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全球最新型的豪华邮轮"挪威宝石"号8月中旬在德国以北帕宾伯格的美亚船坞出坞,该船近300米长,型宽32.2米、可载2400名乘客和1197名船员,船东是挪威邮轮公司。  相似文献   

详细介绍了世界邮轮产业的发源与变迁,欧美邮轮旅游业开始向亚洲市场转移,中国研发豪华邮轮的条件逐渐成熟,并对豪华邮轮的设计理念、如何培养本土的设计师和造船师进行阐述。  相似文献   

详细介绍了世界邮轮产业的发源与变迁,欧美邮轮旅游业开始向亚洲市场转移,中国研发豪华邮轮的条件逐渐成熟,并对豪华邮轮的设计理念、如何培养本土的设计师和造船师进行阐述.  相似文献   

我国邮轮制造业发展探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邮轮经济的蓬勃发展给邮轮制造业带来巨大机遇,而邮轮本身也朝着规模大型化、功能全面化和船龄年轻化的趋势发展。虽然我国造船企业有建造各种船舶的经验,但唯独豪华邮轮尚未建造。文中通过分析世界邮轮制造业现状及我国发展邮轮制造业的必要性和可行性,给出发展我国邮轮制造业的建议。  相似文献   

崔濛  司南  孙利 《中国舰船研究》2022,14(2):17-27, 37
  目的  豪华邮轮对外观和工程协作设计的要求较高,但目前国内豪华邮轮设计模式在协作设计方面存在交叉界面不清晰的问题;因此,需明确船舶总布置对豪华邮轮外观设计的约束边界。  方法  基于对豪华邮轮外观设计影响因素的分区域解构和参数树梳理,选取主要影响因素,分析其在工程设计中受船舶规范公约、船舶安全以及工程经验的制约,给出外观设计创意发挥的边界条件。  结果  对于主体轮廓、侧立面视觉包络线、烟囱、艏艉功能区等诸多外形特征元素,在其符合工程设计要求的边界界定上通过确定各尺度比例关系的方式避免束缚外观创意。  结论  研究结果对于探索外观和工程设计协作模式、提升国内邮轮外观创新设计水平具备参考意义。  相似文献   

施楠  张晓颖  刘斌 《江苏船舶》2020,37(2):41-44
通过检索相关文献和权威新闻,阐述了新冠状病毒传播的主要特点,并从邮轮角度对病因进行了分析。分析发现:受制于对病毒的认知和邮轮密闭性、人员复杂性、信息闭塞性及应急措施不完善的特点,使得新冠病毒极易在邮轮上传播,因此在邮轮建设中更应考虑到航行中突发传染病的问题。得出了由于邮轮环境和病毒传播途径,需要对邮轮建造中的通风系统、公共管理系统、应急管理设施进行相应的改进。  相似文献   

考虑台湾海峡和东南亚航区的风浪情况,在船舶最新设计理念及有关理论指导下,结合以往在型线设计方面的经验和基础船型数据库,研究设计三种新颖的豪华邮轮船型,并采用Motion软件计算分析其耐波性,获得适合该航区较佳的船型。结合现有船舶规范资料,提出豪华邮轮耐波性衡准标准。  相似文献   

王驰明 《船舶工程》2014,36(S1):12-15
考虑台湾海峡和东南亚航区风浪情况,在船舶最新设计理念及有关理论指导下,结合以往在型线设计方面的经验和基础船型数据库,研究设计三种新颖的豪华邮轮船型,并采用CFD 软件fluent和Resistance计算并优化分析船体型线及阻力,获得该适合航区较佳的船型。  相似文献   

阐述疫情对于邮轮产业发展带来的影响,并从法规要求和客户需求两个角度,分析疫情对邮轮设计建造的影响。  相似文献   

The Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA) of 1886, a cabotage law, attempts to shield U.S. maritime shipping from foreign competition. It also applies to the U.S. cruise ship industry. The PVSA requires foreign cruise ships that carry passengers between U.S. ports to also stop at foreign ports. Norwegian Cruise Line America (NCLA), which operates one U.S. flagged cruise ship in Hawaii, wants the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to require foreign cruise ships offering Hawaii itineraries from the U.S. west coast to spend more time in foreign ports. We analyze the merits of NCLA's proposal. We argue that rather than making the PVSA even more protectionist, the law should be repealed.  相似文献   

船舶舱室空气污染物是影响舱室舒适性的重要因素。以极地邮轮舱室空气污染物为研究对象,在分析其来源及相互影响因素的基础上,提出采用因子分子法对舱室污染物进行降维的处理方法。在相关样本数据的基础上,分别利用SPSS软件和MATLAB编程进行污染物的因子分析。目前已有的样本数据显示公因子为2个:第一公因子在CO、细菌总数、可吸入颗粒物、甲醛和SO2上有较大的载荷;第二个公因子在甲醛、NO2和SO2上有较大的载荷。研究结果表明:SPSS软件和MATLAB在降维分析中的研究结论一致。该研究结果可为对环境舒适度要求较高的船舶舱室空气污染物主动控制提供较好的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

大型豪华邮轮结构设计的难点及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简述了大型豪华邮轮的结构特点,介绍了大型豪华邮轮的特殊要求,指出了结构设计中存在的困难和问题,研究了解决困难的对策和方法,对于大型豪华邮轮的结构设计,关键在于特定结构设计水平的提升,薄板加工焊接变形的控制,振动和噪声的预防,结构细节的处理,结构与设施的协调等。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the centrality of cruise ports in the Asian cruise shipping market while proposing the hubs and authorities centrality (HACC) metric as a directional synthesis of the hubs centrality and authorities centrality to explore cyclical and directional features of centrality in the cruise shipping network. With the development of the cruise shipping industry, research has been actively conducted with a particular focus on identifying the characteristics of hub ports. This paper employs social network analysis to investigate the HACC which is originally developed for analyzing the cruise port centrality problem. Empirical study implies that Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, Nagasaki, Penang, Phuket, Port Klang, Shanghai, and Singapore (in alphabetical order) reflects particulars of cruise hub ports. One of the exceptional results of this paper is Ho Chi Minh City, Penang, Phuket, and Port Klang have demonstrated high HACC (refers to hub ports) while limited degree and betweenness centrality. In contrast, Busan and Keelung are not classified as hub ports.  相似文献   

Cruise traffic is a maritime business and tourist typology that has expanded significantly in the past two decades. The seasonality of the industry affects maritime traffic, generating negative effects for the primary stakeholders involved in the configuration of a cruise itinerary. This article focuses on cruise traffic seasonality from the perspective of cruise ports by analysing a sample of 13 ports on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. The variable used was cruise passenger movements during the period 2000–2015. The main objective of this article is to analyse cruise traffic seasonality in order to identify a pattern, classify through a cluster analysis, and identify the changes in seasonality during the period. Specifically, a threefold analysis has been performed, with the additional goal of providing a series of counter-seasonal suggestions and strategies to apply in the management of cruise ports. First, the seasonality pattern of each port was determined. Second, a cluster analysis was conducted to classify ports into clusters with homogeneous seasonality patterns. Third, an analysis was conducted to identify the changes in seasonality during the period of analysis using the coefficient of variation and the Gini coefficient. This article concludes the existence of two port clusters with different seasonal patterns.  相似文献   

余玮 《船舶工程》2019,41(6):96-100
激光电弧复合焊克服了传统电弧焊和激光焊的缺点,其良好的焊接特性及可控的焊接成本,使其完全满足邮轮上层建筑建造的技术要求,即:焊后上层建筑外板平整、线型流畅和焊缝成形美观等,且焊接成本应在可控范围。由于目前船级社规范以及国内相关标准尚未制定出可执行的激光电弧复合焊焊接工艺认可的技术要求,制约了激光电弧复合焊在我国邮轮建造领域的应用。为了获得科学合理的激光电弧复合焊焊接工艺认可的工艺技术参数,通过焊接工艺试验,就激光电弧复合焊的特性、焊接设备的选配、试验所用的钢板和焊接材料进行了详细介绍;经对焊接工艺试验数据的分析研究,获得并建立了激光电弧复合焊焊接工艺认可所需的最佳可控的焊接工艺技术参数。这些工艺技术参数不仅能帮助船厂顺利完成激光电弧复合焊焊接工艺计划书等焊接工艺文件的编制、焊接工艺试验的实施及其认可,也能为完善规范提供参考,同时还为激光电弧复合焊在我国建造的邮轮上得以顺利实施提供技术支持。  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical procedure for creating finite element (FE) model for vibration analysis of cruise ships. The most preferable FE modelling approaches are studied and discussed through case studies of common ship structures, which cover the range from low to high frequencies. The application of homogenized equivalent single layer (ESL) theory based equivalent element for stiffened panel is extended to local forced vibration analysis, where inertia induced interaction between plate and stiffener occurs. Modal method is used with an energy-based correction for accounting the plate-stiffener interaction into modal properties. Case study results reveal that mesh density of one 4-node element per web frame spacing is suitable for global FE-model when vibration analysis is limited to global hull girder modes. For such modes it is sufficient to only include the membrane stiffness of stiffened panels. For investigating the response at higher frequencies, bending properties of stiffened panel should be included and mesh density should be at least two elements per web frame spacing. Then forced vibration analysis can be performed with an excellent accuracy up to frequencies about one third of the local plate natural frequencies between the stiffeners. Beyond that, the influence of the local plate vibration becomes more significant in panel vibration, making the ESL-theory based element limited. With the applied correction method, the validity of the ESL-model can be extended to approximately two thirds of the local plate natural frequency.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity and size in cruise ships demands for lightweight structures and practical but accurate design methods. Conventionally, the focus has been on the steel parts of the ship, as they make most of its weight. However, the proportions of other materials are increasing. Therefore, this study attempts to provide better understanding how one could reach the lightweight designs of insulating glass units (IGUs) in ships. These are windows where at least two glass panes are separated by a hermetically sealed cavity. They are thin-walled structures that benefit not only from the geometrically nonlinear behavior, but also from the load sharing. Considering these effects, their behavior is studied using the nonlinear Finite Element Method and Particle Swarm Optimization. Different design criteria are imposed on the thickness determination of the glass panes with different shapes. Rectangular, triangular, and circular shapes are considered. The results show that the triangular shapes have the least weight for a given area when the deflection criterion is the dominating one. When maximum principal stress is the thickness defining criterion, the shapes perform almost equally well. The ratio between the pane thicknesses had the most influence on the behavior of the IGU. As it increases, i.e., one pane is significantly thicker than the other, the load sharing percentage drops, but it provides the most lightweight solution. Closer it is to 1, more equally the structural stresses are divided between the panes, i.e., redundancy is achieved. Finally, it is possible to establish a simple but effective method for the thickness determination of these IGUs using the results of this study. However, more work is required, including numerical analysis and experimental testing.  相似文献   

一种面向海事分支机构的船舶安全管理信息系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对直属海事局分支机构船舶安全管理业务的需求,提出一种船舶安全管理信息系统的设计思路。该系统将电子海图平台、船舶交通动态数据和船舶安全管理信息集成,以实现船舶安全管理数字化、信息化、网络化。从系统技术实现角度,对信息管理系统作出详细的设计与分析。  相似文献   

秦小龙  张卫  袁友华  李子凡  周文 《船舶工程》2020,42(S1):337-340
基于铝合金与钢结构“等强、等刚、等稳定性”的理论和有限元计算方法的分析,对某邮轮主体结构进行替代等效分析,论证了铝合金结构的安全性、经济性以及可能性,为铝合金在邮轮主船体结构的应用和直接计算方法提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

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