by the fleet will have significant impacts on energy demand and, in turn, drive variation in energy cost and reliability, especially if the charging is unmanaged. This research proposes a smart charging (SC) framework to identify benefits of active SAEV charging management that strategically shifts electricity demand away from high-priced peak hours or towards renewable generation periods. Time of use (TOU), real time pricing (RTP), and solar generation electricity scenarios are tested using an agent-based simulation to study (1) the impact of battery capacity and charging infrastructure type on SAEV fleet performance and operational costs under SC management; (2) the cost reduction potential of SC considering energy price fluctuation, uncertainty, and seasonal variation; (3) the charging infrastructure requirements; and (4) the system efficiency of powering SAEVs with solar generation. A case study from the Puget Sound region demonstrates the proposed SC algorithm using trip patterns from the regional travel demand model and local energy prices. Results suggest that in the absence of electricity price signals, SAEV charging demand is likely to peak the evening, when regional electricity use patterns already indicate high demand. Under SC management, EVs with larger battery sizes are more responsive to low-electricity cost charging opportunities, and have greater potential to reduce total energy related costs (electricity plus charging infrastructure) for a SAEV fleet, especially under RTP structure.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles (EVs) were recently reintroduced to the global car market. These are an improvement over their predecessors in performance and electric driving range. Although the uptake of EVs has been notable in a short period of time, most government goals for adoption have not been met. This paper reviews a growing body of peer-reviewed literature assessing factors affecting EV adoption. Several important gaps in knowledge are identified. First, there is mixed evidence of the effectiveness of government incentives in encouraging EV uptake and particularly little knowledge in regards to issues of timing and magnitude. The literature shows that public charging infrastructure is an important factor associated with EV uptake, though the direction of causality is yet unclear. Public charging infrastructure can ease range anxiety, particularly for battery electric vehicles, but there is little guidance as to the way in which government should best go about ensuring the provision of infrastructure. Lastly, the nascent EV market means that studies primarily rely on surveys about hypothetical situations. There is strong evidence that actual purchases are much lower than consumers’ stated preferences. Improving understanding of this “attitude–action” gap is important to better informing studies of EV uptake over time.  相似文献   

This survey investigates the state-of-the-art in operations and systems-related studies of wireless charging electric vehicles (EVs). The wireless charging EV is one of emerging transportation systems in which the EV’s battery is charged via wireless power transfer (WPT) technology. The system makes use of charging infrastructure embedded under the surface of the road that transfers electric power to the vehicle while it is in transit. The survey focuses on studies related to both dynamic and quasi-dynamic types of wireless charging EV – charging while in motion and while temporarily stopped during a trip, respectively. The ability to charge EVs while in transit has raised numerous operations and systems issues that had not been observed in conventional EVs. This paper surveys the current research on such issues, including decisions on the allocation of charging infrastructure; cost and benefit analyses; billing and pricing; and other supporting operations and facilities. This survey consists of three parts. The first provides an orienting review of terminology specific to wireless charging EVs; it also reviews some past and ongoing developments and implementations of wireless charging EVs. The second part surveys the research on the operations and systems issues prompted by wireless charging EVs. The third part proposes future research directions. The goal of the survey is to provide researchers and practitioners with an overview of research trends and to provide a guide to promising future research directions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a case study on planning the locations of public electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in Beijing, China. Our objectives are to incorporate the local constraints of supply and demand on public EV charging stations into facility location models and to compare the optimal locations from three different location models. On the supply side, we analyse the institutional and spatial constraints in public charging infrastructure construction to select the potential sites. On the demand side, interviews with stakeholders are conducted and the ranking-type Delphi method is used when estimating the EV demand with aggregate data from municipal statistical yearbooks and the national census. With the estimated EV demand, we compare three classic facility location models – the set covering model, the maximal covering location model, and the p-median model – and we aim to provide policy-makers with a comprehensive analysis to better understand the effectiveness of these traditional models for locating EV charging facilities. Our results show that the p-median solutions are more effective than the other two models in the sense that the charging stations are closer to the communities with higher EV demand, and, therefore, the majority of EV users have more convenient access to the charging facilities. From the experiments of comparing only the p-median and the maximal covering location models, our results suggest that (1) the p-median model outperforms the maximal covering location model in terms of satisfying the other’s objective, and (2) when the number of charging stations to be built is large, or when minor change is required, the solutions to both models are more stable as p increases.  相似文献   

The adequate provision of charging infrastructure is critical for the effective deployment of electric taxis. This study attempts to locate charging stations for electric taxis reflecting real-world taxi travel patterns identified from taxis equipped with digital tachographs. Data for one week are processed in order to estimate their charge demand. The estimated temporal distribution of charge demand indicates that it varies day-by-day and hour-by-hour. The maximum set covering model is applied for determining the locations of charging stations. The results show that the pre-specified service distance and service coverage rate (defined by the proportion of total demand served) can be critical factors for determining the number and location of charging stations. These factors should be carefully specified by considering the tradeoff between operational efficiency of charging facilities and user convenience.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a Continuum Approximation (CA) model for design of a one-way Electrical Vehicle (EV) sharing system that serves a metropolitan area. This model determines the optimal EV sharing station locations and the corresponding EV fleet sizes to minimize the comprehensive system cost, including station construction investment, vehicle charging, transportation and vehicle balancing, under stochastic and dynamic trip demands. This is a very complex problem due to the NP-hard nature of location design, the large number of individual users, and the stochasticity and dynamics of generated trips. Further, the considerable charging time required by EVs distinguishes this problem from traditional car sharing problems where a vehicle is immediately available for pickup after being dropped at a station. We find that the CA approach can overcome these modeling challenges by decomposing the studied area into a number of small neighborhoods that each can be approximated by an Infinite Homogeneous Plane (IHP). We find that the system cost of an IHP is a unimodal function of the station service area size and can be efficiently solved in a sub-linear time by the bisection algorithm. Then integrating the solutions of all IHPs yields an approximate solution to the original heterogeneous area. With numerical experiments, we show that the CA solution is able to estimate the total system cost of the discrete counterpart solution efficiently with good accuracy, even for large-scale heterogeneous problems. This implies that the proposed CA approach is capable of providing a near-optimum solution to the comprehensive design of a practical large-scale EV sharing system. With this model, we also conduct sensitivity analysis to reveal insights into how cost components and system design vary with key parameter values. As far as the author’s knowledge, this study is the first work that addresses design of an EV sharing system considering both longer-term location and fleet size planning and daily vehicle operations. The proposed CA model also extends the CA methodology literature from traditional location problems with stationary demand, single-facility based service to EV sharing problems considering dynamic demands, OD trips, and nonlinear vehicle charging times.  相似文献   

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