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The link between accessibility and social equity attracts much attention for promoting sustainability. However, there is no comprehensive approach to elevate the role of accessibility in evaluating transportation system over social equity by considering the variety of urban opportunities and population groups from green transportation perspective. Our goal is to develop such a framework to evaluate transportation equity by focusing on accessibility via transit and cycling. Applying the framework to Fresno, California, and Cincinnati, Ohio with different development patterns, we delineate service areas at block-group level with five time-thresholds. The service area is used to count the number of urban opportunities: jobs, dining, churches, libraries, parks, multi-use paths, schools. We then use statistical comparison and geographical mapping to identify accessibility gap to these opportunities between advantaged and disadvantaged groups defined by income, property value, education, vehicle ownership, race, and age. The results indicate the extent of differences in accessibility is sensitive to threshold specification of grouping population. The findings suggest that the efficiency of transit service needs to be improved to reach the same level of cycling, while they do help with the accessibility for economically disadvantaged neighborhoods. Considering school enrollment, the accessibility to opportunities in Fresno performs differently while students in Cincinnati benefit from good accessibility to most resources. The results of accessibility to multi-use paths highlight the need of providing more efficient green transportation facilities for less wealthy neighborhoods. Variation in accessibility between groups underscores the importance of developing policies to meet the needs of diverse social groups.  相似文献   

Social media platforms are seeing increasing adoption by public transport agencies, as they provide a cost-effective, reliable, and timely mechanism for sharing information with passengers and other travellers. In this paper, we use a case study of the @GamesTravel2014 Twitter account to evaluate how this social media platform was used over the course of the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland to provide and share transport-related information and respond to information requests. The case study provides an exemplar for the public co-ordination of information from multiple partners in a complex environment during a time of transport disruption. We evaluate both the structure and intent of the @GamesTravel2014 social media strategy via interviews with involved parties and an analysis of Tweets related to the account. Findings indicate the potential for future applications of social media by transport operators and authorities in producing a more effective network of communication with passengers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically test the viability of a flow-based approach as an alternative to transport accessibility measurement. To track where commuters travel from and to (but not commute times), we use transactional smartcard data from residents in Singapore to construct the (daily) spatial network of trips generated. We use the Place Rank method to demonstrate the viability of the flow-based approach to study accessibility. We compute the Place Rank of each of 44 planning areas in Singapore. Interestingly, even though the spatial network is constructed using only origin–destination information, we find that the travel time of the trips out of each planning area generally decreases as the area’s Place Rank increases. The same is also the case for in-vehicle time, number of transfers in the network and transfer time. This shows that a flow-based approach can be used to measure the notion of accessibility, which is traditionally assessed using travel time information in the system. We also compare Place Rank with other indicators, namely, bus stop density, eigenvector centrality, clustering coefficient and typographical coefficient to evaluate an area’s accessibility. The results show that these indicators are not as effective as the Place Rank method.  相似文献   

Planning for accessibility is increasingly considered in the development of equitable plans by transport agencies and it has also been shown to exert a positive influence on public transport use. However, this influence has not been examined across income groups and in different geographic regions of varying sizes. The present study measures the relationship between accessibility and mode choice for low- and higher-income groups in eleven Canadian metropolitan regions. Our results show that the impact of accessibility on public transport mode share is stronger and non-linear for the low-income group especially in the largest metropolitan areas, where increasing accessibility past a certain optimal value will lead to a decrease in public transport mode share. However, this point occurs at the 80th percentile of existing accessibility, so improvements in mode share are nonetheless expected with improved accessibility in most areas within these regions. Moreover, in regions where an optimal value is not readily observed, improved accessibility throughout the region would lead to increased uptake of public transport for both the higher- and to a greater extent, the low-income group. Findings from this paper can be of value to transport professionals working towards meeting ridership goals around the world as comparisons between groups and across regions highlight the variation in the impacts of accessibility on mode share.  相似文献   

In the face of rapidly escalating costs of aircraft fuel, since the early 1970s, the aerospace industry has embarked on a program of measures to reduce fuel consumption. This article describes an integrated set of measures which have been undertaken by Lockheed‐California to improve the fuel requirements of the Tristar, a wide‐bodied three engine medium to long range aircraft. Measures include operational changes, improvements to maintenance practices, long term hardware modifications and technological advances.  相似文献   

The market potential indicator is a commonly used tool in transport planning for evaluating the potential economic effects derived from improvements in transport infrastructures. The general assumption is that exports from a given region will rise with increased accessibility, thus benefiting economic activities. However, the specification of the market potential model is typically very simple and ignores both the impact of competing rivals and the role of international borders, which leads to unrealistic results. Spatial interaction models on bilateral trade have already proved that international trade is affected by multilateral resistance, borders, adjacency, language or currency. Nevertheless, apart from some recent analyses that simply calibrate the distance decay parameter from trade datasets, these variables have hardly been integrated into research on market potential. This paper sets out to demonstrate that more realistic results are obtained by calibrating the distance-decay parameter and introducing the impact of competing rivals and border effects into the market potential formulation. The proposed model is then applied to the assessment of the accessibility impacts of new road transport infrastructure in the European Union between 2001 and 2012, which shows that the greatest improvements in accessibility were experienced by peripheral countries with high road infrastructure investment.  相似文献   


This paper develops cost models for urban transport infrastructure options in situations where motorcycles and various forms of taxis are important modes of transport. The total social costs (TSCs) of conventional bus, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Monorail, Metro (Elevated Rail), car, motorcycle, Taxi and Uber are calculated for an urban corridor covering operator, user and external costs. Based on the parameters for a 7?km corridor in Hanoi, Vietnam, the results show the lowest average social cost (ASC) transport modes for different ranges of demand. Motorcycle might be the best option at low demand levels while conventional bus has advantages with low-medium demand. At medium demand levels, bus-based technologies and Monorail are competitive options while Metro, with a higher person capacity, is the best alternative at the highest demand levels. Compared to other modes, the ASCs of car and Taxi/Uber are greater because of high capital cost (related to vehicles) per passenger and low occupancy. Transport planners and decision makers in low and middle income countries (LMICs) can draw on the findings of this study. However, various limitations are identified and additional research is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper aims at investigating the over-prediction of public transit ridership by traditional mode choice models estimated using revealed preference data. Five different types of models are estimated and analysed, namely a traditional Revealed Preference (RP) data-based mode choice model, a hybrid mode choice model with a latent variable, a Stated Preference (SP) data-based mode switching model, a joint RP/SP mode switching model, and a hybrid mode switching model with a latent variable. A comparison of the RP data-based mode choice model with the mode choice models including a latent variable showed that the inclusion of behavioural factors (especially habit formation) significantly improved the models. The SP data-based mode switching models elucidated the reasons why traditional models tend to over-predict transit ridership by revealing the role played by different transit level-of-service attributes and their relative importance to mode switching decisions. The results showed that traditional attributes (e.g. travel cost and time) are of lower importance to mode switching behaviour than behavioural factors (e.g. habit formation towards car driving) and other transit service design attributes (e.g. crowding level, number of transfers, and schedule delays). The findings of this study provide general guidelines for developing a variety of transit ridership forecasting models depending on the availability of data and the experience of the planner.  相似文献   

Building on a growing research foundation, transport policy makers have begun to associate the ability to be mobile with having a role in the facilitation of social inclusion. However, the further connection to well-being is not as well understood. This paper explores the association between a person’s travel patterns, their risk of social exclusion and self-assessed well-being. Key influences on social exclusion are discussed, with trip making emerging as a significant influence. Trip making is not a significant direct influence on well-being but does exercise an indirect influence through the impact on risk of social exclusion. The modelling process enables a value for additional trips to be estimated, the value being about four times the values derived from conventional generated traffic approaches. Similar high values are found in separate metropolitan and regional case studies, confirming the significance of the results.  相似文献   

Conceptual and empirical models of the propensity to perform social activity–travel behavior are described, which incorporate the influence of individuals’ social context, namely their social networks. More explicitly, the conceptual model develops the concepts of egocentric social networks, social activities, and social episodes, and defines the three sets of aspects that influence the propensity to perform social activities: individuals’ personal attributes, social network composition, and information and communication technology interaction with social network members. Using the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique and data recently collected in Toronto, the empirical model tests the effect of these three aspects on the propensity to perform social activities. Results suggest that the social networks framework provides useful insights into the role of physical space, social activity types, communication and information technology use, and the importance of “with whom” the activity was performed with. Overall, explicitly incorporating social networks into the activity–travel behavior modeling framework provides a promising framework to understand social activities and key aspects of the underlying behavioral process. Juan Antonio Carrasco a PhD candidate in Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto, holds a MSc degree in Transportation Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His doctoral research explores the relationships between social networks, activity–travel behavior, and ICTs. His research interests also include microsimulation, land use-transportation, and econometric modeling. Eric J. Miller is Bahen-Tanenbaum Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto where he is also Director of the Joint Program in Transportation. His research interests include integrated land-use/transportation modeling, activity-based travel modeling, microsimulation and sustainable transportation planning.  相似文献   

Public transport networks (PTN) are subject to recurring service disruptions. Most studies of the robustness of PTN have focused on network topology and considered vulnerability in terms of connectivity reliability. While these studies provide insights on general design principles, there is lack of knowledge concerning the effectiveness of different strategies to reduce the impacts of disruptions. This paper proposes and demonstrates a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of a strategic increase in capacity on alternative PTN links to mitigate the impact of unexpected network disruptions. The evaluation approach consists of two stages: identifying a set of important links and then for each identified important link, a set of capacity enhancement schemes is evaluated. The proposed method integrates stochastic supply and demand models, dynamic route choice and limited operational capacity. This dynamic agent-based modelling of network performance enables to capture cascading network effects as well as the adaptive redistribution of passenger flows. An application for the rapid PTN of Stockholm, Sweden, demonstrates how the proposed method could be applied to sequentially designed scenarios based on their performance indicators. The method presented in this paper could support policy makers and operators in prioritizing measures to increase network robustness by improving system capacity to absorb unexpected disruptions.  相似文献   

We analyze the behavior of market participants in a multi-modal commuter network, where roads are not priced, but public transport has a usage fee, which is set while taking the effects on the roads into account. In particular, we analyze the difference between markets with a monopolistic public transport operator, which operates all public transport links, and markets in which separate operators own each public transport link. To do so, we consider a simple dynamic transport network consisting of two serial segments and two parallel congestible modes of transport. We obtain a reduced form of the public transport operator’s optimal fare setting problem and show that, even if the total travel demand is inelastic, serial Bertrand–Nash competition on the public transport links leads to different fares than a serial monopoly; a result not observed in a static model. This results from the fact that trip timing decisions, and therefore the generalized prices of all commuters, are influenced by all fares in the network. We then use numerical simulations to show that, contrary to the results obtained in classic studies on vertical competition, monopolistic fares are not always lower than duopolistic fares; the opposite can also occur. We also explore how different parameters influence the price differential, and how this affects welfare.  相似文献   

In recent decades, owing to a series of public debt crises and constraints on government expenditure, infrastructure investment has dropped significantly in both developed and developing countries. To counterbalance this trend, Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs) schemes have been increasingly adopted. In this paper, we explore the determinants of the degree of private participation in transport infrastructure projects in a large sample of developing countries. By using a large sample of transport projects included in the World Bank Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects database, we document that greater participation by private parties in PPP contracts is associated with better institutions in terms of lower corruption, civil freedom, and a better regulatory framework.  相似文献   

Having an effective public participation in transportation planning and project development processes has been a major concern for developed countries. In the United States, for instance, all state Departments of Transportation are subject to the Transportation Equity Act (TEA-21) that formally requires public involvement in transportation planning. Since transportation planning involves public resources and values, judgments by the public should play a key role in determining final decisions. Therefore, all these agencies are required not only to disseminate information to the public, but also to solicit and consider public opinion in forming transportation policy. This work presents a decision support model, with public involvement and public oversight, to help policy makers select appropriate transportation projects for implementation. Since focus groups will face multiple objectives and inexact information in the process, a hybrid model of fuzzy logic and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is proposed. A set of ‘if–then’ rules based on Weber’s psycho-physical law of 1834 is presented to reason from fuzzy numbers to capture essential subjective preferences, pairwise, among the alternatives. The AHP is then incorporated to estimate preference allotments among alternatives. An example application of the suggested method is provided seeking public approval of an appropriate public bus transportation system choosing between one run by municipal authorities and one run by private agencies to show how this procedure works.
Turan ArslanEmail:

As urban areas face increasing demands for new transport infrastructure to promote a sustainable future with an increasing reality of constrained government budgets, the debate on whether we should focus on rail or bus-based investments continues unabated in many jurisdictions. Associated with the debate is an emotional (or ideological) bias by communities in favour of one mode, especially rail, which carries much sway at the political level as if there is no budget constraint. This paper presents a stated choice experiment to investigate this context as two unlabelled options described by 20 potential drivers of community preferences for improved public transport, where each choice scenario is conditioned on an estimated construction cost and a total annual transport infrastructure budget for the relevant geographical jurisdiction. This is followed by a labelling of each alternative to reveal whether the option is bus rapid transit (BRT) or light rail (LRT) and to establish whether this additional information influences preference revision. Data is collected in all eight capital cities of Australia in mid 2014. Mixed logit models with heteroscedastic conditioning in terms of the cost of the project infrastructure and whether the alternative is labelled BRT or LRT, provide new evidence on the nature and extent of community modal bias in a budget-constrained choice setting. The conclusions are twofold. On the one hand, if a fully compensatory choice rule is assumed (as is common in all previous modal comparison studies), LRT is predominantly preferred over BRT despite budgetary constraints, similarities in quality of service attributes and the opportunity to choose a greater network coverage for a given construction cost. However, when we allow for attribute non-attendance (a semi-compensatory choice rule), the modal bias is no longer a significant driver of preferences.  相似文献   

New technologies are constantly being researched and developed to improve the sense of security of transport users. However, security technologies could also pose their own risks with regard to transport users’ privacy through the potential for data collection and storage. Transport, in particular, allows the data collector potential access to information on the users’ habits through the location information that could be collected during an individual’s interaction with technology during their travels. Some technologies, such as personal security apps (which essentially turn a smartphone into a type of panic alarm) also allow for the linking of the security technology and social networking apps. Given this link and the extent to which personal data, including location data, can be included in an individual’s social networking account, it was decided to investigate if the use of social networks could be related to individuals’ opinions on the use of their data through new technologies, such as personal security apps. This paper presents an exploration of the possibility of grouping respondents to a transport survey (N = 469) based on their answers to questions on their social networking (SNS) use. It was hypothesised that if distinct groups exist within the SNS data, then they could be used as a supplementary personal variable for underlying privacy concerns and levels of engagement with technology in future transport studies. This would be in addition to the socio-demographic information collected in the survey. This paper presents the initial dimension reduction of the response variables to create composite variables. That is followed by the exploratory clustering of responses using two-step cluster analysis. Finally, the paper discusses the hypothesis testing of the resultant clusters against the socio-demographic responses to ascertain if additional information is provided by the clustering results. The transport survey responses were collected in Ireland, and a subset of responses, from the Greater Dublin Area, were used for the analysis in this paper. The results demonstrate that there is scope for this type of method to be used when researching new security technologies in transport.  相似文献   

In this paper, reasonable paths in transit networks are defined as possible paths that satisfy the acceptable time criterion and transfer‐walk criterion. A recursive algorithm for finding all of the reasonable paths in a transit network that does not involve a rapid increase in program run‐time with network size is presented. Realistic transit networks in Hong Kong and Guangzhou were selected as case studies of the different phases of the development of a trip planning system. Transport planning practitioners and potential users were invited to test the system to evaluate its performance. The results of the prototype evaluation were satisfactory, and the viability of the system as a useful tool for supporting decision‐making has been confirmed by the positive feedback that was obtained from survey questionnaires.  相似文献   

The interrelatedness of transportation development and economic growth has been a constant theme of geographic inquiries, particularly in economic and transportation geography. This paper analyzes the expansion of China’s railway network, the evolution of its spatial accessibility, and the impacts on economic growth and urban systems over a time span of about one century (1906–2000). First, major historical events and policies and their effects on railway development in China are reviewed and grouped into four major eras: preliminary construction, network skeleton, corridor building, and deep intensification. All four eras followed a path of “inland expansion.” Second, spatial distribution of accessibility and its evolution are analyzed. The spatial structure of China’s railway network is characterized by “concentric rings” with its major axis in North China and the most accessible city gradually migrating from Tianjin to Zhengzhou. Finally, the study indicates that railway network expansion has significantly improved economic development and heavily influenced the formation of urban systems in China.  相似文献   

Formulation and specification of activity analysis models require better understanding of time allocation behavior that goes beyond the more recent within household analyses to understand selfish and altruistic behavior and how this relates to travel behavior. Using data from 1,471 persons in a recent 2-day time use/activity diary and latent class cluster analysis we identify 11 distinct daily behaviors that span from the intensely self-serving to intensely altruistic. Predicted cluster membership is then used to study within household interactions. The analysis shows strong correlation exists between social role and patterns of altruistic behavior. However, a substantial amount of heterogeneity is also found within social roles. In addition, travel behavior is also very different among altruistic and self-serving time allocation groups. At the household level, a substantial number of households contain persons with similar behavior. Another group of households contains a mix of self-serving and altruistic persons that follow specialized household roles within their households. The majority of households, however, are populated by altruistic persons. Single person households are more likely to be in the self-serving groups but not in their entirety. Altruism at home is directed most often toward the immediate family members. This is less pronounced when we examine altruistic acts outside the home. Konstadinos G. Goulias is a professor of Geography at the University of California Santa Barbara, has been a professor of Civil Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University from 1991 to 2004, and he is the founder and chair of the TRB task force on moving activity-based approaches to practice. Kriste M. Henson is a technical staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the Decision Applications Division and is currently pursing a Ph.D. in Geography at the University of California—Santa Barbara.  相似文献   

Rosenbloom  Sandra 《Transportation》2001,28(4):375-408
In the next three decades there will a huge increase in both the absolute number of older people and in their percentage of the populationin almost all Western European countries, North America, and Australia. Most older people will have active lifestyles in which mobility and access play a major role and almost all older men and a majority of older women will be car drivers, used to the convenience and flexibility which the car provides.Using data from the US, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom, the paper shows that, in spite of cultural and policy differences, older people around the world are more likely to have a license, to take more trips, and to do so more often as the driver of a car than older people just a decade ago; they are also less likely to use public transit. These trends have a number of sustainability implications – the most obvious one is increased environmental pollution. For example, even though older people may travel less than younger drivers they may be polluting proportionately more because a) they are less likely to make as great a proportion of trips in public transit as younger people and b) the trips they do make may create more pollutants. In addition, older drivers may incur more wasted miles due to wayfinding errors and trip-scouting behavior. And when older people curtail their driving, younger family members may have to increase (or lengthen) their trip-making to provide needed services or additional transportation.While this paper stresses the environmental problems posed by an aging population, effective strategies arise from a focus on a broader definition of sustainability. The most important approach is to accept the inevitable and work to make the private car "greener" and safer. New transit service concepts and strategic community and neighborhood design and service elements can complement the development of cleaner cars.Although many of the potential strategies are not new, or can be expensive to implement, the convergence of environmental concerns with other problems arising from the automobility of the elderly – including increasing crash rates and serious loss of mobility among those unable to drive – may make these policies more politically viable than in the past.  相似文献   

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