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随着经济的发展,船舶油污事故对海洋环境的影响将日益严重。文章运用分析研究的方法,对船舶油污损害赔偿的原则进行探讨,认为船舶油污损害赔偿应当遵循无过错责任、高额赔偿责任限制、赔偿责任的强制保险、货主分摊油污损害等原则。  相似文献   

肖钢 《天津航海》2007,(2):14-15
文章通过对船舶碰撞事故的分析,提出防止船舶碰撞事故发生的安全措施,有助于减少船舶碰撞事故的发生。  相似文献   

基于客船倾斜试验中发现的问题,结合规范,对影响客船倾斜试验的关键因素进行分析,并提出实际操作的建议,包括试验大纲的制定、试验前准备、试验组织实施和数据分析。通过分析,以使客船倾斜试验过程合理且结果准确。  相似文献   

仝金强 《中国水运》2006,6(11):31-32
滚装客船易受风浪影响,大角度避让会产生更大的横倾,导致汽车倾翻、失火、沉船等事故。根据《国际海上避碰规则》的要求,结合本类船舶的特点,值班驾驶员应及早地小舵角避让,确保安全航行。  相似文献   

船舶碰撞包括直接碰撞和间接碰撞,从法律属性上来讲,属于侵权行为.船舶间接碰撞纠纷的解决应当建立在一定的责任基础之上.文章从船舶间接碰撞的概念及其构成要件入手,分析了侵权行为责任基础在间接碰撞中适用的合理性及可行性.最后指出了关于船舶间接碰撞的责任基础.  相似文献   

此文介绍了客滚船火灾的特点、危害、原因、扑救及预防措施和建议。  相似文献   

从方案设计、详细设计、生产设计与制造等方面阐述重量控制应贯穿于高速船设计的整个过程,归纳总结了现代高速船所采用的新材料,新工艺,新技术等减重措施。  相似文献   

近年来随着我国航运业的发展,滚装客船的数量不断增加,相继也出现了有关管理方面的一些问题,尤其是1999年在我国北部渤海湾海域相继发生的几起重大海难事故,有令人震惊的船舶和生命俱失的血泪教训,也有成功自救转然为安的可贵经验。为有利于滚装客船的安全运输,加强对滚装客船船员特殊培训管理是十分重要的。  相似文献   

沈江  姜朝妍 《中国海事》2006,(12):36-39
一、事故经过D轮是一条2003年建造的3万载重吨级的散船,装备有先进的助航设备,该轮某航次于2004年心Carelessness碰撞collision粗心Carelessnes12月在镇江港装货后经长江口出口驶向菲律宾某港卸货。船舶出长江口后,于次日中午改驶航向180度南下,航速13节,当时天气晴好,海面东北  相似文献   

The time dependence of survivability of ROPAX vessels, when sustaining side collision damage in waves, is investigated herein by use of numerical simulations of ship motion and flooding. Conducted research confirms that ROPAX ships characteristically capsize fast, when sustaining damage leading to capsizing. A probabilistic analysis of the survive time after collision damage reveals that even for the most generic damage conditions assumed, the survival time in the case of capsizing remains short, which is characteristic of this type of ship design, disposing the typically large undivided deck to be subject to flooding in higher waves. In a case study, the unconditional survivability in waves, corresponding to survival s-factor of SOLAS regulations, is alternatively assessed with numerical simulations. The estimated survivability proves to be time independent in terms of practical implications. Observed deviations between current SOLAS formulation and simulations, suggest the employment of comprehensive simulation methods when more reliable estimations and assessments of survivability are required.  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2002,15(2):119-138
This paper presents an investigation of the longitudinal strength of ships with damages due to grounding or collision accidents. Analytical equations are derived for the residual hull girder strength and verified with direct calculations of sample commercial ships for a broad spectrum of accidents. Hull girder ultimate strengths of these sample vessels under sagging and hogging conditions are also calculated, based on which correlation equations are proposed. To evaluate a grounded ship, using the section modulus to the deck would be optimistic, while using the section modulus to the bottom would be conservative. On the contrary, to evaluate a collided ship, using the section modulus to the deck would be conservative, while using the section modulus to the bottom would be optimistic. The derived analytical formulae are then applied to a fleet of 67 commercial ships, including 21 double hull tankers, 18 bulk carriers, 22 single hull tankers and six container carriers. The mean values, standard deviations and coefficients of variation for the coefficients in these new analytical formulae are obtained. The ship length exhibits little influence on these coefficients because they are close to the mean values although ship length spans from 150 to 400 m. The ship type shows some influence on the residual strength. Uniform equations are proposed for commercial ships which do not depend on a ship's principal dimensions. These formulae provide very handy tools for predicting the residual strength in seconds, without performing step-by-step detailed calculations, an obvious advantage in cases of emergency or salvage operation.  相似文献   

海洋油污染是海洋环境污染的一个重要方面,它可以分为两种:一是事故性污染.二是排放性污染,亦称操作性污染。前者的发生率虽相对于后者较少,但因其发生的地点较集中、逸漏量较大,往往造成更大的损失。在法律上,因为此类污染往往涉及第三方责任在内,所以在损害赔偿问题上存在很大争议。文中就事故性污染中船舶互有过失碰撞造成的油污损害的赔偿问题作简单的论述。  相似文献   

随着西部大开发的不断加速,水电建设的速度越来越快,高山出的平湖越来越多;特别是近几年内,贵州省境内万峰湖、龙滩水电站、索风营电站及构皮滩电站等大中型电站逐步建成,湖泊水面越来越多,有丰富水资源的地方,大多风光秀丽,极宜休闲旅游,旅游船舶的数量也随之不断增加。湖泊、  相似文献   

The demonstrated utility of underwater gliders as measurement platforms for the open ocean has sparked a growing interest in operating them in shallow coastal areas too. Underwater gliders face additional challenges in this environment, such as strong (tidal) currents and high shipping intensity. This work focuses on the probability of losing a glider through a collision with a ship. A ship density map is constructed for the German Bight from observed ship movements derived from automatic identification system data. A simple probability model is developed to convert ship densities into collision probabilities. More realistic—but also more computationally expensive—Monte Carlo simulations were carried out for verification. This model can be used to generate geographic maps showing the probability of glider loss due to collisions. Such maps are useful when planning glider missions. The method developed herein is also applicable to other types of AUVs.  相似文献   

  目的  船舶安全性是船舶最重要的性能之一,而舱室优化与提高船舶破损安全性密切相关,二者之间的关系是一个复杂的多因素问题。  方法  基于SOLAS 2009公约,评估概率破舱稳性,量化危险区域,采用层次分析法(AHP),以分舱指数、危险区域类型和数量为评估指标,求解各指标对船舶破损安全性的影响权重,并以提高船舶破损后的安全性为目标,评估出最优舱室优化方案。  结果  结果显示,调整危险区域边舱宽度、舱室长度及双层底高度均可提高船舶破舱稳性,以及船舶破损后的安全性。  结论  实验结果表明研究危险区域可提高船舶安全性,在基于多准则评估船舶破舱后的安全性上采用AHP方法可行。  相似文献   

叶伟明 《中国水运》2006,6(6):28-29
海上养殖业也处于高速发展期,并成为部分地区重要的区域支柱产业,但随意建立或扩大养殖区域对船舶正常的海上航行安全构成严重的威胁,海上交通安全与海洋养殖的矛盾已日趋突出。本文介绍了海上养殖区的设立应具备的必要条件,并客观的提出了船舶触损海上养殖区事故调处的法律法规理解和处理方式。  相似文献   

曾惠芬 《中国船检》2004,(11):82-83
【案情简介】具体案情2001年12月11日,广东省东莞市水上运输总公司石龙某运输公司(以下简称“石龙公司”)所有的“东运419”轮在蛇口集装箱码头某公司(以下简称“蛇口公司”)港口的蛇口新航道附近沉没,43只装有货物的集装箱随沉船也全部落海。事故发生后,在深圳海事局等有关  相似文献   

马得懿 《天津航海》2003,24(3):37-40
民事诉讼证据收集制度的形成和运行是由该国的讼讼观念、诉讼结构、司法制度等诸因素综合作用决定的,船舶碰撞诉讼证据的收集也是如此。由于船舶碰撞诉讼证据的收集衍生于船舶碰撞这种海上侵权行为,因此决定了船舶碰撞诉讼证据的收集在诸多方面具有其特殊性。  相似文献   

随着港口的发展、建设带来了船舶的大型化,带来了船舶进出港的密度加剧,带来了更多的施工船舶,它们都在无形中增加了航道的压力,使得原本畅通的航道变得越来越拥挤.文章结合日常监督管理的实践,分析了造成航道不安全环境的主客观因素,论述了船舶在通航密集区域的正确避碰措施和监管措施.  相似文献   

Research on a multi-grid model for passenger evacuation in ships   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to enhance the authenticity and accuracy of passenger evacuation simulation in ships, a new multi-grid model was proposed on the basis of a traditional cellular automata model. In the new model finer lattices were used, interaction of force among pedestrians or between pedestrians and constructions was considered, and static floor fields in a multi-level exit environment were simplified into cabin and exit static floor fields. Compared with the traditional cellular automata model, the multi-grid model enhanced the continuity of the passengers’track and the precision of the boundary qualifications. The functions of the dislocation distribution of passengers as well as partial overlap of tracks due to congestion were realized. Furthermore, taking the typical cabin environment as an example, the two models were used to analyze passenger evacuation under the same conditions. It was found that the laws of passenger evacuation simulated by the two models are similar, while the simulation’s authenticity and accuracy are enhanced by the multi-grid model.  相似文献   

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