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Hirofumi Yoshimoto Shigeo Ohmatsu Kunihiro Hoshino Tetsuro Ikebuchi 《Journal of Marine Science and Technology》1997,2(3):163-172
The objective of this paper is to estimate the slamming load acting on a pontoon-type very large floating structure with a
shallow draft. Experiments were carried out using elastic models with different rigidities in regular waves. The results revealed
that the slamming load was strongly influenced by the rigidity of the model. The conditions under which slamming occurs depended
on the extent of the bottom emergence and the velocity of the relative wave height at the bow of the model. These results
were related to a simple procedure for estimating slamming load. 相似文献
Two degree of freedom flow-induced vibration of cylindrical structures in marine environments: frequency ratio effects 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Xiangxi Han Wei Lin Xiaojun Zhang Youhong Tang Chengbi Zhao 《Journal of Marine Science and Technology》2016,21(3):479-492
The flow-induced vibration of a cylindrical structure is a very common problem in marine environments such as undersea pipelines, offshore risers, and cables. In this study, the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of an elastically mounted cylinder at a low Reynolds number is simulated by a transient coupled fluid–structure interaction numerical model. Considering VIV with low damping ratio, the response, hydrodynamic forces, and vortex shedding modes of the cylinder is systematically analyzed and summed up the universal rule under different frequency ratios. On the basis of the analysis, we find that the frequency ratio α is a very important parameter. It decides the locked-in, beat, and phase-switch phenomena of the cylinder, meanwhile, it also influence the vortex mode of the cylinder. The trajectory of the two degrees of freedom (2 DOF) case at different natural frequency ratios is discussed, with most trajectories having a “figure of 8” shape and a few having a “crescent” shape. A fast Fourier transformation technique is used to obtain the frequency characteristics of the vibration of the cylindrical structure. Using the 2 DOF cylinder model in place of the 1 DOF model presents several advantages in simulating the nonlinear characteristics of cylindrical structures, including the capacity to model the crosswise vibration generated by in-line vibration. 相似文献
《Marine Structures》2000,13(4-5):315-330
An analysis is made of a VLFS which is partially supported by an air cushion. The interface between the air cushion and the water is considered to be a free surface. The elevation of this surface is represented by an appropriate set of Fourier generalized modes, and extended equations of motion are derived for the rigid-body motions and generalized modes. The dynamic effect of the air is represented by appropriate acoustic added-mass coefficients. The hydrodynamic coefficients are evaluated using the B-spline-based panel code HIPAN. Illustrative computations are presented which show significant resonant effects. 相似文献
在不同频率和振幅的正弦激励下,研究了基于磁流变阻尼器的单自由度弹簧阻尼系统的振动特性,分析了磁流变阻尼器的减振控制效果.主要通过建立磁流变阻尼器的振动实验模型,并在不同激励工况下测试了系统的振动特性.研究结果表明:系统在低频区30Hz内随着激励振幅和频率的提高减振效果越好,且激励频率对减振效果的影响更明显.当激励频率与系统一阶固有频率接近时,系统也具有良好的减振效果. 相似文献
线性连续分层流体中水波与截断圆柱浮体的相互作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了在线性连续分层流体中水波与截断圆柱浮体相互作用的问题.在Boussinesq近似下,基于分离变量法,表明了对给定的频率,当它大于浮力频率时,流场中只有一种模态的平面前进波,当它小于浮力频率时,流场中有无数多个模态的平面前进波.基于特征函数匹配理论,建立了作用在截断圆柱浮体上水动力的计算方法.对作用在截断圆柱浮体上的水平波浪力、垂向波浪力和力矩进行了数值计算分析,表明了在某个频率范围内,流体的线性连续分层效应对这些水动力量的影响是不可忽视的.特别地,在入射波频率小于浮力频率时,高阶模态入射波对截断圆柱浮体水动力的影响也是重要的,在海洋工程的实践中应予以特别关注. 相似文献
《Marine Structures》2000,13(4-5):421-436
We proposed a simple anti-motion device, which is a box-shaped body attached to an edge of VLFS. The performance of this device is investigated theoretically and experimentally in the present work. The theory is based on the eigen-function expansion method and the extension of this method to the oblique sea case is presented. The experiment is carried out in a wave tank with small-scale models. Both experimental results and the theoretical results show that the anti-motion performance of this device is very good at the design period in the case of beam-sea. The theory also demonstrates that this device reduces not only the deformation but also the shearing force and the moment of the platform and it also works well in the oblique sea. 相似文献
船舶的研发与设计过程非常的浩大而复杂,为了提高船舶的研发效率,同时减少船舶制造过程的下水实验次数,船舶工业领域投入大量精力研制船舶模拟控制平台。通过模拟各种海况,在实验室模拟和仿真船舶在海洋中的姿态和运动,从而降低开发成本和周期。本文对船舶六自由度模拟控制器平台进行系统的运动学分析,并基于运动模型设计船舶模拟控制器的仿真系统,进行船舶横摇角度的仿真分析。 相似文献
Hideyuki Suzuki Koichiro Yoshida Kazuhiro Iijima 《Journal of Marine Science and Technology》1996,1(5):255-267
The land area of Japan, especially flat land, is very small compared with its economic size. Large-scale floating structures
are one solution to satisfy the demand for space by utilizing the ocean. This paper presents a general view of the dynamic
response characteristics of large-scale floating structures, pontoons and semi-submersibles. For example, it is shown that
the natural frequencies of eigenmodes are higher than the natural frequency of heaving motion. The response of the outer framework
of a structure is shown to be generally larger than the response of the central part. Within the limits of our present understanding
of the general dynamic response characteristics of such structures, the design and analysis of semi-submersible, large-scale
floating structures is discussed. For a pontoon-type large-scale floating structure, a type whose perimeter structure has
been modified to become lighter and more rigid is proposed. With this modification, the dynamic response of the whole structure
is imporved. 相似文献
A submerged floating moored structure has a great potential in ocean engineering applications. The nonlinear dynamics of a submerged floating moored structure subjected to vertical excitation with possible slackness in the mooing system are investigated by incremental harmonic balance (IHB) method. Heaviside step function is introduced to describe the nonlinearity in axial stiffness arising from loss of mooring tension. The dimensionless governing equation is derived, and three parameters, frequency ratio η, damping ratio ζ and dimensionless net buoyancy W, are found to be independent. Due to the fact that the restoring force term is function of the unknown displacement and could barely be expressed in an explicit form of time, a fast Fourier transformation (FFT) is implemented in IHB method to simplify the Galerkin average procedure. Both stable and unstable solutions and both period-1 and bifurcated solutions are obtained by IHB method. The stability of the periodic solutions is investigated by Floquet theory. Parameter study is carried out. Results indicate that the system nonlinearity becomes stronger as dimensionless the net buoyancy W and damping ratio ζ decrease. A path to chaotic motions though a series of period doubling bifurcations is found. Multiple solutions are observed, and the domains of attraction are investigated by interpolated cell mapping (ICM) technique. 相似文献