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In current interactive television schemes, the viewpoints should be manipulated by the user. However, there is no efficient method, to assist a user in automatically identifying and tracking the optimum viewpoint when the user observes the object of interest because many objects, most often humans, move rapidly and frequently. This paper proposes a novel framework for determining and tracking the virtual camera to best capture the front of the person of interest (PoI). First, one PoI is interactively chosen in a segmented 3D scene reconstructed by space carving method. Second, key points of the human torso of the PoI are detected by using a model-based method and the human’s global motion including rotation and translation is estimated by using a close-formed method with 3 corresponding points. At the last step, the front direction of PoI is tracked temporally by using the unscented particle filter (UPF). Experimental results show that the method can properly compute the front direction of the PoI and robustly track the best viewpoints.  相似文献   

A closed form solution to the problem of segmenting multiple 3D motion models was proposed from straight-line optical flow. It introduced the multibody line optical flow constraint (MLOFC), a polynomial equation relating motion models and line parameters. The motion models can be obtained analytically as the derivative of the MLOFC at the corresponding line measurement, without knowing the motion model associated with that line. Experiments on real and synthetic sequences were also presented.  相似文献   

A novel algorithm to voxelize 3D mesh models with gray levels is presented in this paper. The key innovation of our method is to decide the gray level of a voxel according to the total area of all surfaces contained by it. During the preprocessing stage, a set of voxels in the extended bounding box of each triangle is established. Then we travel each triangle and compute the areas between it and its set of voxels one by one. Finally, each voxel is arranged a discrete gray level from 0 to 255. Experiments show that our algorithm gets a comparatively perfect result compared with the prevenient ones and approaches the original models in a more accurate way.  相似文献   

Deformation of the spherical capsule in 3D simple shear flow is simulated using the immersed boundary method. The capsule membrane is regarded as an elastic medium satisfying the Neo-Hookean or Skalak elasticity. The motions of the capsule under various capillary numbers are studied. The results show that the deformation of the capsule becomes larger as the capillary number increases; in the same shear flow, the deformation under Skalak law is smaller than that under Neo-Hookean; for small capillary number the Taylor parameter agrees well with the analytical solution, whereas for large capillary number it is less than the analytical solution. Those results are validated by previous works obtained by the boundary integral method and the immersed boundary method.  相似文献   

用强度折减有限元方法对开挖边坡进行了三维稳定性分析.计算结果表明:对于约束效应不明显的开挖边坡,边坡的初始破坏面在边坡的中部,随着折减系数的增大,边坡的破坏由边坡中部向两侧扩展,最终边坡在空间上形成匙状或贝壳状的立体土体破坏;当边坡的纵向长度与开挖深度的比值大于4时,边界约束条件对边坡稳定安全系数影响不大,可以近似地按平面应变问题进行分析;对于角部约束效应明显的开挖边坡,当边坡中部剖面发生破坏,边坡角部剖面几乎也同时达到破坏,其稳定安全系数是按平面问题分析结果的1.3倍多,类似的实际问题如果按二维平面应变方法进行分析,其计算结果应用于工程设计中是偏于保守的.  相似文献   

We present a numerical formulation for resin flow based on the concept of quasi-steady state situation at the flow front. To be fit for complicated product shapes, we use the four-node unstructured tetrahedron mesh based on which the numerical formulation of temperature and degree of cure is developed. The validity of our method is established in the case where flexible meshes are used. The results show that the numerical procedure, tested on known data, provides numerically valid and reasonably accurate predictions.  相似文献   

3D技术在航海专业课程教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对比分析了我国与国外航海教育的现状,结合航海技术专业《船舶结构与设备》课程,将三维动画视频辅助教学的方式运用到该课程的实际教学工作之中,大大提高了课堂效率和教学效果,并对学生的职业技能与素质的提高有一定的益处。  相似文献   

A 3D displacement discontinuity method is applied to solve the fracture mechanics problems of the mixed mode crack under compression. Friction between the surface of the closed crack is considered by establishing a simple and efficient iterative algorithm based on method of contact resistance mitigation. On the surfaces of the closed crack, the Mohr-coulomb rule is satisfied by iteration when the crack is in condition of sliding. The stress intensity factors are obtained using displacement fitting method. It is shown that the numerical results agree with the experimental results well and that friction plays an important role in resisting crack propagation.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic tomography (EMT) is a non-invasive imaging technique capable of mapping the conductivity and permeability of an object. In EMT, eddy currents are induced in the object by the activation coils, and the receiving coils can measure the EMT voltages. When the activation frequency is significantly large, we can treat the metallic targets as electrically perfect conductors (EPCs). In this situation, a thin skin approximation is reasonable and this type of scattering problem can be effectively treated by the boundary element method (BEM) formulated through integration equations. In this study, we compute three-dimensional (3D) sensitivity matrix between the sensors due to an EPC perturbation. Efficiency improvement is achieved through the utility of scalar magnetic potential. Two EPC objects, one sphere and one cube shaped, are simulated. The results agree well with the H dot H formula. Overall, we conclude that BEM can be used to calculate the 3D sensitivity matrix of an EMT system efficiently. This method is a general one for any shaped objects while the H dot H solution is only capable of producing the response for a small ball.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical back-analysis of the response of a shield tunnel during construction. An important issue in the construction of shallow tunnels, especially in soft ground conditions, is the surface settlement caused by shield tunneling. The tunnel test system with 10 m length, 7 m width and 6.7 m height, which was completed in China in 2009, is a research shield tunnel system. Using shield tunneling technique known as earth pressure balance (EPB) and slurry shield method, it could be excavated in a region consisting of original soft soils, such as silty clay, and different types of underlain soft soils. Based on the test results, the real-life tunnel response can be analyzed by back-analysis technique. The back-analysis technique is adapted to the three-dimensional finite element method (FEM). Parameter analyses are calibrated to study the behavior of the multi-scale diameter tunnel under various conditions. The suggested multi-scale model results show a well agreement between the prediction and the measurement.  相似文献   

The ability of 3D ultrasound volume contrast imaging in C-plane (VCI-C) in the assessment of female levator hiatus was analyzed in eighty normal nulliparas. Interoperator variability in levator hiatus measurements was analyzed. The comparison of the axial image of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and C-plane image of volume contrast imaging (VCI) in thirty normal nulliparas was also done. It shows that VCI-C can clearly demonstrate the structure and accurately quantitates the size of the levator hiatus. It is reliable, convenient and without contraindication in assessment of female levator hiatus. The technology opens up entirely new modality for assessing female pelvic floor. Foundation item: the Scientific Research Project of Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau (No. 2008083)  相似文献   

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(TENS) has been widely used for sensory feedback which is a key consideration of improving the performance of prosthetic hands. Two-electrode discriminability is the key to realize high-spatial-resolution TENS, but the neural firing mechanism is not clear yet. The goal of this research is to investigate the neural firing patterns under two-electrode stimulation and to reveal the potential mechanisms. A three-dimensional(3 D) model is established by incorporating Aβ fiber neuron clusters into a layered forearm structure. The diameters of the stimulating electrodes are selected as 5, 7, 9 and 12 mm, and the two-electrode discrimination distance(TEDD) is quantified. It is found that a distant TEDD is obtained for a relatively large electrode size, and 7 mm is suggested to be the optimal diameter of stimulating electrodes. The present study reveals the neural firing patterns under two-electrode stimulation by the 3 D TENS model. In order to discriminate individual electrodes under simultaneous stimulation, no crosstalk of activated Aβ fibers exists between two electrodes. This research can further guide the optimization of the electrode-array floorplan.  相似文献   

路面平整度及病害检测是道路工程研究的重要内容.基于静态的三维脉冲激光扫描技术在一定程度上可以弥补现有检测技术和方法的不足,实现快速、方便、大面积的测设.有较高的应用价值.  相似文献   

路面平整度及病害检测是道路工程研究的重要内容.基于静态的三维脉冲激光扫描技术在一定程度上可以弥补现有检测技术和方法的不足,实现快速、方便、大面积的测设.有较高的应用价值.  相似文献   

基于AutoCAD用仿形法实现斜齿轮加工仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要介绍在AutoCAD的平台上,采用VBA开发工具,利用布尔运算,根据仿形法齿轮加工原理,对斜齿轮加工过程进行三维动态仿真。  相似文献   

目的通过CT影像资料及三维重建斜矢状位图像分析髂嵴对腰5-骶1(L_5-S_1)经椎间孔穿刺置管可行性的影响。方法回顾性分析在南通大学附属医院行腹盆腔CT检查的无腰椎和骨盆骨性病变及局部软组织病变的30~50岁成年人的CT影像资料及重建目标斜矢状位图像,根据穿刺置管可行性将入组测量样本分为可穿刺置管组(Ⅰ组)和不可穿刺置管组(Ⅱ组),对比分析两组的影像图像中穿刺头倾角(α)、髂骨外展角(β)、髂嵴间距离(a)、骶髂关节间距离(b)、S_1椎体上关节突高度(c)、髂嵴高度(d)及斜矢状位图像中S_1椎体上关节突高度(c’)之间的差异,分析相关影像指标、斜矢状位图像中髂嵴对穿刺置管的影响。结果影像测量结果显示,Ⅰ组与Ⅱ组的高、低髂嵴例数分别为117/58 vs.63/0,男性/女性为64/111 vs.56/7;Ⅰ组影像测量指标α、b、c高于Ⅱ组(34.77±4.86 vs.31.11±5.16,P<0.001;137.19±19.24 vs.128.56±20.73,P=0.003;14.34±2.38 vs.13.02±2.68,P<0.001),而d低于Ⅱ组(27.51±6.73 vs.37.65±6.35,P<0.001),差异具有统计学意义。此外,通过CT重建方法分析发现,斜矢状位中c’与CT扫描冠状位中c比较差异无统计学意义(13.99±2.53 vs.13.93±2.40,P=0.465)。结论基于CT扫描及三维重建在术前可以更加全面、有效评估髂嵴对L_5-S_1行椎间孔穿刺置管的影响,髂嵴内聚程度和髂嵴高度是评估的关键因素,髂嵴外观为宽且低时,穿刺置管更容易,因此,女性可成功穿刺置管的概率更高。  相似文献   

目的应用酵母双杂交及生物信息学(bioinformatics)技术获得HBxAg蛋白结合蛋白XBP1,为了解该基因的反式调节机制,利用抑制性消减杂交技术筛选并克隆XBP1蛋白反式激活的靶基因。方法以XBP1表达质粒pcD-NA3.1(-)-myc-his(A)-XBP1转染HepG2细胞,以空载体pcDNA3.1(-)-myc-his(A)为对照;制备转染后的细胞裂解液,提取mRNA并合成cDNA,经RsaⅠ酶切后将实验组cDNA分成两组,分别衔接两种不同接头,再与对照组cDNA进行两次消减杂交及两次PCR反应,产物与T/A克隆载体连接,构建cDNA消减文库,并转染大肠杆菌进行文库扩增,随机挑选克隆经PCR鉴定后进行测序及同源性分析。结果成功构建人XBP1蛋白反式激活相关基因差异表达的cDNA。扩增后得到80个200~1 000bp插入片段的克隆,随机挑选其中30个插入片段测序,并通过生物信息学分析获得其全长基因序列,结果共获得28个已知编码序列基因和2个未知的新基因。结论 XBP1在肝细胞内表达后能够上调HepG2细胞中许多不同基因表达的变化,这些基因与细胞信号转导、细胞增殖与分化、免疫应答、能量代谢、细胞凋亡、肿瘤发生等生物过程密切相关。  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is a lethal disease.Despite sig-nificant advances in diagnosis,staging,and surgicalmanagement of the disease,less than10%of pa-tients survive for more than one year fromthe ti meof diagnosis[1-2].The largely refractory response tochemotherapy is a common feature of this disease,and eventhe principal therapeutic agent,the nucleo-side analogue gemcitabine(2′,2′-difluorodeoxycyt-idine),only marginally affects clinical outcomes[3].Therefore,further understanding of the chemores…  相似文献   

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