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This study aims to determine an eco-friendly path that results in minimum CO2 emissions while satisfying a specified budget for travel time. First, an aggregated CO2 emission model for light-duty cars is developed in a link-based level using a support vector machine. Second, a heuristic k-shortest path algorithm is proposed to solve the constrained shortest path problem. Finally, the CO2 emission model and the proposed eco-routing model are validated in a real-world network. Specifically, the benefit of the trade-off between CO2 emission reduction and the travel time budget is discussed by carrying out sensitivity analysis on a network-wide scale. A greater spare time budget may enable the eco-routing to search for the most eco-friendly path with higher probability. Compared to the original routes selected by travelers, the eco-friendly routes can save an average of 11% of CO2 emissions for the trip OD pairs with a straight distance between 6 km and 9 km when the travel time budget is set to 10% above the least travel time. The CO2 emission can also be reduced to some degree for other OD pairs by using eco-routing. Furthermore, the impact of market penetration of eco-routing users is quantified on the potential benefit for the environment and travel-time saving.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the system-wide impacts of implementing a dynamic eco-routing system, considering various levels of market penetration and levels of congestion in downtown Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, USA. The study concludes that eco-routing systems can reduce network-wide fuel consumption and emission levels in most cases; the fuel savings over the networks range between 3.3% and 9.3% when compared to typical travel time minimization routing strategies. We demonstrate that the fuel savings achieved through eco-routing systems are sensitive to the network configuration and level of market penetration of the eco-routing system. The results also demonstrate that an eco-routing system typically reduces vehicle travel distance but not necessarily travel time. We also demonstrate that the configuration of the transportation network is a significant factor in defining the benefits of eco-routing systems. Specifically, eco-routing systems appear to produce larger fuel savings on grid networks compared to freeway corridor networks. The study also demonstrates that different vehicle types produce similar trends with regard to eco-routing strategies. Finally, the system-wide benefits of eco-routing generally increase with an increase in the level of the market penetration of the system.  相似文献   

The eco-routing problem concerned in this paper addresses the optimal route choice of eco-drivers who aim to meet an emission standard imposed by regulators, while trying to find the path with the minimum total operating cost, which consists of both travel time and fuel costs. The paper first develops fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions estimation models that link emission rates to a vehicle’s physical and operational properties. Unlike most studies in the literature, the emission model developed in this paper retains as many microscopic characteristics as feasible in the context of route planning. Specifically, it is able to approximate the impacts of major acceleration events associated with link changes and intersection idling, and yet does not require detailed acceleration data as inputs. The proposed eco-routing model also explicitly captures delays at intersections and the emissions associated with them. Using a simple probabilistic model, the impacts of different turning movements on eco-routing are incorporated. The proposed model is formulated as a constrained shortest path problem and solved by off-the-shelf solvers. Numerical experiments confirm that vehicle characteristics, especially weight and engine displacement, may influence eco-routing. The results also suggest that ignoring the effects of turning movements and acceleration may lead to sub-optimal routes for eco-drivers.  相似文献   

Providing guidance and information to drivers to help them make fuel-efficient route choices remains an important and effective strategy in the near term to reduce fuel consumption from the transportation sector. One key component in implementing this strategy is a fuel-consumption estimation model. In this paper, we developed a mesoscopic fuel consumption estimation model that can be implemented into an eco-routing system. Our proposed model presents a framework that utilizes large-scale, real-world driving data, clusters road links by free-flow speed and fits one statistical model for each of cluster. This model includes predicting variables that were rarely or never considered before, such as free-flow speed and number of lanes. We applied the model to a real-world driving data set based on a global positioning system travel survey in the Philadelphia-Camden-Trenton metropolitan area. Results from the statistical analyses indicate that the independent variables we chose influence the fuel consumption rates of vehicles. But the magnitude and direction of the influences are dependent on the type of road links, specifically free-flow speeds of links. A statistical diagnostic is conducted to ensure the validity of the models and results. Although the real-world driving data we used to develop statistical relationships are specific to one region, the framework we developed can be easily adjusted and used to explore the fuel consumption relationship in other regions.  相似文献   

Transportation sector accounts for a large proportion of global greenhouse gas and toxic pollutant emissions. Even though alternative fuel vehicles such as all-electric vehicles will be the best solution in the future, mitigating emissions by existing gasoline vehicles is an alternative countermeasure in the near term. The aim of this study is to predict the vehicle CO2 emission per kilometer and determine an eco-friendly path that results in minimum CO2 emissions while satisfying travel time budget. The vehicle CO2 emission model is derived based on the theory of vehicle dynamics. Particularly, the difficult-to-measure variables are substituted by parameters to be estimated. The model parameters can be estimated by using the current probe vehicle systems. An eco-routing approach combining the weighting method and k-shortest path algorithm is developed to find the optimal path along the Pareto frontier. The vehicle CO2 emission model and eco-routing approach are validated in a large-scale transportation network in Toyota city, Japan. The relative importance analysis indicates that the average speed has the largest impact on vehicle CO2 emission. Specifically, the benefit trade-off between CO2 emission reduction and the travel time buffer is discussed by carrying out sensitivity analysis in a network-wide scale. It is found that the average reduction in CO2 emissions achieved by the eco-friendly path reaches a maximum of around 11% when the travel time buffer is set to around 10%.  相似文献   

Fuel consumption models have been widely used to predict fuel consumption and evaluate new vehicle technologies. However, due to the uncertainty and high nonlinearity of fuel systems, it is difficult to develop an accurate fuel consumption model for real-time calculations. Additionally, whether the developed fuel consumption models are suitable for eco-routing and eco-driving systems is unknown. To address these issues, a systematic review of fuel consumption models and the factors that influence fuel economy is presented. First, the primary factors that affect fuel economy, including travel-related, weather-related, vehicle-related, roadway-related, traffic-related, and driver-related factors, are discussed. Then, state-of-the-art fuel consumption models developed after 2000 are summarized and classified into three broad types based on transparency, i.e., white-box, grey-box and black-box models. Consequently, the limitations and potential possibilities of fuel consumption modelling are highlighted in this review.  相似文献   

With a particular emphasis on the end-to-end travel time prediction problem, this paper proposes an information-theoretic sensor location model that aims to minimize total travel time uncertainties from a set of point, point-to-point and probe sensors in a traffic network. Based on a Kalman filtering structure, the proposed measurement and uncertainty quantification models explicitly take into account several important sources of errors in the travel time estimation/prediction process, such as the uncertainty associated with prior travel time estimates, measurement errors and sampling errors. By considering only critical paths and limited time intervals, this paper selects a path travel time uncertainty criterion to construct a joint sensor location and travel time estimation/prediction framework with a unified modeling of both recurring and non-recurring traffic conditions. An analytical determinant maximization model and heuristic beam-search algorithm are used to find an effective lower bound and solve the combinatorial sensor selection problem. A number of illustrative examples and one case study are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This research addresses the eco-system optimal dynamic traffic assignment (ESODTA) problem which aims to find system optimal eco-routing or green routing flows that minimize total vehicular emission in a congested network. We propose a generic agent-based ESODTA model and a simplified queueing model (SQM) that is able to clearly distinguish vehicles’ speed in free-flow and congested conditions for multi-scale emission analysis, and facilitates analyzing the relationship between link emission and delay. Based on the SQM, an expanded space-time network is constructed to formulate the ESODTA with constant bottleneck discharge capacities. The resulting integer linear model of the ESODTA is solved by a Lagrangian relaxation-based algorithm. For the simulation-based ESODTA, we present the column-generation-based heuristic, which requires link and path marginal emissions in the embedded time-dependent least-cost path algorithm and the gradient-projection-based descent direction method. We derive a formula of marginal emission which encompasses the marginal travel time as a special case, and develop an algorithm for evaluating path marginal emissions in a congested network. Numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is able to effectively obtain coordinated route flows that minimize the system-wide vehicular emission for large-scale networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, an eco-routing algorithm is developed for vehicles in a signalized traffic network. The proposed method incorporates a microscopic vehicle emission model into a Markov decision process (MDP). Instead of using GPS-based vehicle trajectory data, which are used by many existing eco-routing algorithm, high resolution traffic data including vehicle arrival and signal status information are used as primary inputs. The proposed method can work with any microscopic vehicle model that uses vehicle trajectories as inputs and gives related emission rates as outputs. Furthermore, a constrained eco-routing problem is proposed to deal with the situation where multiple costs present. This is done by transferring the original MDP based formulation to a linear programming formulation. Besides the primary cost, additional costs are considered as constraints. Two numerical examples are given using the field data obtained from City of Pasadena, California, USA. The eco-routing algorithm for single objective is compared against the traditional shortest path algorithm, Dijkstra’s algorithm. Average reductions of CO emission around 20% are observed.  相似文献   

The peak and decline of world oil production is an emerging issue for transportation and urban planners. Peak oil from an energy perspective means that there will be progressively less fuel. Our work treats changes in oil supply as a risk to transport activity systems. A virtual reality survey method, based on the sim game concept, has been developed to audit the participant’s normal weekly travel activity, and to explore participant’s travel adaptive capacity. The travel adaptive capacity assessment (TACA) Sim survey uses avatars, Google Map™, 2D scenes, interactive screens and feedback scores. Travel adaptive capacity is proposed as a measure of long-range resilience of activity systems to fuel supply decline. Mode adaptive potential is proposed as an indicator of the future demand growth for less energy intensive travel. Both adaptation indicators can be used for peak oil vulnerability assessment. A case study was conducted involving 90 participants in Christchurch New Zealand. All of the participants were students, general staff or academics at the University of Canterbury. The adaptive capacity was assessed by both simulated extreme fuel price shock and by asking, “do you have an alternative mode?” without price pressure. The travel adaptive capacity in number of kilometers was 75% under a 5-fold fuel price increase. The mode adaptive potential was 33% cycling, 21% walking and 22% bus. Academics had adaptive capacity of only 1-5% of trips by canceling or carrying out their activity from home compared to 10-18% for students.  相似文献   

Estimation of urban network link travel times from sparse floating car data (FCD) usually needs pre-processing, mainly map-matching and path inference for finding the most likely vehicle paths that are consistent with reported locations. Path inference requires a priori assumptions about link travel times; using unrealistic initial link travel times can bias the travel time estimation and subsequent identification of shortest paths. Thus, the combination of path inference and travel time estimation is a joint problem. This paper investigates the sensitivity of estimated travel times, and proposes a fixed point formulation of the simultaneous path inference and travel time estimation problem. The methodology is applied in a case study to estimate travel times from taxi FCD in Stockholm, Sweden. The results show that standard fixed point iterations converge quickly to a solution where input and output travel times are consistent. The solution is robust under different initial travel times assumptions and data sizes. Validation against actual path travel time measurements from the Google API and an instrumented vehicle deployed for this purpose shows that the fixed point algorithm improves shortest path finding. The results highlight the importance of the joint solution of the path inference and travel time estimation problem, in particular for accurate path finding and route optimization.  相似文献   

In probe-based traffic monitoring systems, traffic conditions can be inferred based on the position data of a set of periodically polled probe vehicles. In such systems, the two consecutive polled positions do not necessarily correspond to the end points of individual links. Obtaining estimates of travel time at the individual link level requires the total traversal time (which is equal to the polling interval duration) be decomposed. This paper presents an algorithm for solving the problem of decomposing the traversal time to times taken to traverse individual road segments on the route. The proposed algorithm assumes minimal information about the network, namely network topography (i.e. links and nodes) and the free flow speed of each link. Unlike existing deterministic methods, the proposed solution algorithm defines a likelihood function that is maximized to solve for the most likely travel time for each road segment on the traversed route. The proposed scheme is evaluated using simulated data and compared to a benchmark deterministic method. The evaluation results suggest that the proposed method outperforms the bench mark method and on average improves the accuracy of the estimated link travel times by up to 90%.  相似文献   

This paper presents a transit network optimization method, in which travel time reliability on road is considered. A robust optimization model, taking into account the stochastic travel time, is formulated to satisfy the demand of passengers and provide reliable transit service. The optimization model aims to maximize the efficiency of passenger trips in the optimized transit network. Tabu search algorithm is defined and implemented to solve the problem. Then, transit network optimization method proposed in this paper is tested with two numerical examples: a simple route and a medium-size network. The results show the proposed method can effectively improve the reliability of a transit network and reduce the travel time of passengers in general.  相似文献   

Although many individual route choice models have been proposed to incorporate travel time variability as a decision factor, they are typically still deterministic in the sense that the optimal strategy requires choosing one particular route that maximizes utility. In contrast, this study introduces an individual route choice model where choosing a portfolio of routes instead of a single route is the best strategy for a rational traveler who cares about both journey time and lateness when facing stochastic network conditions. The proposed model is compared with UE and SUE models and the difference in both behavioral foundation and model characteristics is highlighted. A numerical example is introduced to demonstrate how such model can be used in traffic assignment problem. The model is then tested with GPS data collected in metropolitan Minneapolis–St. Paul, Minnesota. Our data suggest there is no single dominant route (defined here as a route with the shortest travel time for a 15 day period) in 18% of cases when links travel times are correlated. This paper demonstrates that choosing a portfolio of routes could be the rational choice of a traveler who wants to optimize route decisions under variability.  相似文献   

Travel time is an important performance measure for transportation systems, and dissemination of travel time information can help travelers make reliable travel decisions such as route choice or departure time. Since the traffic data collected in real time reflects the past or current conditions on the roadway, a predictive travel time methodology should be used to obtain the information to be disseminated. However, an important part of the literature either uses instantaneous travel time assumption, and sums the travel time of roadway segments at the starting time of the trip, or uses statistical forecasting algorithms to predict the future travel time. This study benefits from the available traffic flow fundamentals (e.g. shockwave analysis and bottleneck identification), and makes use of both historical and real time traffic information to provide travel time prediction. The methodological framework of this approach sequentially includes a bottleneck identification algorithm, clustering of traffic data in traffic regimes with similar characteristics, development of stochastic congestion maps for clustered data and an online congestion search algorithm, which combines historical data analysis and real-time data to predict experienced travel times at the starting time of the trip. The experimental results based on the loop detector data on Californian freeways indicate that the proposed method provides promising travel time predictions under varying traffic conditions.  相似文献   

The consideration of pollution in routing decisions gives rise to a new routing framework where measures of the environmental implications are traded off with business performance measures. To address this type of routing decisions, we formulate and solve a bi-objective time, load and path-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows (BTL-VRPTW). The proposed formulation incorporates a travel time model representing realistically time varying traffic conditions. A key feature of the problem under consideration is the need to address simultaneously routing and path finding decisions. To cope with the computational burden arising from this property of the problem we propose a network reduction approach. Computational tests on the effect of the network reduction approach on determining non-dominated solutions are reported. A generic solution framework is proposed to address the BTL-VRPTW. The proposed framework combines any technique that creates capacity-feasible routes with a routing and scheduling method that aims to convert the identified routes to problem solutions. We show that transforming a set of routes to BTL-VRPTW solutions is equivalent to solving a bi-objective time dependent shortest path problem on a specially structured graph. We propose a backward label setting technique to solve the emerging problem that takes advantage of the special structure of the graph. The proposed generic solution framework is implemented by integrating the routing and scheduling method into an Ant Colony System algorithm. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm was assessed on the basis of its capability to determine minimum travel time and fuel consumption solutions. Although the computational results are encouraging, there is ample room for future research in algorithmic advances on addressing the proposed problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the α-reliable mean-excess traffic equilibrium (METE) model of Chen and Zhou (Transportation Research Part B 44(4), 2010, 493-513) by explicitly modeling the stochastic perception errors within the travelers’ route choice decision processes. In the METE model, each traveler not only considers a travel time budget for ensuring on-time arrival at a confidence level α, but also accounts for the impact of encountering worse travel times in the (1 − α) quantile of the distribution tail. Furthermore, due to the imperfect knowledge of the travel time variability particularly in congested networks without advanced traveler information systems, the travelers’ route choice decisions are based on the perceived travel time distribution rather than the actual travel time distribution. In order to compute the perceived mean-excess travel time, an approximation method based on moment analysis is developed. It involves using the conditional moment generation function to derive the perceived link travel time, the Cornish-Fisher Asymptotic Expansion to estimate the perceived travel time budget, and the Acerbi and Tasche Approximation to estimate the perceived mean-excess travel time. The proposed stochastic mean-excess traffic equilibrium (SMETE) model is formulated as a variational inequality (VI) problem, and solved by a route-based solution algorithm with the use of the modified alternating direction method. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate the application of the proposed SMETE model and solution method.  相似文献   

Travel times are generally stochastic and spatially correlated in congested road networks. However, very few existing route guidance systems (RGS) can provide reliable guidance services to aid travellers planning their trips with taking account explicitly travel time reliability constraint. This study aims to develop such a RGS with particular consideration of travellers' concern on travel time reliability in congested road networks with uncertainty. In this study, the spatially dependent reliable shortest path problem (SD‐RSPP) is formulated as a multi‐criteria shortest path‐finding problem in road networks with correlated link travel times. Three effective dominance conditions are established for links with different levels of travel time correlations. An efficient algorithm is proposed to solve SD‐RSPP by adaptively using three established dominance conditions. The complexities of road networks in reality are also explicitly considered. To demonstrate the applicability of proposed algorithm, a comprehensive case study is carried out in Hong Kong. The results of case study show that the proposed solution algorithm is robust to take account of travellers' multiple routing criteria. Computational results demonstrate that the proposed solution algorithm can determine the reliable shortest path on real‐time basis for large‐scale road networks. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Connected Vehicles (CV) equipped with a Speed Advisory System (SAS) can obtain and utilize upcoming traffic signal information to manage their speed in advance, lower fuel consumption, and improve ride comfort by reducing idling at red lights. In this paper, a SAS for pre-timed traffic signals is proposed and the fuel minimal driving strategy is obtained as an analytical solution to a fuel consumption minimization problem. We show that the minimal fuel driving strategy may go against intuition of some people; in that it alternates between periods of maximum acceleration, engine shut down, and sometimes constant speed, known in optimal control as bang-singular-bang control. After presenting this analytical solution to the fuel minimization problem, we employ a sub-optimal solution such that drivability is not sacrificed and show fuel economy still improves significantly. Moreover this paper evaluates the influence of vehicles with SAS on the entire arterial traffic in micro-simulations. The results show that SAS-equipped vehicles not only improve their own fuel economy, but also benefit other conventional vehicles and the fleet fuel consumption decreases with the increment of percentage of SAS-equipped vehicles. We show that this improvement in fuel economy is achieved with a little compromise in average traffic flow and travel time.  相似文献   

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