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Uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) by consumers could reduce CO2 emissions from light duty road transport, but little is known about how mass-market consumer drivers will respond to them. Self-Congruity theory proposes that products are preferred whose symbolic meanings are congruent with personal identity. Further, Construal Level theory suggests that only those who are psychologically close to a new product category through direct experience with it can make concrete construals related to their lifestyles; most drivers lack this for EVs. For instance, potential performance benefits of EVs might offset range limitations for consumers who have such direct experience. The effect of direct experience was tested in a randomised controlled trial with 393 mass-market consumer drivers. An experimental group were given direct experience of a modern battery electric vehicle (BEV), and a control group an equivalent conventional car. Despite rating the performance of the BEV more highly than that of the conventional car, willingness to consider a BEV declined after experience, particularly if the range of the BEV considered was short. The participants willing to consider a short-range BEV were those high in self-congruity, for whom the BEV could act as a strong symbol of personal identity. 相似文献
Claudio O. Delang Wai-Tung Cheng 《Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment》2012,17(6):492-494
The paper presents the results of a survey carried out in Hong Kong to gauge people’s attitudes towards the environmental aspects of electric cars. The survey shows that people in general recognise the positive environmental benefits of electric cars, but express concerns over their environmental costs, in particular those of battery waste and increased airborne pollutants emitted by power plants when the electricity is produced. 相似文献
This study examines the influence of passengers’ travel-related factors, their intention to shop and the impact of socio-economic factors on their consumption behaviours while at the airport terminal. Three categories of consumption model – shopping, dining and airport entertainment – are developed to analyse different consumption behaviours. The results show that free time is the main factor that influences passengers to choose entertainment while waiting at the terminal, and the use of airline lounges has a negative influence on the extent of engagement in all three types of passenger consumption behaviour, especially dining. Furthermore, passengers’ dining expenditure has a positive effect on the extent of engagement in entertainment, but a negative influence on the extent of engagement in airport shopping. Passengers’ preferences of airport shopping area after they have cleared security is positively associated with the extent of engagement in both shopping and entertainment but negatively associated with the extent of engagement in dining activities. 相似文献
This paper develops a systematic and practical construction methodology of a representative urban driving cycle for electric vehicles, taking Xi’an as a case study. The methodology tackles four major tasks: test route selection, vehicle operation data collection, data processing, and driving cycle construction. A qualitative and quantitative comprehensive analysis method is proposed based on a sampling survey and an analytic hierarchy process to design test routes. A hybrid method using a chase car and on-board measurement techniques is employed to collect data. For data processing, the principal component analysis algorithm is used to reduce the dimensions of motion characteristic parameters, and the K-means and support vector machine hybrid algorithm is used to classify the driving segments. The proposed driving cycle construction method is based on the Markov and Monte Carlo simulation method. In this study, relative error, performance value, and speed-acceleration probability distribution are used as decision criteria for selecting the most representative driving cycle. Finally, characteristic parameters, driving range, and energy consumption are compared under different driving cycles. 相似文献
The key factors that determine the prices of real estate are location, technical standard of property as well as the local environment. In urban agglomerations, road traffic noise has a considerable impact on the purchasing decisions made by apartment buyers. This is a widespread problem in Central-Eastern Europe. The main objective of this study was to verify the working hypothesis that apartment prices are correlated with traffic noise levels in Olsztyn, the capital city of the Region of Warmia and Mazury in north-eastern Poland.The study was carried out in four principal stages. Firstly, traffic noise intensity was determined for apartments (objects of real estate transactions concluded in 2013), based on an acoustic map for the city of Olsztyn. The map was developed in line with the provisions of Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. Secondly, the values of the Noise Depreciation Sensitivity Index (NDSI) were calculated. NDSI determines the percentage change in property prices per dB increase in noise levels. The distribution of unit prices of apartments was mapped relative to noise levels, and the relationships between the analyzed variables were assessed. Thirdly, linear correlations between the unit prices of apartments and noise levels were analyzed. The strength and direction of relationships between the analyzed parameters were determined based on Pearson’s correlation coefficient. In the last stage, the distribution of the unit prices of apartments was mapped by ordinary kriging, a geostatistical estimation method. The research hypothesis was confirmed by comparing the spatial distribution of traffic noise levels measured in stage 1 with the spatial distribution of apartment prices. 相似文献
This paper deals with the question of whether the capability of car drivers to estimate the cost of a new hypothetical, highly differentiated congestion charge influences their decision to change travel behaviour. The analysis makes use of an integrated choice and latent variable model (ICLV) which merges classic choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM) for latent variables. This hybrid model improves the explanatory power considerably compared with a conventional discrete choice model. The results suggest that charge complexity decreases the resistance in considering behavioural changes. Car drivers tend to avoid a travel option where the price is not known beforehand, a phenomenon known as ambiguity avoidance. 相似文献
Vehicle electrification is a promising approach towards attaining green transportation. However, the absence of charging stations limits the penetration of electric vehicles. Current approaches for optimizing the locations of charging stations suffer from challenges associated with spatial–temporal dynamic travel demands and the lengthy period required for the charging process. The present article uses the electric taxi (ET) as an example to develop a spatial–temporal demand coverage approach for optimizing the placement of ET charging stations in the space–time context. To this end, public taxi demands with spatial and temporal attributes are extracted from massive taxi GPS data. The cyclical interactions between taxi demands, ETs, and charging stations are modeled with a spatial–temporal path tool. A location model is developed to maximize the level of ET service on the road network and the level of charging service at the stations under spatial and temporal constraints such as the ET range, the charging time, and the capacity of charging stations. The reduced carbon emission generated by used ETs with located charging stations is also evaluated. An experiment conducted in Shenzhen, China demonstrates that the proposed approach not only exhibits good performance in determining ET charging station locations by considering temporal attributes, but also achieves a high quality trade-off between the levels of ET service and charging service. The proposed approach and obtained results help the decision-making of urban ET charging station siting. 相似文献
We hypothesise that intra-household interaction influences home departure time and mode choice for the morning commute. In Indonesia, over 71% of vehicles on the road are motorcycles. This fact increases the significance of household interaction in influencing transport mode choice since the simplicity of the motorcycle allows a great degree of versatility in regard to multiple family member transport. To emphasise this point, our study focuses on the unique travel behaviour of adolescents during the school morning commute which, due to the use of the motorcycle, is a combination of the travel behaviour of accompanied children and escorting adults. Our study discovers that adolescents are likely to shift their school arrival time very early or close to the designated starting time in relation to motorcycle-based parental escort to school. In regard to mode choice, adolescent students prefer to be escorted by motorcycle rather than take public transport. 相似文献
This study explores the optimal investment in the length of an expanded section of road to mitigate the congestion on a transportation corridor. It is assumed that one end of the road is in the central business district (CBD) and that the households are uniformly distributed along the road. Each individual makes trips from his/her residence to the CBD. Trip demand is elastic and depends on the cost of the trip (including congestion costs). During the first stage, the government determines the length of the expanded section given the width of that section. In the second stage, road users determine their trip demands by taking into consideration the trip cost function. In the process of solving this problem, the equilibrium traffic volume is first solved using differential equations. The optimal length of the expanded section is then solved by maximizing the social welfare. The analysis is then applied to the case of the Tucheng city – Banciao city – Taipei CBD corridor in the Taipei metropolitan area. The scheme of road expansion without tolling performs closely to the first-best scheme for the case of a high potential demand. This study’s approach can serve as valuable reference for city planners engaged in road planning in a transportation corridor between the CBD and satellite cities in a metropolitan area. 相似文献
The number of conventionally fuelled motor vehicles in use is increasing worldwide despite warnings about finite fossil fuel and the detrimental impacts of burning such fuels. While electric vehicles, the subject of much research, generate far less emissions and offer the potential for power from renewable sources, they are yet to significantly penetrate the market. Tangible barriers such as price and vehicle range still exist, but consumer attitudes also drive behaviour. This paper examines attributes in a framework relatively new to transportation and energy policy; best–worst scaling. This method is widely considered an improvement over traditional methods of eliciting attitudes and beliefs, where respondents select attitudes they find best or worst from a set of attitudinal statements. To avoid potential endogeneity bias, we jointly model attitudes and choice for the first time with best–worst data. It is found that energy crisis, air quality and climate change concerns influence behaviour with respect to vehicle range and that travel behaviour change and forms of government incentives are needed influences on behaviour with respect to vehicle emissions. It is argued that correctly modelling attitudes reduces the error term of the vehicle choice model and provides policy makers with an improved lens for assessing behaviour. Additionally, the methods described within can easily be adapted to other policy scenarios. 相似文献
This paper provides a systematic overview of the attitudes of key actors in the Dutch Cost–Benefit Analysis (CBA) practice towards the role of CBA in the decision-making process for spatial-infrastructure projects. The main aim of this paper is to scrutinize the extent to which there is agreement among these Dutch actors in regard to the role of the CBA in the decision-making process. A secondary goal is to provide possible explanations for agreements and controversies among key actors in the Dutch CBA practice. In this study two research methods are combined to study the key actors’ attitudes. Firstly, 86 key actors (e.g. consultants, scientists, policy makers) were interviewed in-depth. Secondly, 74 of them completed a written questionnaire. The most important conclusion of this paper is that in the Dutch CBA practice there is agreement that CBA must have a role in the appraisal process of spatial-infrastructure projects. However, there is a lot of controversy among economists and spatial planners in the Dutch CBA practice concerning the value that is and should be assigned to CBA in the decision-making process. Economists predominantly believe that not enough value is assigned to the CBA in the decision-making process, whereas spatial planners predominantly think that too much value is assigned to the CBA. Both economists and spatial planners believe that this controversy is problematic as it results in debates about the pros and cons of CBA instead of the pros and cons of the spatial-infrastructure projects. This paper analyzes some solutions for this controversy. 相似文献
The purpose of this article is to present an optimization model to plan the deployment strategy for hydrogen refuelling stations in a city when Origin–Destination (OD) data are not available. This model considers two objectives: to maximize the traffic covered by the selected hydrogen refuelling stations and minimize the average distance of the city’s inhabitants to the nearest hydrogen refuelling station. As OD data are assumed to be unavailable, the clustering of stations in the highest traffic zones is prevented by a new constraint that takes into account information on the distribution of existing conventional refuelling stations. This model is applied to Seville, a city in Southern Spain of about 140 km2 with a population of around 700,000. This application uses the results of a survey of more than 200 Sevillian drivers on their current refuelling tendencies, their willingness to use alternative fuel vehicles and their minimum requirements (regarding maximum distance to be travelled to refuel and number of stations in the city) when establishing a network of alternative refuelling stations. 相似文献
This article summarizes the results of the field tests, when the efficiency and financial costs of the chosen odor repellents to reduce mortality of animals on selected roads and railways in the Czech Republic during the years 2011–2013 were evaluated. The main objective was to determine whether by using repellents it is possible to reduce the number of animals killed and evaluate the return of financial costs that are associated with the application of the repellents. Our results showed that the odor repellents are an effective tool to reduce wildlife–vehicle collision (WVC), and thanks to their application it was possible to reduce the cost of damage to property and reduce the number of killed animals by comparing the years 2011 (without measure) and 2013 (2 years of repellent application) by 37% of the initial loss. 相似文献
Zhan Guo 《Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment》2009,14(5):343-352
There is a lack of consensus as to whether the relationship between the built environment and travel is causal and, if it is, the extent of this causality. This problem is largely caused by inappropriate research designs adopted in many studies. This paper proposes a new method (based on path choice) to investigate the causal effect of the pedestrian environment on the utility of walking. Specifically, the paper examines how the pedestrian environment affects subway commuters’ egress path choice from a station to their workplaces in downtown Boston. The path-based measure is sensitive enough to capture minor differences in the environment experienced by pedestrians. More importantly, path choice is less likely to correlate with job and housing location choices, and therefore largely avoids the self-selection problem. The results suggest that the pedestrian environment can significantly affect a person’s walking experience and the utility of walking along a path. 相似文献
The production and use of renewable fuels in the transport sector are rapidly increasing. Renewable fuel standard (RFS) is a strong regulatory component and quantitative policy expected to have a significant market impact. In Korea, RFS implementation was agreed upon in July 2013 and will be enforced beginning in July 2015. Drivers’ acceptance is the most important consideration for RFS introduction and sustainable implementation. This study analyzed Korean customer preferences for RFS and quantified their acceptance level according to policy design. A choice experiment was analyzed with a mixed logit model to reflect the heterogeneity of respondents’ preferences. Respondents were relatively sensitive to the price increase, while other attributes had little effect on acceptance of RFS. Differences between the influences of attributes on drivers’ acceptance should be considered when designing RFS implementation. Furthermore, it is recommended that the price of transportation fuels should be limited to an increase between KRW 10 and 20/liter (USD 8.879 × 10−3 and 1.776 × 10−2/liter) to ensure high acceptance level, secure a budget for infrastructure, and achieve substantial environmental improvement. 相似文献
Commercial passenger cars are a possible early market segment for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). Compared to privately owned vehicles, the commercial vehicle segment is characterized by higher mileage and a higher share of vehicle sales in Germany. To this point, there are only few studies which analyze the commercial passenger car sector and arrive at contradictory results due to insufficient driving profile data with an observation period of only one day. Here, we calculate the market potential of PEVs for the German commercial passenger car sector by determining the technical and economical potential for PEVs in 2020 from multi-day driving profiles. We find that commercial vehicles are better suited for PEVs than private ones since they show higher average annual mileage and drive more regularly. About 87% of the analyzed three-week vehicle profiles can technically be fulfilled by battery electric vehicles (BEVs) with an electric driving range of about 110 km while plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) with an electric range of 40 km could obtain an electric driving share of 60% on average. In moderate energy price scenarios, PEVs can reach a market share of 2–4% in the German commercial passenger car sales by 2020 and especially the large commercial branches (Trade, Manufacturing, Administrative services and Other services) are important. However, our analysis shows a high sensitivity of results to energy and battery prices as well as electric consumptions. 相似文献
This paper seeks to use life cycle assessment to investigate the comparative environmental impacts of two proposed bridge designs for the new Mjøsa Bridge over Lake Mjøsa in Norway. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has designed one timber and one concrete alternative for the 1650 m 4-lane highway bridge. If the timber bridge design is chosen, it will be the longest timber bridge in the world once constructed.The main motivation for building the timber bridge is to utilize local industry and to reduce environmental impacts in road infrastructure. This study aims to determine the expected emissions from both construction designs by using life cycle assessment. Life cycle assessment studies on smaller timber bridges have been carried out in the past with favorable results towards timber designs, but no bridge of this scale has been built and therefore a more comprehensive study is required to confirm if a timber bridge of this size is a sustainable choice for transport infrastructure.The results of the study show that the timber bridge has significantly lower emissions than the concrete bridge across all impact categories included in the scope of this study. Additional environmental gains can be made from end-of-life treatment of materials. This study shows that large scale timber bridge designs should be considered for future road projects. 相似文献
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) promise to contribute to the achievement of a more sustainable transport system. In order to estimate energetic efficiency potentials while taking into account operating conditions, insights on the factors of energy use are required. The driving pattern, i.e. the characteristics of the driving profile, is expected to affect the vehicles’ energy use to a great extent. This paper investigates whether the driving pattern parameters that have proved to be relevant for the fuel consumption of ICVs also apply to BEVs. In consequence, we analyse correlations between driving pattern factors and the specific energy use of BEVs. In order to record driving and energy data, four commercially used battery electric minicars were equipped with tracking devices. The resulting dataset contains 42 vehicle months. The driving pattern is described in 45 parameters that are calculated for segments of the logged driving profiles. Exploratory factor analysis is applied to reduce the large number of parameters into a smaller number of independent factors. Six independent driving pattern factors are identified. Suitable correlation coefficients are calculated to check for dependencies with energy use. The most significant correlations were found for the intensity of acceleration/deceleration, as well as for the oscillation factor. Our results could be used to inform further studies where driving pattern factors for ICVs and BEVs are directly compared. Also, results can be used to develop specific driving school training programs to learn to drive BEVs in an energy efficient manner. 相似文献
Free-floating car-sharing schemes operate without fixed car-sharing stations, ahead reservations or return-trip requirements. Providing fast and convenient motorization, they attract both public transport users and (former) car-owners. Thus, their impact on individual travel behavior depends on the user type. Estimating the travel behavior impact of these systems therefore requires quantitative data. Using a two-wave survey approach (shortly after launch of the scheme plus one year later) including travel diaries, this research indicates that (due to their membership) 6% of the free-floating car-sharing customers reduce their private vehicle ownership. Moreover, the results suggest that free-floating car-sharing both complements and competes with station-based car-sharing. 相似文献