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针对车道变换进程中驾驶员视点转移数据较少的问题,设计了实际跟车数据采集方案,以哈尔滨市小客车和大客车驾驶员作为观察对象,拍摄记录了他们在车道变换进程中的视点变换情况,如注视时间及注视点变化等数据。筛选759次车道变换数据作为有效样本,着重分析了驾驶员各视点停留概率和两视点之间转移概率的分布规律,得到驾驶员在车道变换进程中的注意力分配特性,为制定驾驶员车道变换操作准则和开发车道变换预警系统等研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

基于运行方向、环境、轨迹3个角度进行了车道变换行为的分类,按照意图产生、间隙选择、执行3个阶段划分了车道变换行为,分析了跟车调查和定点调查获取的实测数据,揭示了车道变换行为的时空分布特性。认为发生车道变换行为的时间间隔在1~2 min之间,不同车型发生车道变换行为的时间间隔有所不同;出入口相对于在直线段发生的车道变换行为更加频繁。  相似文献   

基于运行方向、环境、轨迹3个角度进行了车道变换行为的分类,按照意图产生、间隙选择、执行3个阶段划分了车道变换行为,分析了跟车调查和定点调查获取的实测数据,揭示了车道变换行为的时空分布特性.认为发生车道变换行为的时间间隔在1~2 min之间,不同车型发生车道变换行为的时间间隔有所不同;出入口相对于在直线段发生的车道变换行为更加频繁.  相似文献   

车道变换是一种复杂的刺激-反应行为,为了准确表示车辆变换车道的决策过程,克服现有模型的不足,重点考虑驾驶员特征和车辆类型对车道变换的影响,并将车道变换过程可划分为3个阶段,即车辆挟道意图的产生、换道可行性分析和换道的执行;引入随机效用理论描述换道需求的产生,建立了基于车道效用选择的自主性车道变换模型,利用视频处理软件获取大量车辆运行轨迹微观数据,采用极大似然估计法对构建的自主性车道变换模型进行了标定;最后,基于换道次数的仿真值与实测值,选取均方根偏差、均方根百分比偏差2个评价指标对车道变换模型的有效性进行了验证,误差指标小于10%,表明建立的自主性车道变换模型可以较好地描述车道变换复杂的运行行为.  相似文献   

针对交通标志对公交车驾驶员驾驶行为影响程度问题,从禁令标志的角度出发,分析其对公交车驾驶员驾驶行为的影响.外业采用自然驾驶调查、录像观测、表格记录等方法调查和记录驾驶员驾驶行为,内业根据区间时间间隔和区间距离,计算获得每公里停车次数、每公里车道变换次数、每公里加减速次数、区间运行速度等表征指标.采用相关性分析法,获取调查数据内在规律特征,得到每公里禁令标志分布量与车道变换次数、加减速次数影响因素显著相关,并分别构建了指数模型和立方模型予以拟合.结果表明,在调查路段和调查周期内,城市路侧禁令标志分布量显著影响公交车驾驶员操作行为;可将1.6作为禁令标志分布量变化量指标的判断阀值,当车道变换次数平均值变化量低于0.8、加减速次数平均值变化量小于1.1时,公交车驾驶员驾驶行为较为稳定;当禁令标志分布量变化量高于1.6时,驾驶员操作复杂性增加,表现为车辆频繁车道变换和加减速.   相似文献   

为获取驾驶人在海拔超过3 500 m的超高海拔区域超车过程中的注视特性,应用头戴式眼动仪在青藏公路展开了实车测试,监控并记录了驾驶人眼动行为数据。通过统计驾驶人在超车各阶段对各注视区域注视及视线转移时长,应用马尔可夫理论计算4个海拔范围内超车4个阶段在7个区域上的注视平稳分布向量,应用超车各阶段注视平稳分布向量间的相关系数评价超车模式的相似性,基于相关系数矩阵的最大特征值建立注视特性的关联指数,并用其分析超车各阶段及不同海拔下驾驶人注视特性的差异。研究结果表明:驾驶人在超高海拔区域超车时,主要关注当前车道和目标车道,关注比例分别为61.8%和26.4%;超车4个阶段的关联指数分别为3.315,2.934,3.102和3.794,表明意图阶段的注视分布差异性最大,跟驰和返回阶段的差异性较小;初上高原驾驶人的平均关联指数是本地驾驶人的1.89倍,显示其更为谨慎,注视离散性更强;海拔超过4 400 m后,驾驶人注视特性的相关系数要比其他海拔段低39%,呈现出不同的特性;超高海拔区域驾驶人主要注视当前车道,注视目标车道的比例小于平原微丘区驾驶人,体现出驾驶人未能全面关注驾驶环境信息。研究结果可作为交通设施设计优化、道路主动安全预防等研究的基础。  相似文献   

通过隧道路段行车试验,利用SmartEyeAB型眼动仪对驾驶员夜间隧道动视点数据进行采集并进行处理。选取视点停留比率、显著可见区域、扫视幅度、扫视峰值速度、扫视持续时间5项指标作为驾驶员动视点特征主要影响因素。利用模糊聚类分析中的传递闭包聚类方法对驾驶员夜间隧道路段行车视觉特点进行了分析与评价。通过驾驶员对路段的熟悉程度可将动视点特征分为6类。结果表明:该模糊聚类评价方法能够有效反映驾驶员夜间路段视觉信息获取与加工特征,可为保障夜间行车安全提供理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

视认距离法是研究隧道入口行车安全的重要研究方法。基于驾驶员正常驾驶中,不同眼动行为的区别,利用眼动仪采集的视点坐标,提出了一种确定实车实验中视认距离的方法。利用典型实验数据,通过视点坐标的速度变化,确定开始发现障碍物的时刻,即开始视认的时刻。通过眼动仪前置摄像头视频,确定障碍物经过驾驶员的时刻。两时刻作差,得出从发现障碍物到经过障碍物的时间,乘车辆匀速行驶的速度,得出视认距离。该方法充分利用了眼动仪的视点采集技术,为研究自然驾驶实验中的驾驶员视认行为,提供了新的研究方法。  相似文献   

基于"中国大型实车路试先行实验(China Pilot-FOT)"所采集的自然驾驶数据,提出了一种开环模型,它可以描述驾驶员紧急变换车道行为。将方向盘转角和方向盘转角变化率作为变道紧急程度的筛选条件,从中筛选出228例紧急变换车道工况。基于最大方向盘转角与最大方向盘转角变化率的线性关系,分析了紧急变换车道的持续时间。利用其中50百分位驾驶数据,来拟合模型参数。使用相关性和显著性检验,验证了真实驾驶数据与驾驶计算模型的关系。结果表明:该模型的输出结果与真实驾驶员操作结果一致性良好。因此,该模型可以描述中国一般驾驶员紧急变道行为。  相似文献   

基于图像传感器获得的车辆位置信息,提出一种分析汽车驾驶员驾驶特性的新方法。建立基于模糊机制的驾驶员车道内行驶安全评价模型,以数据库的观点对车辆行驶过程数据进行描述,通过分时间段采样的方式记录行驶车辆距道路标识线的横向距离,根据采样数据特征的统计分析结果确定车道内行车的安全评价模糊隶属度,以此评估驾驶员车道内行车的安全性,分析驾驶员的行车特点。车辆行驶试验表明,该方法能够准确分析驾驶员的行车状态,并评判驾驶员车道内行驶的安全特性。  相似文献   

高速公路上驾驶人换道行为容易导致车辆碰撞事故。利用车载自组网(Vanet)车车通信提醒驾驶人在换道过程中可能遇到的危险,但在真实环境中测试车载自组网难度大,代价高。Vanet-MobiSim和NS-2分别是优秀的交通、网络仿真器,两者联合可以为车载自组网提供真实可靠的微观仿真平台。文中结合开源的VanetMobiSim中的智能驾驶人换道模型——IDM_LC设计Vanet环境下的车辆换道模型,仿真产生不同车密度、车道数下的移动车辆Trace文件。将Trace文件导入开源的NS-2中进行仿真分析。结果表明,采用VanetMobiSim/NS-2联合仿真平台可以很好的模拟设计的不同情景下的车辆换道模型,车辆换道时的车车通信将使得车辆换道效率和安全性都得到提高。  相似文献   

针对固定时长的预瞄时间无法真实反映驾驶人预瞄行为的问题,首先对自由流条件下的驾驶人视觉特性进行研究,得到直行路段驾驶人注视点多分布在车道中央、弯道路段驾驶人注视点多分布在内侧边缘线附近且视线近似与内侧边缘线相切的结论;在此基础上,探究直行和弯道路段驾驶人预瞄时间的求解方法,并借助驾驶模拟器进行试验,获得了17位驾驶人的预瞄时间。由于预瞄时间的原始数据分布离散程度高,难以直观地体现其随道路线形的变化规律,因而对预瞄时间随道路线形的分布特征进行研究,利用分组求中位数的方法进行数据处理,最终构建预瞄时间关于道路线形的分段线性函数和非线性指数函数。最后,通过数值仿真研究不同类型的预瞄时间(固定时长的预瞄时间、分段线性函数预瞄时间及指数函数预瞄时间)对人-车-路闭环系统动力学特性的影响。研究结果表明:驾驶人预瞄特性会对车辆的轨迹跟随和车道保持绩效产生重要影响;在闭环系统中使用随道路线形变化的预瞄时间可以显著提高车辆的轨迹跟随绩效,确保车辆在指定车道内行驶;驾驶人对道路环境的感知具有自适应性,通过其视觉特性可准确感知环境变化,并据此调整决策目标及其操纵特性。  相似文献   

为了给大型营运客车换道预警系统设计提供参考,采用毫米波雷达、激光雷达、车道线识别传感器、GPS、视频监控系统以及控制器局域网(CAN)总线数据采集仪等设备,基于小型乘用车搭建浮动车采集平台。通过在试验线路上进行1.5×104 km的驾驶试验,获取1 200余次营运客车的真实换道数据。以Jula提出的换道安全性模型为基础,结合营运客车的换道行为特征,通过分析换道进程结束后客车需要与周围车辆保持的安全距离,建立适合于营运客车的3类换道安全性识别模型(客车与自车道前方车辆、目标车道前方车辆、目标车道后方车辆),并利用真实数据对3类模型进行验证。研究结果表明:客车换道持续时间均值为10.4 s,换道起始时刻与目标车道后方车辆的距离为10.0~40.0 m;所有换道样本中,73.3%的换道过程中客车速度要高于目标车道后方车辆,且超过90%的换道过程是由前方慢车引起;不同的速度区间下,车速和航向角联合变化情况下,驾驶人控制营运客车的横向偏移速度保持稳定,可认为客车驾驶人的心理预期换道进程存在固定经验模式,这与小型车换道的研究结论存在较大差异,传统的TTC预警算法识别率较低,在不同速度区间情况下,所提出的模型对客车与自车道前方车辆、目标车道前方车辆、目标车道后方车辆的换道安全识别评价准确率均超过了90%。  相似文献   

《JSAE Review》1994,15(1):35-43
This paper presents an anlysis of the control behaviour of a driver during curves and lane changes. We model the driver's behaviour taking the roll motion of the vehicle into consideration. Using this model with constraints on the roll angle, it is possible to model lane change maneuvers without specifying a path. The validity of the model is investigated through a comparison between computer simulation and experimentation using a driving simulator system.  相似文献   

A driver model is designed which relates the driver's action to his perception, driving experience, and preferences over a wide range of possible traffic situations. The basic idea behind the work is that the human uses his sensory perception and his expert knowledge to predict the vehicle's future behavior for the next few seconds (prediction model). At a certain sampling rate the vehicle's future motion is optimized using this prediction model, in order to meet certain objectives. The human tries to follow this optimal behavior using a compensatory controller. Based on this hypothesis, human vehicle driving is modeled by a hierarchical controller. A repetitive nonlinear optimization is employed to plan the vehicle's future motion (trajectory planning task), using an SQP algorithm. This is combined with a PID tracking control to minimize its deviations. The trajectory planning scheme is experimentally verified for undisturbed driving situations employing various objectives, namely ride comfort, lane keeping, and minimized speed variation. The driver model is then applied to study path planning during curve negotiation under various preferences. A highly dynamic avoidance maneuver (standardized ISO double lane change) is then simulated to investigate the overall stability of the closed loop vehicle/driver system.  相似文献   

The overall driving environment consists of the Traffic environment, vehicle and driver states (TVD). advanced driver assistance Systems (ADAS) must consider not only information on each of the TVD states but also their context. Recent research has focused on making more efficient and effective assistance systems by fusing all the information from the TVD states. Based on this research trend, this paper focuses on decision-level fusion to estimate the level of danger of a warning by using visual information of the traffic environment and the driver state. The driver state consists of the gazing region and the facial feature points that are obtained using the active appearance model (AAM). The traffic environment state consists of time to collision (TTC), time to lane Crossing (TLC), and lane color information, which are obtained from the environment in front of the vehicle, i.e., position of lanes and other vehicles. Warnings against lane-off, collision, and driver inattention are generated by fusing this vision-based information from inside and outside the vehicle. The experimental results prove that our vision-based interactive driver assistance system reduces most useless warnings.  相似文献   

We propose a learning-based driver modelling approach which can identify manoeuvres performed by drivers on the highway and predict the future driver inputs. We show how this approach can be applied to provide personalised driving assistance. In a first example, the driver model is used to predict unintentional lane departures and a model predictive controller is used to keep the car in the lane. In a second example, the driver model estimates the preferred acceleration of the driver during lane keeping, and a model predictive controller is implemented to provide a personalised adaptive cruise control. For both applications, we use a combination of real data and simulation to evaluate the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

With the goal of developing an accurate and fast lane tracking system for the purpose of driver assistance, this paper proposes a vision-based fusion technique for lane tracking and forward vehicle detection to handle challenging conditions, i.e., lane occlusion by a forward vehicle, lane change, varying illumination, road traffic signs, and pitch motion, all of which often occur in real driving environments. First, our algorithm uses random sample consensus (RANSAC) and Kalman filtering to calculate the lane equation from the lane candidates found by template matching. Simple template matching and a combination of RANSAC and Kalman filtering makes calculating the lane equation as a hyperbola pair very quick and robust against varying illumination and discontinuities in the lane. Second, our algorithm uses a state transfer technique to maintain lane tracking continuously in spite of the lane changing situation. This reduces the computational time when dealing with the lane change because lane detection, which takes much more time than lane tracking, is not necessary with this algorithm. Third, false lane candidates from occlusions by frontal vehicles are eliminated using accurate regions of the forward vehicles from our improved forward vehicle detector. Fourth, our proposed method achieved robustness against road traffic signs and pitch motion using the adaptive region of interest and a constraint on the position of the vanishing point. Our algorithm was tested with image sequences from a real driving situation and demonstrated its robustness.  相似文献   

In recent years, the driver's active assistances have become important features in commercialised vehicles. In this paper, we present one of these features which consists of an advanced driver assistance system for lane keeping. A thorough analysis of its performance and stability with respect to variations in driver behaviour will be given. Firstly, the lateral control model based on visual preview is established and the kinematics model based on visual preview, including speed and other factors, is used to calculate the lateral error and direction error. Secondly, and according to the characteristics of the lateral control, an efficient strategy of intelligent electric vehicle lateral mode is proposed. The integration of the vehicle current lateral error and direction error is chosen as the parameter of the sliding mode switching function to design the sliding surface. The control variables are adjusted according to the fuzzy control rules to ensure that they meet the existence and reaching condition. A new fuzzy logic-based switching strategy with an efficient control law is also proposed to ensure a level of continuous and variable sharing according to the state of the driver and the vehicle positioning on the roadway. The proposed control law acts either at the centre of the lane, as a lane keeping assistance system to reduce the driver's workload for long trips, or as a lane departure avoidance system that intervenes for unintended lane departures. Simulation results are included in this paper to explain this concept.  相似文献   

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